Policy No.
Policy & Procedures
Institutional Review Board for Research Policy
Effective Date:
September 2010
Academic Affairs
Policy Statement
See Attached.
Review Board
Committee Chair
Review Process: Deans
Distribution Process: All faculty
Bossier Parish Community College
Purpose of Institutional Review Board for Research Committee
Policy for Research Review
The primary mission of Bossier Parish Community college is instruction, and
the principal responsibility of the College is teaching. The College, however,
supports and encourages its faculty to engage in research and professional
enhancement. Faculty members are urged to pursue a full array of professional
endeavors, including attending meetings of learned societies and associations,
participating in professional organizations related one's academic field and
researching in their chose discipline.
All research performed by members of the College community should meet
current guidelines for ethical and informed practice in their particular field of study.
Each academic division is represented on the Institutional Review Board for
Research committee and faculty members undertaking a research project should
consult their representative to discuss potential problems or issues. A member of the
Student Affairs Division serves as an ex-officio member of the committee. Each
research project must be submitted, with appropriate documentation, to the
committee for research review prior to the commencement of the project.
Support for research design and support for grant preparation may be
obtained through the Office of Institutional Research and Grants. Forms needed for
research review are available on Blackboard or from the Office of Institutional
Research and Grants.
Bossier Parish Community College
Procedures for Institutional Review Board (IRB)
1. Review Form. Use Guidelines for Institutional Review Board (on the
following page) to determine if treatment is being performed. If no treatment
is being performed, submit the Participants EXEMPTION Review Form. If
treatment is being performed, submit the Participants TREATMENT Review
2. You must submit the following:
a. Written responses to the appropriate (EXEMPTION or TREATMENT)
review form must be submitted prior to beginning your research
b. A copy of the informed consent form used in research with subjects
c. Copies of all data collection instruments
d. An explanation of the research, the design, and it purpose
e. For thesis or dissertation research only:
i. The cover to the prospectus, signed by all committee
ii. The methods chapter or description
Items a, b, c, & d from above must be submitted together to the
Committee for approval prior to collecting data.
3. The Committee will review and either approve or disapprove the research.
Please allow about three weeks for the committee to review your proposal if
during a semester. If between semesters, allow three weeks from the
beginning of the next semester.
4. The Committee will notify the researcher as quickly as possible of the
committee's decision. If the research is disapproved, the committee may
suggest remedies that would enable approval. As soon as notified of
committee approval, the researcher may begin data collection.
Research proposals considered for EXEMPTION category include:
Research involving surveys, interviews, or observation of
each participant's behavior
■ Research conducted in established educational settings involving normal
educational practice such as comparison among curricula, instructional
strategies, or classroom management methods
■ Research involving use of educational tests
■ Research involving the collection or study of existing data, documents,
and records
Use EXEMPTION form if research meets all following conditions:
■ No treatment is associated with participants in the investigation,
■ Appropriate established procedures to assure anonymity,
■ Confidentiality clearly explained in the informed consent form for
subjects, and
■ Participants are exposed to no more than minimum risk.
The Institutional Review Board for Research Committee confirms whether or not a
proposed research is exempt.
Bossier Parish Community College
Participants Treatment*
Review Form
I. Researcher Name(s)_____________________________________
II. Research Proposal Title_________________________________
Please summarize your research in 250 words or less.
IV. Step-by-step outline of treatment procedures (attached, typed)
V. Describe any potential risks to subjects and what steps you plan to implement
to minimize risks.
VI. Describe any benefits or compensation subject may receive for participation.
Institutional Review Board Committee Action: __Approved __Disapproved
Signature of Institutional Review Board Committee Chair: _______________
Date: ___________
*Use guidelines in procedures to determine if treatment used. If no treatment,
complete the BPCC Participants Exemption Review Form.
click to sign
click to edit
Bossier Parish Community College
Participants Exemption* Review Form
Researcher Name(s) _______________________________________
II. Research Proposal Title____________________________________
III. Exemption must meet all the following conditions:
a. No treatment is associated with participants in the investigation,
b. Appropriate established procedures to assure anonymity,
c. Confidentiality clearly explained in the informed consent form for
subjects, and
d. Subjects exposed to no more than minimum risk.
The Institutional Review Board for Research Committee determines whether or not
a proposed research is exempt. Research proposals considered for this category
include (check all that apply for your research):
____ research involving surveys, interviews, or observation of each
participant's behavior.
____ research conducted in established educational setting involving normal
educational practice such as comparison among curricula, instructional
strategies, or classroom management methods.
____ research involving use of educational tests.
____ research involving the collection or study of existing data, documents,
and records.
IV. Please summarize your research in 250 words or less.
Institutional Review Board Committee Action: __Approved __Disapproved
Signature of Institutional Review Board Committee Chair:
Date: ___________
*If treatment, complete the BPCC Participants Treatment Review Form.
click to sign
click to edit
Participants Informed Consent Form Guidelines for
Literate Adult Subjects
Informed consent form for subjects who are literate and above 3
reading level. The consent form must be comprehensible to subjects who will
read it and include:
a. A statement of the purpose of the research
b. An explanation of all aspects of the research that might reasonably be
expected to influence subject's willingness to participate including any
possible negative consequences of participation.
c. An explanation of all other aspects of the research about which the
subject may inquire.
d. A statement that the subject may withdraw from the research at any time
without penalty.
e. The researcher's name and his/her contact phone number and, if a student
researcher, the major professor's or instructor's name and phone number.
f. A place for subject's signature and date.
Participants Informed Consent Form Guidelines for
Low Reading Comprehension and Minor Subjects
1. Informed consent for minors required for subject and for subject's
a. Parent or guardian informed consent form to be submitted for ALL
subjects less than 18 years of age.
b. Minor subject's informed consent form written on the comprehension
level of the minors who are subjects.
i. Must be comprehensible either when read by subjects or read
to subjects (see 2.1 & 1.2.2 for reading comprehension
ii. Exempt minors - babies or those whose oral comprehension
level is too low to understand the form do not sign a consent
form. The parent or guardian signed consent form is sufficient.
2. Informed consent form for illiterate or low-reading comprehension subjects.
a. Submit the consent form that will be read verbatim to subjects who are
either illiterate or have 3
grade or lower reading comprehension level.
b. The scripted consent form must be comprehensible to subjects who hear
it and include:
i. A statement of the purpose of the research.
ii. An explanation of all aspects of the research that might
reasonably be expected to influence subject's willingness
to participate including any possible negative
consequences of participation.
iii. An explanation of all other aspects of the research about which
the subject may inquire.
iv. A statement that the subject may withdraw from the research
at any time without penalty.
v. The researcher's name and his/her contact phone number
and, if a student researcher, the major professor's or
instructor's name and phone number.
vi. A place for subjects signature and, if subject uses a mark, a
place for the signatures of two witnesses not affiliated with
the research.