I understand that if I am eligible for a particular position that becomes available, I will be contacted by the
Practicum Office. Otherwise, I understand that I will not be contacted.
Statement of Understanding Regarding Hiring Process:
I understand that by submitting this Statement of Interest Application Form that I am not applying for a specific
job, but indicating my interest in being contacted in the event that a position becomes available.
Collection of Information:
I accept the University’s right to collect pertinent personal information. I declare that the information I have
provided in this Statement of Interest Application form and submitted document(s) is true, complete and accurate
in all respects, and that all available information requested in this application has been disclosed. All information I
have provided in connection with this Statement of Interest Application form is subject to verification and audit by
York University. I understand that any false or misleading information given by me in this Statement of Interest
Application form and any documents submitted may be sufficient cause for rejection of my application or dismissal
after employment. I understand and acknowledge that the information is collected and used to establish my
employee record for the purpose of administering Payroll, Benefits, and Pensions, and is used by the University in
the academic and financial administration of its affairs, and to achieve compliance with its collective agreements
and legislative obligations.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)
Personal information submitted for purposes of indicating interest in applying for a position as a Practicum
Facilitator is collected under the authority of Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and The
York University Act, 1965. The information will be used to inform eligible candidates about positions that may
become available, and for contacting the individual for matters related to the York University’s Faculty of
Education’s Practicum Facilitator hiring process. The information is kept in confidential files and will be discarded
after approximately two years of storage each September. If you have any questions about the collection of this
information by the Faculty of Education, please contact Laura Crane, Faculty of Education, York University, 4700
Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, telephone 416-736-2100 extension 20053.
By submitting this completed form, you agree to the following:
I accept the University’s right to collect pertinent personal information. I declare that the information I have
provided in this Statement of Interest Application and submitted document(s) is true, complete and accurate in all
respects, and that all available information requested in this Statement of Interest Application has been disclosed.
All information I have provided in connection with this Statement of Interest Application is subject to verification
and audit by York University. I understand that any false or misleading information given by me in this Statement
of Interest Application form and any documents submitted may be sufficient cause for rejection of my Statement
of Interest Application or dismissal after employment. I understand and acknowledge that the information is
collected and used to establish my employee record for the purpose of administering Payroll, Benefits, and
Pensions, and is used by the University in the academic and financial administration of its affairs, and to achieve
compliance with its collective agreements and legislative obligations.
Please send your completed form to the Faculty of Education at experientialeducation@edu.yorku.ca.
Please be reminded that you will only be contacted directly if there is a position available for which you are
We are unable to provide feedback on how to complete this form or to advise you on the content to include in this
Thank you for your interest in working with us!
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