Leaving Certificate 2020 – Class rank order
Read the two documents A Guide to Calculated Grades for Leaving Certificate Students 2020 and Guide to Schools on
Providing Estimated Percentage Marks and Rank Orderings before completing this form. This form is used to list, in
order of expected level of examination performance, all of the students at the same level (Higher, Ordinary, Foundation,
Common) within each class. A separate form should be completed for each level within each class. Class groups for the
same subject should not be combined. This form should only be completed after an estimated percentage mark form
(Form A) has been completed for each student.
1. Teacher, subject and level details
2. Rank order
List the students in order of expected level of examination performance. The first student on the list should be the one
the school expects to do best, and so on. Accordingly, the estimated percentage mark for any student on the list cannot
be greater than the one above it, although it can be equal to it. The mark entered for each student must correspond to
the estimated percentage mark on Form A for that student. Where two students have the same estimated percentage
mark, a decision about what order to put them in must be made. This is dealt with in the Guide to Schools.