(1) Candidate's full name or name of the political committee (PC), electioneering communications organization (ECO),
or party executive committee (PTY).
(2) Identification number assigned by the filing officer.
(3) Cover period dates (01/01/15 through 01/31/15
). (See filing officer’s reporting dates calendar for appropriate cover
(4) Page numbers (e.g., 1 of 3).
(5) Date of expenditure (Month/Day/Year).
(6) Sequence Number - Each detail line shall have a sequence number assigned to it. Sequence numbers are to be
assigned within each reporting period and for each type of detail line. Thus the report type, detail line type, and
sequence number will combine to uniquely identify a specific contribution, expenditure, distribution or fund transfer.
This method of unique identification is required for responding to requests from the filing officer and for reporting
For example, a M1 report having 40 expenditures would use sequence numbers 1 through 40. The next report
(M2), comprised of 30 expenditures would use sequence numbers 1 through 30. Expenditures on amended M1
reports would begin with sequence number 41 and on amended M2 reports would begin with sequence number 31.
See Amendment Type instructions below.
(7) Full name and address of entity receiving payment (including city, state and zip code).
(8) Purpose of expenditure (if expenditure is a contribution to a candidate, also type the office sought by the candidate).
: This column does not apply to candidate expenditures, as candidates cannot contribute to other
candidates from campaign funds. However, PCs (supporting candidates) and party executive committees
contributing to candidates
must report office sought (Section 106.07, F.S.).
(9) Enter Expenditure Type using one of the following codes:
Disposition of Funds to Future Campaign (effective 11/1/13)
Disposition of Funds to Political Party (effective 11/1/13)
Disposition of Funds to Petition Verification (effective 11/1/13)
Electioneering Communication
Independent Expenditure Regarding a Candidate
Independent Expenditure Regarding an Issue
Monetary (Not to a Candidate)
Refund (Negative Amount Only)
Transfer to Office Account (Disposition of Funds)
(10) Amendment Type (required on amended reports) - To add a new (previously unreported) expenditure for the
reporting period being amended, enter "ADD" in amendment type on a line with ALL of the required data.
The sequence number for expenditures with amendment type "ADD" will start at one plus the number of
expenditures in the original report. For example, amending an original M1 reports that had 75 expenditures, means
the sequence number of the first expenditure having amendment type "ADD" will be 76; the second "ADD"
expenditure would have sequence number 39.