Noce of Business Transfer
Business Acquired
Name Sellers Minnesota Tax ID
City State ZIP Code
Lien Informaon
Date Filed Lien Number Amount
Locaon where recorded (e.g., Secretary of State’s oce, county recorder’s oce)
Purchaser (Successor)
Name Purchaser’s Minnesota Tax ID
City State ZIP code
Consideraon and expected payment dates
Amount Expected payment date
Amount Expected payment date
Amount Expected payment date
Rev. 03/07
Mail to: Minnesota Department of Revenue, An: Successor Liability, PO Box 64651, St. Paul, MN 55164-0651.
If you have quesons, call 651-556-3003 or 1-800-657-3909.
Use this form to nofy the Department of Revenue of an impending transfer of assets (Minnesota Statutes 270C.57).
Note: If you prefer, you may send a copy of the lien and the applicable purchase agreement pages instead of using this form.
We reserve the right to request the enre purchase agreement if there are quesons.
Sign Here
I declare that this informaon is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of Purchaser Date