Center for Access and Accommodative Services
Rooms A125, A137, and A141
Monday-Thursday 8:30-6:30 Friday 8:30-3:00
(708)456-0300 ext. 3917 and ext. 3636
“L” Drive/CAAS Forms/CAAS Testing Form.doc Updated: Fall 2019
Exams to be taken at the CAAS must be accompanied by a completed Testing Form
and may be submitted to CAAS in Room A 125 or via e mail at
Student (first/last name): ________________________
Phone/Ext. _____________________________
Last Date Student Can Take Exam_________
Today’s Date ___________________
Faculty (first/last name): ________________________
Class Name, #, and Section __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Test or Quiz Name _____________________________
If test is not taken by this date it will be returned to you:
Provide the Room Number where your mailbox is located __________
Materials students may use for the exam. Circle all that apply:
Book Notes Calculator Dictionary Scratch Paper Scantron
Special Instructions: ____________________________________________________________
How should the exam be returned to faculty?
____ Deliver to Faculty mailbox by CAAS staff to:
Bldg. Name ______________ Room ________
____ Faculty will pick up test in the CAAS
____ Student will deliver test to faculty in a sealed envelope
____ Online Transmission
___________________________________Office Use Only_________________________________________
Equipment Allowed for Testing ___________________________________________________________________
Assigned Testing Location __________ Accommodative Test Time Allowed (# min.): ____________
Testing Date _______________ Time Exam must be completed: ____________
Proctor _________
Time Exam Started __________ Time Exam Completed __________
Entered in CAAS Database ____________
Delivery Date ________________ Staff Delivering __________
Faculty Pick-up Date __________
Student Pick-up Date __________
Online Transmission __________
Date Recorded in Database ____________ Staff Entering ____________
Services Used
Kurzweil ____
Computer ____
CCTV ____
Calculator ____
Low Dist. ____
How Many Minutes Does Your Class Get for
the Exam? ______________
No Scantron
Scantron Enclosed