Leaving Certificate 2020 – subject entry for which the school
cannot sign off on an estimated mark
The principal or deputy principal should complete this form in any case where:
▪ a student enrolled in the school is entered for an additional subject being studied outside of the
school, and
▪ the student has not withdrawn from the subject, and
▪ the school is NOT satisfied that there is sufficient evidence available to them to stand over any
estimated mark that could be provided.
If this form is completed, the student may not receive a result for this subject. If the school CAN
stand over an estimated mark, complete Form C instead.
Note: These forms should be retained securely with the other documentation and may be
requested from the schools later in the process.
Student, subject and level details
Student’s examination number:
Tutor registered with the Teaching Council?
Note: This is not an essential requirement.
Reason for inability to sign off on an estimate
Yes No
Unable to establish necessary contact with tutor
Yes No
Insufficient evidence on which to base an estimate
Yes No
Yes No