September 4, 2018 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order – Mayor Feather
2. Moment of Silence
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Approval of the Consent Agenda
a. Approval of the Minu
Regular Bo
ard August 6, 2018
b. Departmental Reports (Reports in Board packet)
c. Financial Reports
6. Citizen Comments (All comments are limited to 6 minutes. No sharing of
inutes with other citizens)
7. Guests and Presentations
8. Public Hearing
a. Zoning text amendment for code enforcement in the town’s ETJ
ACTION NEEDED – Board consideration of zoning text amendment for code
enforcement in the Town’s ETJ
ACTION NEEDED – If text amendment is approved, adopt Statement of
b. Zoning text amendment for keeping livestock in the town
ACTION NEEDED – Board consideration of zoning text amendment for keeping
livestock in the town
ACTION NEEDED – If text amendment is approved, adopt Statement of
Town of Granite Quarry
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9. Town Manager’s Update
a. Project updates – Industrial Park, Subdivisions, and Office Intuitional
b. Well House
c. NCDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant Initiative
d. GQ Athletic Club
10. Town Clerk’s Update
a. Policy and Proced
ure Update
b. Purchasing Policy Update
. Clerk’s Summer Academy Synopsis
d. Discussion: Lapel Pin Presentation (requested by Alderman LaFevers)
Needed: Board to choose artwork and approve purchase of lapel pins.
e. Lanyard Presentation (requested by Alderman Cress)
11. Financial Officer Update
Audit Up
b. Action Needed: Revision of Policy 420-10 Financial Management Policies
& Intern
al Control Procedures
12. Old Business
a. Committee Updates
Revitalization – Aldermen Constantino and Linker
Building - Aldermen Constantino and Linker
Information Item: Building Estimate
Parks and Recreation - Alderman LaFevers and Cress
13. New Business and Action Items
a. Action Needed: Disposal of Maintenance Surplus Property
b. Action Needed: Disposal of Fire Surplus Property
c. Sickle Bar
d. Other Mower for Bobcat (Picture, Pricing) speak to the condition of
current mowers.
14. Board Comments
15. Mayor’s Notes – Announcements and Date Reminders
a. Town Hall Offices Closed – Monday, September 3rd for Labor Day
b. Planning Board Meeting – Monday, September 10th @ 5:30 P.M.
c. CCOG Executive Board Meeting – Wednesday, September 12th @ 6:00
d. United Way “Day of Caring” – Thursday, September 13th 7:30 A.M. – 4:30
@ GQ Elementary School
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e. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting – Monday, September 17th @
5:30 P.M.
f. Revitalization Team Meeting – Tuesday, September 18th @ 3:30 P.M.
g. Cabarrus-Rowan County MPO Meeting – Wednesday, September 26th @
5:30 P.M.
h. Litter Sweep - Friday, September 28th @ 1:30 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.
16. Mayor’s Action
17. Adjournment
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Monday, August 6, 2018
Present: Mayor Bill Feather, Mayor Pro Tem Jim LaFevers, Alderman John Linker, and
Alderman Kim Cress, Alderman Jim Costantino
Staff: Mr. Phil Conrad – Town Manager, Ms. Tanya WordTown Clerk/HR Officer, Mr. Scott
Stewart Deputy Clerk/Finance/HR Analyst, Mr. Jason Hord Maintenance Supervisor, Ms.
Shelly Shockley Finance Analyst/Event Coordinator, Mr. Steve Blount Town Planner, Mr.
Mark Cook – Chief of Police, Mr. Chip Short– Town Attorney
Guests: There were three guests present.
Call to Order: Mayor Feather called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Moment of Silence: Mayor Feather opened the meeting with a moment of silence after
mentioning the passing of Hilton Lingle this week and that flowers were sent to the funeral.
Pledge of Allegiance: Noah Wiles led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of the Agenda:
ACTION: Alderman Linker made a motion to approve the agenda as presented with the addition
of Closed Session for discussion of property. Alderman Costantino seconded the motion. The
motion passed with all in favor.
Approval of the Consent Agenda:
ACTION: Alderman Cress made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Mayor Pro Tem
LaFevers seconded the motion. The motion passed with all in favor.
Citizen Comments
There were no citizen comments.
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Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes
August 6, 2018
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Guests and Presentations
There were no guest presentations.
Town Manager’s Update
a. Project Updates: Phil Conrad provided the following update on Town projects
State Employees’ Credit Union: The plans have been signed off for easements
related to getting started on the construction project.
Village at Granite: This is a 250-home subdivision on 111 acres. Drawings have
been received for phase one. A permit for preliminary grading on phase one was
issued by the Town at the developer’s risk if there are any modifications at final
review. Phase two drawings are nearing completion and will be reviewed by Town
staff once complete.
Easter Creek: Phase two site plan has been submitted and sent to a technical review
committee. Members of the committee have begun to respond. The site plan will
go to the Planning Board for review and then approval by the TRC. Subdivision of
the original lot for phases one and two will be handled as a separate issue from the
site plan. Easter Creek will be requesting acceptance of their current access road
as a Town street.
Stone Glen is another subdivision plan off Peeler Street that is planned for 32
homes. A variance of the connectivity ratio has been requested of the ZBA. If
approved they will next be submitting a plan for technical review and then to the
Planning Board.
IOM Enterprises is planning two 30,000 square foot additions at the Heilig Road
plant. Site plans have been submitted and once drawings are revised will be go to
technical review.
Alderman Cress asked for an update on the S. Main property. Mr. Conrad replied
that a plan had not yet been developed and suggested starting a committee.
Alderman Cress also asked about the GQ Athletic Club plan for the athletic field
on Faith Road. Mr. Conrad stated that he would get information from the Athletic
Club for the next Board Meeting. Alderman Cress requested posting the Board
Meeting agendas on the Town website before meetings.
Cold Storage is continuing to evaluate the site and there is still work with Rowan
County regarding access to the site.
b. Audit Update: Auditors will be onsite this Wednesday. The audit is anticipated in a timely
c. Christmas Light Quote
Jason Hord reviewed a quote for Christmas lights from Mosca Design as follows:
o LED Candle with Holly Leaves for the Square (4 corners) $2,464
o 6 New Snowflake Lights at $2,280
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o Additional Power Meter and 10 Poles Wired $5,980
o Switching All Snowflakes to LED Bulbs $4,500
Alderman Cress stated that it would look bad to mix incandescent and LED lighting and
Alderman Costantino agreed. Alderman Linker stated that Rockwell had switched
Christmas lighting to LED and reported a 60% reduction in power usage. Mr. Hord
recommended upgrading the lighting. Alderman Costantino stated that the total would be
$15,000 to upgrade lights and switch existing lights to LED. Alderman Cress commented
that the brackets for the banners are in bad shape. Mr. Hord plans to repair the brackets
during installation of holiday banners.
ACTION: Mayor Pro Tem LaFevers made a motion to approve the total light package at
$15,000 and have staff review accounts to determine what accounts should contribute to
funding the purchase and take the remainder from the Fund Balance. Alderman Costantino
seconded the motion, also mentioning that the Revitalization Committee should be
involved. The motion passed with a 3 to 1 vote and Alderman Cress in opposition.
Old Business
a. Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustments (ZBA) Applications
Tanya Word reviewed the applications received for Planning and ZBA. Some people
wanted to apply to be on any board. Richard Luhrs’ term on the ZBA expired on July 31
and he has re-applied for an additional term. Mr. Luhrs wife also expressed interest in
serving on ZBA. Ms. Word recommended that Mr. Luhrs serve on the Planning Board
and Mrs. Luhrs serve on the ZBA. Greg Lowe has expressed interest in serving another
term on the Planning Board from the ETJ, however, Rowan County states that he is
ineligible to serve another term at this time.
Recommended Appointments from Ms. Word:
Richard Luhrs – Planning Board
Reverend Trexler – Planning Board (ETJ)
Michelle Reid – Planning Board (ETJ)
Greg LoweZBA (ETJ)
Doreen LuhrsZBA (ETJ)
Jim MillerZBA
ACTION: Alderman Costantino made a motion to follow the Clerk’s recommendations
for appointments. Alderman Linker seconded the motion, also commenting that the
recruiting efforts should continue for Town Boards and Committees with a focus on the
area toward Faith, as they are not as well represented. The motion passed with all in favor.
Ms. Word reported that after these appointments there would still be openings on both
Planning and ZBA.
