Village of Lincolnshire
Park Donations
Memorials and plaques are an excellent way to
Recognize a loved one, a favorite coach, or special
event making a donation to a Village park.
There are nine parks in The Village of Lincolnshire. Each park has its own unique personality. If
you are interested in donating to a Village park, we recommend that you visit the parks to
determine which park best suits your needs.
The Village website
has a map of the Village parks and information on
the site amenities at each of the parks. In addition, a Donations and Memorials Form can be
downloaded for your use.
Items which might be considered for donation:
Park Bench Costs vary depending upon the type of bench selected.
Bench fees run from $600 to $1800 per bench.
Trees Most tree costs are $350 to $600 per tree. However, if you
want a larger tree or one that is unusual, costs may be
Bricks Bricks may be purchased for installation at North Park. The
pricing structure is as follows:
Small bricks (4”x8”) $100 Large bricks (12”x12”) $200
3 lines of text 12 letters 5 lines of text 16 letters
per line. per line.
All donations are acknowledged with a plaque and are tax deductible as far as allowed by law.
Park Donation Form
Name: ____________________________________________ Date:__________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________
Home Phone: ___________________ Other Phone: ___________________________
I wish to donate: ________________________________to ______________________Park.
Enclosed is my donation of : $ ________________________________
I wish my donation to be acknowledged with a plaque that states the following:
I wish to donate a brick to North Park: Size: 4”x8” 12”x12”
Make checks payable to: The Village of Lincolnshire
One Olde Half Day Road
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
For questions or additional information please contact Brad Woodbury, Public Works Director at
847.913.2381 or