Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Distance Education Course Approval Form
For Existing Credit-Bearing Courses
Faculty member name and department:
Course name/number/section:
Catalog description of course:
The faculty member makes the following specific proposal:
Description of the proposed medium of instruction:
Proposed method of student-faculty interaction:
Proposed method of evaluation of student achievement:
To be completed by department chair:
Class size limit:
Department recommendation: _________Approve __________Disapprove
Department Chairperson: _______________________________ Date____________
Faculty Member completes and submits “Distance Education Course Approval Form” to the department for
Distribution: ten copies of department recommendation are sent to Committee on Courses and Programs of Study
(CCPS) for approval regarding only the “mode of delivery”. Department recommendation is also sent to the
Provost, Dean of the College, Director of Distance Education, the department and the faculty member.
Last Revised on 3/29/02
Print Form
CCPS Recommendation
The CCPS has considered the proposal and makes the following recommendation in accord with
Article 42 of the SSHE/APSCUF collective bargaining agreement:
_______ Recommend approval as proposed
_______ Recommend approval if the following concerns are met
_______ Do not recommend approval
Check if applicable:
_____ This proposal has been modified by the faculty member, with modifications approved by
the department chairperson, based upon discussions with the CCPS. This proposal, therefore,
differs from the previously distributed drafts.
CCPS Chairperson _______________________________________ Date _______________
Action #
CCPS recommendation is sent to the Provost, Dean of the College, Director of Distance
Education, Department Chairperson, and the faculty member.
Deadline Dates for Proposal Submission
Winter Intersession & Summer &
Spring Terms: Fall Terms:
From Faculty member to Department Chair: October 1 March 1
From Department Chair to CCPS: October 8 March 8
From CCPS to the Provost: October 22 March 22
Presidential Decision: October 30 March 30
Proposals that require an exception to the time line will be considered at local Meet and Discuss.
Concerns to be sent to the faculty member who will have five working days to respond/amend.