Commercial Sublease Agreement
THIS SUBLEASE AGREEMENT is entered into on ____________, 20___ by and between
___________________, a [STATE] ______________ [CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, SOLE
PROPRIETORSHIP, ETC.] ("SUBLESSOR”), with an address of
__________________________________________, and _______________________, a [STATE]
("SUBTENANT"), currently located at _______________________________ (the “Parties”).
FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the Parties agree to the following terms and conditions.
1. Premises. Sublessor hereby subleases to Sublessee and Sublessee hereby subleases from
Sublessor for the term specified below, and upon all of the conditions set forth herein, that certain real
property, including all improvements thereon, commonly known by the street address of
_____________ _____________________, located in the County of ___________, State of
____________, and generally described as _________________________________ (the “Premises”).
2. Term. The term of this Sublease shall be for ____________________[SPECIFY NUMBER OF
MONTHS, YEARS] commencing on ____________, 20__ and ending on _____________, 20__,
unless sooner terminated pursuant to any provision hereof. Sublessor agrees to use its best
commercially reasonable efforts to deliver possession of the Premises by the commencement date. If,
despite said efforts, Sublessor is unable to deliver possession as agreed, the rights and obligations of
Sublessor and Sublessee shall be as set forth in the Master Lease and in Paragraph 7 of this Sublease.
3. Base Rent. Sublessee shall pay to Sublessor as Base Rent for the Premises equal monthly
payments of $_________ in advance, on the _______ day of each month of the term hereof.
Sublessee shall pay Sublessor upon the execution hereof $___________ as Base Rent for the period
___________ through ____________. Base Rent which is less than one month for any period during
the term hereof shall be calculated at a pro rata portion of the monthly installment.
4. Rent Defined. All monetary obligations of Sublessee to Sublessor under the terms of this
Sublease (except for the Security Deposit) are deemed to be rent (“Rent”). Rent shall be payable in
lawful money of the United States to Sublessor at the address stated herein or to such other persons or
at such other places as Sublessor may designate in writing.
5. Security Deposit. Sublessee shall deposit with Sublessor upon execution hereof $_________ as
security for Sublessee’s faithful performance of Sublessee’s obligations hereunder. The rights and
obligations of Sublessor and Sublessee as to said Security Deposit shall be as set forth in the Master
Lease (as modified by Paragraph 7 of this Sublease).
6. Use.
(a) Agreed Use. The Premises shall be used and occupied only for ____________________ and
for no other purpose.
(b) Compliance. Sublessor warrants that the improvements on the Premises comply with all
applicable covenants or restrictions of record and applicable building codes, regulations and ordinances
in effect on the commencement date. Said warranty does not apply to the use to which Sublessee will
put the Premises or to any alterations or utility installations made or to be made by Sublessee. NOTE:
Sublessee is responsible for determining whether or not the zoning is appropriate for its intended use,
and acknowledges that past uses of the Premises may no longer be allowed. If the Premises do not
comply with said warranty, or in the event that the applicable requirements are hereafter changed, the
rights and obligations of Sublessor and Sublessee shall be as provided in the Master Lease (as
modified in Paragraph 7 of this Sublease).
(c) Acceptance of Premises and Lessee. Sublessee acknowledges that (i) it has been advised to
satisfy itself with respect to the condition of the Premises (including but not limited to the electrical,
HVAC and fire sprinkler systems, security, environmental aspects, and compliance with all applicable
requirements) and their suitability for Sublessee’s intended use; (ii) Sublessee has made such
investigation as it deems necessary with reference to such matters and assumes all responsibility
therefor as the same relate to its occupancy of the Premises; and (iii) neither Sublessor, Sublessor’s
agents, nor any broker has made any oral or written representations or warranties with respect to said
matters other than as set forth in this Sublease. In addition, Sublessor acknowledges that it is
Sublessor’s sole responsibility to investigate the financial capability and/or suitability of all proposed
7. Master Lease.
(a) Sublessor is the lessee of the Premises by virtue of a lease, (the “Master Lease”), a copy of
which is attached hereto, wherein _____________________________ is the lessor, (“Master Lessor”).
(b) This Sublease is and shall at all times be subject and subordinate to the Master Lease.
