Transcript Request Form
Email: registrar@stac.edu
Mail: St. Thomas Aquinas College
Attention: Registrar
125 Route 340, Sparkill, NY 10976
Please Print Clearly: Date: ________________
Student ID or Last 4 Digits of Social Security Number: ___________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Name while attending STAC if different from above: _______________________________________________
Current Email: ______________________________ Daytime Phone: _________________________________
Current STAC Student?
Graduated from STAC?
No If no, please indicate last year of attendance: ________________
No Graduation Year : _________________
Yes No
Took STAC courses through High School?
Took STAC courses through West Point?
Yes No
Please Provide Complete Mailing Address:
Process at this Time
Hold for Current Semester Grades
Hold for G
raduation Information
Transcript is being Sent to NYS for
Attn: Person/Office:_____________________________________
Street Address:_________________________________________
Zip Code:________________________________________ Or:
Type of Transcript: Number of Copies:
Please Pay Transcript Fee: $5 Per Copy
Undergraduate Transcript ______
Graduate Transcript ______
Undergraduate & Graduate Transcripts ______
Pay Online, Cash, Check, or Money Order.
Last Four Digits of Customer Number #_______
Checks Payable to: St. Thomas Aquinas College
Official Unofficial
By entering my first and last name on the line above, I am effectively providing my signature, indicating
that all the information on this form is true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge. Required
Please note, a transcr
ipt will not be released if you have indebtedness to the college.
Please check here if we are mailing the transcript(s) to your home address.
I will pick up my transcript(s). Please email me when they are ready.