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August 6, 2018
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b. Committee Updates
Revitalization Committee updates were reported by Alderman Costantino and
Alderman Linker. The Christmas lights already discussed were a large part of the
discussion at the most recent Revitalization Committee meeting. There also was
discussion of removing the 4 large planters at the Town Square and potentially adding
a water feature at each of the corners. Also discussed was the potential to involve the
Revitalization Committee with upgrading the landscaping at Town Hall. They asked
that if anyone had any suggestions to join the next Revitalization meeting.
An update of the Downtown Master Plan was presented by Steve Blount. The reason
for the planning process was “to develop a revitalization plan for the Town’s core area
along US 52. The Downtown Master Plan was created in 2015 and included input from
two public meetings at Town Hall and two surveys completed by over 140 people. This
Master Plan included a vision statement and recommendations in four areas. The Board
of Aldermen at that time voted unanimously to adopt that plan and established a
Revitalization Team to ensure that progress was made implementing the plan.
It was noted that some of the steps in the plan have been worked on, but many have
not. Mr. Blount then asked, “Does this Board support this plan, and do you want to
continue going forward with it?”. Alderman Linker and Alderman Costantino
responded that they do support the plan. Alderman Cress stated that he supported the
plan with reservations.
Mr. Blount reviewed further details of the Downtown Master Plan and then proposed
next steps involving the planting of street trees and improving the Town Hall building
façade and landscaping. There were pictures shown comparing the downtown area of
Granite Quarry to other downtown areas that have street trees. Street trees could be
added at the Square and along streets. The Master Plan shows trees at the Square and
upgraded poles for streetlights. Mr. Blount explained that street trees soften the view
of a building.
Spencer has done some similar things in their Town, adding street trees, upgraded
crosswalks, and light poles and pictures of these were shown. In closing, Mr. Blount
stated that the Staff and Revitalization Team need direction and an understanding if
there is a willingness to invest in projects to make the improvements suggested in the
Downtown Master Plan.
Alderman Linker stated that he supports reviewing the Plan to determine what to do
next. Mr. Blount stated that there are cost estimates for many projects included in the
information he provided. Mr. Conrad stated that the plan was bold and included many
opportunities ranging from updating the Town Hall stormwater issues, which are great
opportunities. Mayor Feather added that it was a matter of deciding which items made
the most impact.
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August 6, 2018
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Building UpdateAldermen Costantino and Linker
Alderman Costantino stated that they had met with a contractor to get an estimate and
options. They are currently working toward deciding whether to do a partial upgrade
of the office area, or to upgrade the entire building. Alderman Costantino stated that
they know the building needs to be updated, and he thought if the Town takes steps to
improve that some of the surrounding property owners may follow suit. Alderman
Linker reviewed a potential office layout that uses part of the current lobby area to add
office space. This plan would add two offices, move the customer service window, and
provide the Police Department additional evidence storage.
Mayor Pro Tem LaFevers asked if this plan is similar to one that was previously
reviewed. Mayor Feather replied that this is not the plan from the architect. Alderman
Linker asked for the Board to approve the committee to continue getting information
from contractors on cost of rearranging only the administrative office area.
By consensus the Board authorized the committee to investigate the cost of the
requested modifications to the front office and lobby areas. Mayor Pro Tem LaFevers
asked Alderman Linker if any of the landscaping revitalization tied in to any of the
street trees that Steve Blount had discussed. Alderman Linker replied that maybe the
Revitalization Committee could be involved and follow where the DOT does new
sidewalks and curbs by extending the project as close to the Square as possible.
PERCS (parks and recreation) update was provided by Aldermen LaFevers and Cress.
Alderman LaFevers mentioned several outings that have been completed including the
fishing events at Granite Lake Park. An upcoming event is a concert at the Civic Park
in August in the afternoon and early evening with three bands. Alderman LaFevers
stated that the committee would work with staff on cost estimates to repair the receding
bank around the lake.
c. Paylocity Update
Shelly Shockley reported on utilization of the Paylocity software. Currently all tax forms
are maintained electronically in the system. Any input or submissions go directly into the
system. All onboarding for new hires is currently conducted through Paylocity. The
charges are only for current employees. All employees have access to their pay
information, time off accruals, payroll deductions, and personnel information. The report
system could potentially be used more. There are 229 reports available that can be
customized. The agency checks for child support are currently generated in Paylocity.
This could also be done with retirement and 401(k).
There is a way to do electronic time sheets, however this is currently done differently.