(c) The terms, conditions and respective obligations of Sublessor and Sublessee to each other
under this Sublease shall be the terms and conditions of the Master Lease except for those provisions
of the Master Lease which are directly contradicted by this Sublease in which event the terms of this
Sublease shall control over the Master Lease. Therefore, for the purposes of this Sublease, wherever
in the Master Lease the word “Lessor” is used it shall be deemed to mean the Sublessor herein and
wherever in the Master Lease the word “Lessee” is used it shall be deemed to mean the Sublessee
(d) During the term of this Sublease and for all periods subsequent for obligations which have
arisen prior to the termination of this Sublease, Sublessee does hereby expressly assume and agree to
perform and comply with, for the benefit of Sublessor and Master Lessor, each and every obligation of
Sublessor under the Master Lease (the “Sublessee’s Assumed Obligations”). The obligations that
Sublessee has not assumed under this Paragraph 7 are hereinafter referred to as the “Sublessor’s
Remaining Obligations”.
(e) Sublessee shall hold Sublessor free and harmless from all liability, judgments, costs, damages,
claims or demands, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of Sublessee’s failure to comply
with or perform Sublessee’s Assumed Obligations.
(f) Sublessor agrees to maintain the Master Lease during the entire term of this Sublease, subject
however, to any earlier termination of the Master Lease without the fault of the Sublessor, and to
comply with or perform Sublessor’s Remaining Obligations and to hold Sublessee free and harmless
from all liability, judgments, costs, damages, claims or demands arising out of Sublessor’s failure to
comply with or perform Sublessor’s Remaining Obligations.
(g) Sublessor represents to Sublessee that the Master Lease is in full force and effect and that no
default exists on the part of any party to the Master Lease.
8. Assignment of Sublease and Default.
(a) Sublessor hereby assigns and transfers to Master Lessor the Sublessor’s interest in this
Sublease, subject to the provisions of this Paragraph 8.
(b) Master Lessor, by executing this document, agrees that until a default occurs in the
performance of Sublessor’s Obligations under the Master Lease, that Sublessor may receive, collect
and enjoy the Rent accruing under this Sublease. However, if Sublessor defaults in the performance of
its obligations to Master Lessor, then Master Lessor may, at its option, receive and collect, directly from
Sublessee, all Rent owing and to be owed under this Sublease. Master Lessor shall not, by reason of
this assignment of the Sublease nor by reason of the collection of the Rent from Sublessee, be deemed
liable to Sublessee for any failure of Sublessor to perform and comply with Sublessor’s Remaining
(c) Sublessor hereby irrevocably authorizes and directs Sublessee upon receipt of any written
notice from the Master Lessor stating that a default exists in the performance of Sublessor’s obligations
under the Master Lease, to pay to Master Lessor the Rent due and to become due under the Sublease.
Sublessor agrees that Sublessee shall have the right to rely upon any such statement and request from
Master Lessor, and that Sublessee shall pay such Rent to Master Lessor without any obligation or right
to inquire as to whether such default exists and notwithstanding any notice from or claim from
Sublessor to the contrary and Sublessor shall have no right or claim against Sublessee for any such
Rent so paid by Sublessee.
(d) No changes or modifications shall be made to this Sublease without the consent of Master
9. Consent of Master Lessor.
(a) In the event that the Master Lease requires that Sublessor obtain the consent of Master Lessor
to any subletting by Sublessor, then this Sublease shall not be effective unless, within ten (10) days of
the date hereof, Master Lessor signs this Sublease thereby giving its consent to this subletting.
(b) In the event that the obligations of the Sublessor under the Master Lease have been
guaranteed by third Parties, then neither this Sublease nor the Master Lessor’s consent shall be
effective unless, within ten (10) days of the date hereof, said guarantors sign this Sublease thereby
giving their consent to this Sublease.
(c) In the event that Master Lessor does give such consent then:
(i) Such consent shall not release Sublessor of its obligations or alter the primary liability of
Sublessor to pay the Rent and perform and comply with all of the obligations of Sublessor to be
performed under the Master Lease.
(ii) The acceptance of Rent by Master Lessor from Sublessee or anyone else liable under the
Master Lease shall not be deemed a waiver by Master Lessor of any provisions of the Master Lease.
(iii) The consent to this Sublease shall not constitute a consent to any subsequent subletting or
(iv) In the event of any default of Sublessor under the Master Lease, Master Lessor may
proceed directly against Sublessor, any guarantors or anyone else liable under the Master Lease or this
Sublease without first exhausting Master Lessor’s remedies against any other person or entity liable
thereon to Master Lessor.
