D10/25030 BC_ Written Approval for Affected Person(s)
1. Persons/Parties who may be Adversely Affected
Consent are to be supplied by the applicant from any person/part who may be adversely affected by
the proposal and this may include but is not limited to:
Owner’s and Occupier’s (i.e. tenants) of land adjacent to the site of a proposal.
2. Documentation to be Supplied
A drawn plan of the proposal is to be supplied to Council which contains written description of the
proposal and which has been signed by every affected person/part including where appropriate
both partners.
A fully completed Affected Person(s) Consent form (i.e. “Written Approval of Person(s) Adversely
Affected by the Granting of a Building Consent”) is to be supplied to Council from every affected
person/party including, where appropriate, both partners.
Council reserves the right to determine who may be adversely affected.
Council may determine it unreasonable in certain circumstances to require an affected person’s
approval to be obtained.
Affected person(s) Approvals will not be accepted that have been made conditional.
Any affected party is entitled to withdraw their consent before the Building Consent is processed.
Any affected party does not have to sign the Written Approval form if they are not giving approval.