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Student Center Building 13
PO Box 1420
Lumberton, NC 28359
T 910.272.3352 Email: finaid@robeson.edu
F 910.272.3314 Website: https://www.robeson.edu/fa/
2020-2021 Financial Aid
Student’s Name: _____________________________________________ Student ID: ____________________
Address: __________________________________________ City/State/Zip____________________________
Phone #: ______________________________________ Email: ______________________________________
What is a consortium agreement?
Consortium Agreements allow students to be considered enrolled at their home institution while taking coursework at
another (host) institution. The home school, Robeson Community College (RCC), is the institution granting the student’s
degree, diploma, or certificate. The host school is the institution that the student is “visiting” under this agreement. The
host school must be an approved Title IV school. The purpose of this agreement is to extend regular student status to RCC
students taking pre-approved coursework at the host institution.
Student Checklist:
Complete Section I of the agreement
Meet with your Academic Advisor to have Section II completed. Please make sure you meet the
following requirements:
• You are enrolled at RCC in an eligible program of study
• The courses approved to take at host school are required for your program of study
Meet with a representative of RCC ’s Financial Aid office to have Section III of this agreement reviewed
and signed.
RCC ’s Financial Aid Office will submit the consortium agreement to your Host School for authorized
signature(s). The host school faxes the completed form to RCC Financial Aid for processing.
After completing the consortium term, you must request an academic transcript from the host school to be
sent to the RCC Registrar’s Office. Please note Satisfactory Academic Progress could be impacted if the
transcript is not received or the courses are not successfully completed.
A consortium agreement will not be processed for any student who is in a “Suspended or Probationary”
Satisfactory Academic (SAP) status.
Enrollment Status: The student is responsible for informing the Financial Aid Office at RCC of their enrollment status
at both institutions. RCC will award the student financial aid based on the enrollment status as determined by combining
coursework to be taken at the host school and RCC. After classes begin, RCC will confirm actual enrollment and revise,
if necessary, financial aid awards to reflect the actual enrollment status. The host institution will provide RCC with
documentation supporting the students’ enrollment status. This documentation must include credit hours enrolled,
enrollment period beginning and ending dates, and list of specific courses the student is taking.
Disbursing and Distributing Aid: RCC will disburse Title IV Federal financial aid funds.