(v) Master Lessor may consent to subsequent sublettings and assignments of the Master Lease
or this Sublease or any amendments or modifications thereto without notifying Sublessor or anyone
else liable under the Master Lease and without obtaining their consent and such action shall not relieve
such persons from liability.
(vi) In the event that Sublessor should default in its obligations under the Master Lease, then
Master Lessor, at its option and without being obligated to do so, may require Sublessee to attorn to
Master Lessor in which event Master Lessor shall undertake the obligations of Sublessor under this
Sublease from the time of the exercise of said option to termination of this Sublease but Master Lessor
shall not be liable for any prepaid Rent nor any Security Deposit paid by Sublessee, nor shall Master
Lessor be liable for any other defaults of the Sublessor under the Sublease.
(d) The signatures of the Master Lessor and any Guarantors of Sublessor at the end of this
document shall constitute their consent to the terms of this Sublease.
(e) Master Lessor acknowledges that, to the best of Master Lessor’s knowledge, no default
presently exists under the Master Lease of obligations to be performed by Sublessor and that the
Master Lease is in full force and effect.
(f) In the event that Sublessor defaults under its obligations to be performed under the Master
Lease by Sublessor, Master Lessor agrees to deliver to Sublessee a copy of any such notice of default.
Sublessee shall have the right to cure any default of Sublessor described in any notice within ten (10)
days after such service of such notice of default on Sublessee. If such default is cured by Sublessee,
then Sublessee shall have the right of reimbursement and offset from and against Sublessor.
10. Broker’s Fee.
(a) Upon execution hereof by all Parties, Sublessor shall pay to ___________________________
a licensed real estate broker (“Broker”) a fee as set forth in a separate agreement between Sublessor
and Broker, or in the event there is no such separate agreement, the sum of $_____________ for
brokerage services rendered by Broker to Sublessor in this transaction.
(b) Sublessor agrees that if Sublessee exercises any option or right of first refusal as granted by
Sublessor herein, or any option or right substantially similar thereto, either to extend the term of this
Sublease, to renew this Sublease, to purchase the Premises, or to lease or purchase adjacent property
which Sublessor may own or in which Sublessor has an interest, then Sublessor shall pay to Broker a
fee in accordance with the schedule of Broker in effect at the time of the execution of this Sublease.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Sublessor’s obligation under this Paragraph 10(b) is limited to a
transaction in which Sublessor is acting as a Sublessor, lessor or seller.
(c) Master Lessor agrees that if Sublessee should exercise any option or right of first refusal
granted to Sublessee by Master Lessor in connection with this Sublease, or any option or right
substantially similar thereto, either to extend or renew the Master Lease, to purchase the Premises or
any part thereof, or to lease or purchase adjacent property which Master Lessor may own or in which
Master Lessor has an interest, or if Broker is the procuring cause of any other lease or sale entered into
between Sublessee and Master Lessor pertaining to the Premises, any part thereof, or any adjacent
property which Master Lessor owns or in which it has an interest, then as to any of said transactions,
Master Lessor shall pay to Broker a fee, in cash, in accordance with the schedule of Broker in effect at
the time of the execution of this Sublease.
(d) Any fee due from Sublessor or Master Lessor hereunder shall be due and payable upon the
exercise of any option to extend or renew, upon the execution of any new lease, or, in the event of a
purchase, at the close of escrow.
(e) Any transferee of Sublessor’s interest in this Sublease, or of Master Lessor’s interest in the
Master Lease, by accepting an assignment thereof, shall be deemed to have assumed the respective
obligations of Sublessor or Master Lessor under this Paragraph 10. Broker shall be deemed to be a
third-party beneficiary of this Paragraph.
11. Attorney’s Fees. If any party or the Broker named herein brings an action to enforce the terms
hereof or to declare rights hereunder, the prevailing party in any such action, on trial and appeal,
shall be entitled to his reasonable attorney’s fees to be paid by the losing party as fixed by the
13. Governing Law. This Sublease shall be governed by the laws of the State of __________. Any
disputes hereunder will be heard in the appropriate state and federal courts located in the County of
_________, [State].
Executed at:__________________________
Executed at:__________________________
Sublessor: __________________________
Sublessee: __________________________
Consented to:
Printed Name:__________________________