What questions will you ask to assess the subjects' understanding of the risks and benefits of
participation? (Questions should be open-ended and go beyond requiring only a yes/no response.)
Attach all supporting documents to the application such as consent forms, assent forms, cover
letters, parental permission forms, guardianship permission form, reminder postcards,
recruiting flyers, questionnaires, support letters for research sites, and other IRB approval
The following file extensions are acceptable formats: .doc, .pdf, .xls, .ppt, and .vsd. Name
each file with the PI's last name and type of document it is. ( e.g. Smithconsentform.doc )
The size of attached file cannot be larger than 4MB.
Total Number of Files Attached: ____________________
Appendix A: Inclusion of Vulnerable Populations
The targeting or inclusion of potentially vulnerable populations (other than children, pregnant
women/fetuses and prisoners) in research requires special considerations. Provide information
on the following populations, if applicable, in this research. Note: 1-4 not all required but at least
one must be filled out.
☐ 1. Mentally/Emotionally/Developmentally Disabled
Provide justification: _______________________________________________________________
Explain how competency to provide consent will be determined and plan for obtaining surrogate
consent: _________________________________________________________________________
☐ 2. Minority Group(s)/Non-English Speakers
Provide justification: ________________________________________________________________
Provide plan for obtaining consent: ____________________________________________________
☐ 3. Elderly (65+) Provide justification:
If competency to provide consent may be an issue, describe how competency will be determined
and plan for obtaining consent: ______________________________________________________
☐ 4. Gender Imbalance
If all or more of one gender are targeted, provide justification for this:
Appendix B: Pregnant Women, Human Fetuses and Neonates involved in Research
Federal regulations define pregnancy as encompassing the period of time from implantation until
delivery. A woman shall be assumed to be pregnant if she exhibits any of the pertinent presumptive
signs of pregnancy, such as missed menses, until the results of a pregnancy test are negative or
until delivery. Fetus means the product of conception from implantation until delivery.
1. Does your research involve a pregnant woman or her fetus? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please explain:
Is there any risk involved in this research?
☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, the risk must be the least possible for achieving the objectives of the research.
Please explain how any risk has been minimized for subjects: