Bose Equipment Repair Form
The address at the bottom of this form can be cut off and used as an address label.
Complete then print this page and include it with your equipment. Information entered here is not saved or downloaded to us.
Submission of this form constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions as stated on our website.
Customer Information:
The following address is a Residence Business
Return ship signature required Yes $4.00 UPS fee* No *If Yes is selected UPS will not leave repaired equipment without signature
Company Name
State Zip
Equipment Information:
We do not repair all Bose models, so make sure your model is listed on our site.
Serial #
Description of problems with equipment:
Payment Information:
Payment will be made by Check
(10 day hold) Credit Card PayPal
(enter PayPal email here if different from above)
We will contact you for credit card information after we receive your equipment.
Special Instructions:
Please call 719-550-5810 if you have any questions or problems with this form.
Reset Form
Ship to:
Norbern Electronics Inc.
6735 Earl Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80918-1055