Cavalier Express Tuition Wavier Application
Date received _____________
Name __________________________________ CID# _______________________
Home Phone Number___________________ Cell Phone Number ________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________
City _______________________ State __________ Zip Code ___________________
Place of employment _________________________________________________________
Number of semesters at BPCC __________ Cumulative GPA ___________
High school attended ___________________________ Year graduated ______________
Are you involved in extracurricular activities/organizations on campus? If yes, what?
On campus recommendations (provide 2):
Reference ______________________________ Department ________________________
Reference ______________________________ Department ________________________
Have you taken a speech course? _____ yes _____ no
Do you have reliable transportation? _____ yes _____ no
Are you available during the day? _____ yes _____ no
Are you available on nights/weekends? _____ yes _____ no
Briefly explain why you should be selected as a member of the Cavalier Express Recruiting