Debt Type, Connued
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 16D authorizes the Department of Revenue to charge collecon costs to cover the cost of collecon. Agencies cannot
refer a debt to the department if it includes Collecon Costs. You must remove any of your agency’s collecon costs before referring a debt to us.
If you add any addional fees or costs, answer the quesons below.
What is the addional amount called? (for example, fee, penalty, etc.).............. 1
2 What statute authorizes the assessment?...................................... 2
3 What is the rate or amount?................................................. 3
Payo Order
In what order do you apply payments to the debt? (Select one):
Penalty, Interest, Principal, Fees/Costs (this is the most common)
Principal, Penalty, Interest, Fees/Costs
Other (explain, including statutory reference)
Disbursement of Payments
Payments to you are made through the state wide accounng system, SWIFT. Please complete the informaon below:
How will you recieve payment? (Select one):
Cash Receipt (your individual debtors and debts are in SWIFT)
We will post directly to the debt. (1, 6, 7, and 8 required below)
Cash Receipt Correction (your agency is in SWIFT, but your individual debtors are not)
We will send a lump sum payment to your SWIFT account (1 through 8 are required below)
Vendor (Neither your agency nor your debtors are in SWIFT)
We will send a lump sum payment to your Vendor ID (9 and 10 are required below)
SWIFT Informaon
Fill out all that apply. Contact Minnesota Management and Budget for this information if you do not have it.
1. SWIFT Business Unit: 5 characters
2. SWIFT Account: 6 characters
3. SWIFT Department ID: 8 characters
4. SWIFT Fund: 4 characters
5. SWIFT Appropriation ID: 7 characters
6. SWIFT Deposit Unit: (If used) 5 characters*
7. SWIFT Midas Location: 8 characters*
8. SWIFT Bank Code: 5 characters
9. SWIFT Vendor ID
10. SWIFT Vendor Location
Note: The rst three characters of the SWIFT Midas Locaon must match the rst three characters of the SWIFT Deposit Unit.
Method of Referral
How will you refer debts to us? (Select one):
e-Services – an online system where you directly enter the informaon for each debt. This is most common for agencies with fewer cases. We
will set up an online account for you to refer new debts, change referred debts, and report payments made.
Virtual Room – A systemac process where you upload data les with informaon for mulple debts. Data les must match our le layout. If
you choose this opon, we will provide the le layout requirements. Virtual Room is generally for agencies with many cases which makes it
inecient to manually enter and update debt informaon. If this is your choice please provide the following:
Technical Contact Name:
Debt Referral Quesonnaire, connued