Single Family Residential
Uncovered Decks and Porches
How to Use this Guide
Check with your jurisdiction regarding type of submittal (paper or electronic) and for additional
requirements. Draw to scale and complete the following (hint: use graph paper with ¼” squares.
Example: ¼” = 1’).
1.Complete this Building Guide
by filling in the blanks o n
page three, and
indicating which construction details will be used.
2.Provide Plot Plan
(site plan) showing dimensions of your project or
and its relationship to existing buildings or structures o n the property and
the distance to existing property lines drawn to scale. See page 2.
3. Fill out a building permit application.
The majority of permit
applications are processed
with little delay. The
submitted documents will
help determine if the
project is in compliance
with building safety codes,
zoning ordinances and
other applicable laws.
The Colorado Chapter of the International
Code Council is a professional organization
seeking to promote the public health, safety
and welfare to building construction. We
appreciate your feedback and suggestions.
please write to the Colorado chapter of the
Internationa code Council, P.O.Box 961,
Arvada, CO 80001.This building guide can
be found on Colorado Chapter of the
International Code Council website at:
This handout was developed by the Colorado
Chapter of the International Code Council as a
basic plan submittal under the 2018 International
Residential Code. It is not intended to cover all
circumstances. Check with your Department of
Building Safety for additional requirements.
Building Guide
Colorado Chapter of the International Code Council