Reubin O'D. Askew
Department of Governm
M.A. Comprehensive Exam
Registration Form
The M.A. Comprehensive Exam (henceforth “comps”) is administered every semester during
exam week. Students planning to take their comps must have this Registration Form completed
no later than the end of the first full month of the semester (September in the Fall, January in the
Spring, and May in the Summer). The form shall be signed first by the members of the
Committee and then the Department Chair, who will pass it on to the Office Administrator, who
will in turn sign and date it, and place one copy in the student’s file and another in the M.A.
Comps file. (Please note that students enrolled in courses in the semester in which they are to
take their comps must also have the Coursework Completion Form filled out.)
1. Committee Chair: ____________________________
Exam Topic: ________________________________
Faculty Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___________
2. Committee Member: ____________________________
Exam Topic: _______________________________
Faculty Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___________
3. Committee Member: ____________________________
Exam Topic: _______________________________
Faculty Signature: ___________________________ Date: __________
4. Acknowledged:
___________________________________ Date: ___________
Department Chair
___________________________________ Date: ___________
Office Administrator
Date: ________________________ Expected Graduation Date: ___________________
First Name: ___________________ Last Name: ________________________________
UWF ID: _____________________ Student Email: _____________________________