Time off requests and performance reviews could be done in the Paylocity system. Police
and Fire departments could do scheduling in the system. Mr. Conrad mentioned that when
he first began working with the time that there were issues with the in-house payroll system
and the tracking of time off accruals, reporting of 941’s, and other areas. Paylocity did
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take on those processes, but now we are heading into phase two of what can be done. Mr.
Conrad stated that he was satisfied with the Paylocity service so far.
Mayor Feather stated that this was just information at this point, but next month there may
be more information on future direction. Mr. Conrad also suggested that maybe a
representative of Paylocity could come to the next Board Meeting. Ms. Word reported that
she met with Christina on the HR side of Paylocity and would be handling that side. Mayor
Feather also mentioned that Scott Stewart had a lot of involvement with the changeover to
New Business & Action Items
a. Eagle Scout Project Proposal – Noah Wiles
Chief Mark Cook introduced Noah Wiles, stating that he had approached the Town
about a proposed Eagle Scout project that would involve an improvement at the
Legion Building. Noah Wiles stated that he was planning a paver walkway fro
the parking area to the building. Along the walkway there will be five flagpoles,
which will hold flags representing each branch of the military. Ther
e also will be
two benches and shrubbery installed to enhance the appearance. Taylor brick
provided the best price for pavers at $500. Vulcan Materials will be donating the
base materials for the walkway. The plants will be coming from Godley’s, which
will include Sky Pencils, Soft-touch Holly, and American Boxwoods. Constructio
will begin on Aug
ust 18
with the walkway and installation of benches and
lagpoles on August 25
Chief Cook added that Noah had the materials for the base layer and fabric for
yment. Noah was seeking funding to cover the payment for the f
benches, and po
ssibly sand to keep pavers in place. Truliant pledged $250 toward
the pavers, and Civitans have pledged to make a contribution. An estimate f
or the
lagpoles, sand, and benches is between $1,200 and $1,500. Mayor Feather aske
the $1,500 request is contingent on what is donated from other sour
ces. Total cost
the project is $2,500 to $3,000. Alderman Cress offered to assist with finding
pavers at a low cost and suggested that the light fixture at the Legion Building could
be upgraded to light up the flags. It also was mentioned that Noah’s Great Uncle
set the flag pole for the American Flag currently at the Legion Buildi
Alderman Linkers made a motion to provide the $1,500 for material
or the project. Alderman Costantino seconded the motion. The motion passed with
all in f
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b. Disposal of Maintenance Surplus Property
ACTION: Alderman Costantino made a motion to approve disposal of
maintenance surplus. Mayor Pro Tem LaFevers seconded the motion. The motion
passed with all in favor.
c. Appointment of Finance Officer
yor Feather stated that Shelly Shockley was to be appointed Finance Officer with
the Resolution to be generated the next day.
Mayor Pro Tem LaFevers made a motion to appoint Shelly Shockley as
Finance Officer. Alderman Cress seconded the motion. The motion passed with all
in f
d. A
ppoint of Deputy Finance Officer
man Linker made a motion to appoint Scott Stewart as Deputy
Finance Officer. Alderman Costantino seconded the motion. The motion passed
with all in favor.
. United Way “Day of Caring” September 13
Mr. Conrad introduced Jackie Harris, Resource Development and Marketing
Officer from United Way. Ms. Harris thanked the Board for previous support and
expressed appreciation to Mr. Conrad for his responsiveness. She shared that this
was the 23
year holding the Day of Caring event at Granite Quarry Elementary
School. She was requesting $1000 toward the event in September. Mayor Feath
added that this is something the Town has contributed to on an annual basis for
several years and all proceeds directly benefit Granite Quarry Elementary School.
rman Linker made a motion to support the Day of Caring event
with a $1000 donation. Alderman Costantino seconded the motion. The motion
passed with all in favor
f. Discussio
n Item - Investment Report (requested by Alderman LaFevers)
Mayor Feather stated that Ms. Shockley had reviewed the money market account
and F&M proposed the best rates. Mayor Feather reported that the
estimated annual interest from the combined accounts should be $17,700. Ms.
