a. I attest that the Community EMS Program will only operate and provide services
and community outreach and assistance to residents of the local jurisdiction(s) in
which the ambulance service is the primary service.
b. I attest that all EMS Personnel training and activities related to the Community
EMS Program will be approved by the local public health agency and the primary
ambulance service’s affiliate hospital medical director.
Signature of Affiliate Hospital Medical Director
Date Signed
int Name of Affiliate Hospital Medical Director
ospital Medical Direc
Signature of Local Public Health Authority Authorized Signatory
Date Signed
i. Ensure all EMS personnel providing services in the Community EMS Program
successfully complete additional training tailored to meet the specific needs of the
particular Community EMS Program.
ii. Review the quality of the EMS personnel’s delivery of services.
iii. Ensure EMS personnel provide services only within their scope of practice.
iv. Ensure vehicles deployed by the primary ambulance service partner are appropriate
for the clinical encounter, and that all regulatory and manufacturer requirements
specific to equipment, supplies and medications will be adhered to when responding
to a Community EMS encounter.
v. Ensure that the 911 EMS system will be activated and that the Community EMS on-
scene personnel will continue to assess and treat a patient in accordance with
clinical protocols until transfer of care to the responding ambulance s
ervice, if an
assessment in coordination with medical direction indicates to on-scene personnel
that the patient is experiencing a medical emergency.
Print Name of Local Public Health Authority Authorized Signatory
Title of Local Public Health Authority Authorized Signatory
c. I attest that the designated primary ambulance service’s affiliate hospital medical
director will:
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