City of St. Charles Police Department
Community Room Use Policy
The Community Room is designed to accommodate activities such as discussion groups, panels,
lectures and meetings. The room has an occupancy limit of 60 people. The room is primarily used
for Police Department training programs and for the use of not-for-profit, educational, civic and
cultural organizations.
Community Room Reservations and Use
Persons desiring to reserve the room may telephone the Police Department Administrative Office at
(636) 896-1555 to check for room availability. A room is not reserved until written confirmation is
received by the user from the Police Department.
No fee may be charged nor the payment of any money required for admission to the room for a
meeting or event.
The room may not be used for meetings that are being conducted for a commercial purpose. A
commercial purpose includes, but is not limited to, a purpose where the exchange of any property
or thing of value is contemplated either at the meeting or at a future time.
A person may only reserve the room for one time slot in a 7 day period. Reservations are not
accepted more than 6 months in advance. Reservations will be made from the date listed on the
application and do not automatically renew.
We ask that notice of cancellations be given at least 24 hours in advance.
Room reservations are made through the Police Department Administrative Office between 8 a.m.
and 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
The room may be used from 8 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. daily.
Reservation times must be inclusive of the time required to set-up and clean-up the room. The
room user is responsible for providing all consumable products. Users are expected to wash, dry
and store dishes; clean the coffee maker, and leave the kitchenette area clean and orderly.
Room use must be under the direct supervision of the person making the reservation or his/her
designated representative.
User of the room shall either be a resident or have a business within the city of St. Charles. No user
shall assign its space or reservation to another user.
The Police Department does not provide personnel to assist in handling exhibits and other
materials needed by person using the room.
No access to working spaces of the Police Station will be offered or available.