Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s (CGS-M) Applicant Score Card
Last Name First Name Student ID
Current Academic Level Current or Proposed Program
Average in last year: /100 Average in 2
last year: /100 Field
Title of Research
Academic Excellence
As demonstrated by past academic results, transcripts, awards and distinctions. Please consider the following:
Academic record
Scholarships and awards held
Duration of previous studies
Type of program and courses pursued, course load
Relative standing (if available)
Referee Assessments
Department Score: /50 OGPS Committee Score: /50
Department Explanation of Score:
Research Potential
As demonstrated by the applicant’s research history, their interest in discovery, the proposed research, its potential
contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the field, and any anticipated outcomes. Please consider the
Contributions to research and development (e.g., publications and presentations), relative to expectations of
someone with the candidate’s academic experience
Relevance of work experience and academic training to field of proposed research
Significance, feasibility and merit of proposed research
Judgment and ability to think critically, Ability to apply skills and knowledge
Initiative and autonomy
Referee Assessments
partment Score: /30 OGPS Committee Score: /30
Department Explanation of Score:
Personal Characteristics and Interpersonal Skills
As demonstrated by the applicant’s past professional and relevant extracurricular interactions and collaborations. Please
consider the following:
Work experience; Leadership experience
Project management including organizing conferences and meetings
Ability or potential to communicate theoretical, technical and/or scientific concepts clearly and logically in
written and oral formats
Involvement in academic life
Volunteerism/community outreach
Referee Assessments
partment Score: /20 OGPS Committee Score: /20
Department Explanation of Score:
Department Ranking: / Total Dept Score:
Total OGPS Score: