• These COVID-19 Camp Rules are, where applicable to athletes, incorporated into the Varsity Spirit Camp Rules.
• Anyone that feels sick, shows any symptoms of COVID-19 listed by the CDC, including cough, shortness of breath,
fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell, has been diagnosed or presumed positive for
COVID-19, or has been around someone who has been diagnosed or presumed positive for COVID-19, currently or
within the last 14 days, must stay home.
• Anyone who is living with a house member who is currently sick, feels sick, shows any symptoms of COVID-19 listed
by the CDC, including cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell,
has been diagnosed or presumed positive for COVID-19, or has been around someone who has been diagnosed or
presumed positive for COVID-19, currently or within the last 14 days, must stay home.
• Anyone that develops symptoms while at camp they must immediately inform staff and comply with the procedure
of removal from the camp. They must cooperate with staff and make a list of all persons whom they have been in
close contact with (the CDC defines close contact as being within 6 feet of someone for a period of 15 minutes or
more), including in the 48-hour period before developing symptoms.
• Anyone with pre-existing conditions/compromised immune system should speak with their doctor and get clearance
from their doctor before attending camp.
• Athletes and coaches will monitor themselves for symptoms of COVID-19 listed by the CDC, including cough, shortness
of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell, and check their own temperature each
morning, both 7 days prior to attending camp and every morning before attending camp. If the person displays any
COVID-19 symptoms or a temperature of over 100° Fahrenheit, during the 7 days before camp or any morning of
camp, they must remain home and report their symptoms and temperature to the appropriate camp contact.
• Engage in physical distancing of at least 6 feet, or other distance imposed by state and local guidelines.
• Each person must provide their own face mask or face covering which shall be worn based on state and local
governmental guidance. Generally, if attendees are social distancing, masks do not need to be worn. Further, it is not
advisable to wear masks during rigorous activities.
• There will be no drinking from water fountains at camp - camp attendees must bring their own water bottle labeled
with his or her name and, if permitted by the camp location, water fountains may be used only to refill water
• Camp attendees must bring their own wipes/tissue/hand sanitizer.
• Personal bags will be stored in an area at least 6 feet away from athletes and the bags spaced at least 6 feet apart
from each other.
• Camp attendees must not touch anyone’s belongings except for their own.
• Camp attendees must cover coughs and sneezes.
• No shared personal equipment (signs, poms, megaphones, etc.), unless properly disinfected in between use.
• If stunting/lifting or other close contact drills are performed, all athletes should use heightened awareness not to
touch any portion of their face unless or until they can fully wash, and should limit swapping partners. (Stunting
should be performed only if close contact sports are not prohibited by state and local orders and all protocols for close
contact are followed).
Varsity Spirit / Instructional Staff
• Staff will monitor themselves for symptoms of COVID-19 listed by the CDC in its most current guidance and follow any
and all applicable health and safety protocol/guidelines applicable to them and set forth within the athletes Section
• Staff will be educated on the COVID-19 Camp Rules as well as guidelines applicable to or mandated by
school/organization, as provided by school/organization.