Volunteer Membership Application
Sponsored by Triton College
2000 Fifth Ave., River Grove, IL 60171 (708) 456-0300, Ext.3835 or 3603
(Please print and answer all questions.) Date: ______/______/_______
Name______________________________________ Address________________________________________
City_________________________________ ZIP______________ Township __________________________
Phone No. (____) _______________________ Alternative Phone No. (_____) __________________________
Date of Birth____/____/____ E-mail Address ____________________________________________________
Emergency Contact__________________________________ Phone Number(_____) _____________________
Volunteers serve without compensation, but upon request volunteers can receive transportation reimbursement
from our grant funding. To receive mileage or transportation reimbursement you must answer the questions below
and be the individual driving the automobile or taking public transportation to and from your volunteer assign-
Do you intend to ask for reimbursement? _____ No _____ Yes
Mode of transportation to volunteer assignment (check one)
Car _____ Driver or_____ Passenger _____ Taxi _____ Public Transportation
Insurance Statement for Volunteer Driving a Car
I, _________________________________, as the RSVP volunteer, understand that if I use my personal automo-
bile in volunteer service, I will keep in effect automobile liability insurance equal to the minimum limits required
by the state.
Driver’s License Number
(NOT Plate Number) _______________________________________ Expiration Date_____/_____/_____
Your Insurance Carrier _____________________________________ Expiration Date _____/_____/_____
RSVP Accident Insurance—Designation of Beneficiary
Name _______________________________________ Relationship _____________________________
Address _____________________________________ Phone Number (_____)____________________
Employment Experience _______________________________________________________________________
Skills/Interest/Languages ______________________________________________________________________
Volunteer Experience _________________________________________________________________________
I’m a veteran. Yes_____ No_____
What days are you available? ___________________________________________________________________
What hours are you available? __________________________________________________________________