Spell the next spelling word aloud.
Move ahead 2 spaces.
Have another player
write the word with
blanks for two of the
letters. Fill them in.
Move ahead 1 space.
Spell the next spelling word aloud.
Then use it in a sentence.
Have another player write
the word with all the letters
mixed up. Use the scrambled
word to help you write it
correctly. Then go ahead 1.
Move ahead 3 spaces.
Spell the next spelling word aloud.
Write the word
correctly 2 times. Then
move ahead 2 spaces.
Move ahead 2 spaces.
Write the next spelling word on
Write the word correctly.
Trace the tricky part(s)
with a red pen or marker.
Then move ahead 2 spaces.
Draw a picture to illustrate
the word. Then move ahead 3.
Another player should write the
word 3 ways. Only one should be
correct. Choose the correct spelling.
Copy the correct spelling 2
times. Then move ahead 1
Move ahead 1 space.
Rip a piece of paper into scraps (or
grab small sticky notes). Write the
word, one letter per piece.
Do the activity again, using the
spelling word card to help you
spell correctly. Move ahead 1
Move ahead 2 spaces.
Spell the next spelling word aloud.
Then use it in a sentence. Draw a
picture of your sentence.
Write the word
correctly 3 times. Then
move ahead 2 spaces.
Move ahead 4 spaces.
Write the next spelling word on
Write the word using
stair step spelling.
Move ahead 1.
Write the word with stair
spelling. Move ahead 2.
Spell the next spelling word aloud.
Then use it in a sentence.
Write the word
correctly 2 times. Then
move ahead 1 space.
Move ahead 3 spaces.
©Anna Geiger – themeasuredmom.com