Shockley stated that the first year as money is transferred into the new account the
interest will be approximately $13,600 for the year. It is proposed to stagger the CD
accounts so that a portion will be available during each budget year providi
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flexibility. Mayor Feather suggested making an amendment so the money from
investments would go directly into the contingency account. Ms. Shockley stated
that this may have a limitation of 5% of the budget that could be in the contingency
man Cress asked why the Town could not take a portion of these funds to
accomplish the things they have been talking about getting done. Alderman
Costantino echoed that sentiment. Mayor Pro Tem LaFevers commented that there
was other money available once a true cash flow report was available. Alderman
Costantino stated that if the money was available he would like to get it and move
forward. Alderman Linker stated that there could be a total of $105,000 in the
contingency fund without exceeding the limit.
g. Discussio
n Item - Investment Guidelines
Alderman Costantino made a motion to table discussion of investment
guidelines until September. Alderman Cress seconded the motion. The motion
passed with all in favor
h. Discussio
n Item – Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual
yor Feather stated that the information provided was for review
and asked the
men to take the information home to read. Mayor Feather requested the
formation of a committee consisting of Mayor Feather, Alderman Cress, Tanya
Word, Phil Conrad, and Mark Cook.
Alderman Costantino made a motion to approve the committee as
suggested by Mayor Feather. Alderman Linker seconded the motion. The motion
passed wit
h all in favor
Board Comments
There were no further comments from the Board.
Mayor’s Notes
Mayor Feather reviewed the upcoming schedule of events. Alderman Cress asked if the EDC
Board Meeting was something they needed to attend. Mayor Feather stated that two Granite
Quarry Board Members could attend if they wish to. Ms. Word also added that Granite Knitwear
was having a celebration of their 50
anniversary on Wednesday August 8
from 11:45 AM until
1:00 PM.
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Mayor’s Action
Closed Session:
Alderman Linker made a motion at 9:07 PM to go into closed session pursuant to N.C.
General Statute Section 143-318.11(a)(6) for property and personnel issues. Mayor Pro Tem
LaFevers seconded the motion. The motion passed with all in favor.
Alderman Linker made a motion to come out of closed session at 9:19 PM pursuant to N.C.
General Statute 143-319.11(a)(6) for personnel issues. Mayor Pro Tem LaFevers seconded
the motion. The motion passed with all in favor. The Board took no action in closed session.
Mayor Pro Tem LaFevers made a motion at 9:20 PM to recess the meeting and reconvene on July
24, 2018 at 3:00 PM to address personnel appraisals. Alderman Linker seconded the motion. The
motion passed with all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Scott Stewart
Deputy Clerk
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Town of Granite Quarry
Fire Department
Established May 15, 1950
PO Box 351 Granite Quarry, NC 704/279-5596
Board Report September 2018Chief Brown
Emergency Calls for Service July 2018
22 calls in district
15 - EMS (including strokes, falls, diabetic, CPR and other Medical needs)
1- Tree Down
4- Service Call (non-emergency assistance)
1- Gas Leak, nothing found
1-Move up to our quarters
11 calls to Salisbury
9- Alarm/Structure calls canceled en-route
2- EMS calls (including strokes, falls, diabetic, CPR and other Medical needs)
8 calls to Rockwell Rural
7- Canceled en-route
1- Fire Alarm, assisted with investigation, Nothing found
7 calls to Union
5- Alarm/Structure calls canceled en-route
1- Cancelled due to driving up on another incident
1- Lines down
3-call to Millers Ferry – Canceled en route
2- Calls to Spencer- Canceled en route
4- Calls to Rockwell City
3- Cancelled en route
1- Working fire, Provided manpower
1-Calls to South Salisbury-staged at water supply until released
2- Calls to Bostain Heights Cancelled en route
TOTAL – 60
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Daily activities include apparatus & equipment checks, training, station maintenance,
pre-plan development, hose and hydrant maintenance, water points, emergency response,
public education, inspections and the assistance of other divisions within the Town of
Our monthly training included E.M.T. continuing education. Joint Training with Faith F.D.
and Rockwell Rural F.D
Multiple days of driver training, water point training and district familiarization with new
Car Seat Check Station on Thursday from 1 4 p.m. – 1 seat installed/checked.
4 Station/Apparatus Tours (nonscheduled, Walkup)
Site Reviews and Business info updates with part-time and fulltime personnel
Assisted GQMD multiple days with traffic protection
Attended Granite Knitwear anniversary event
New MCT program up and running
Peeples & Dunham completed Chief 101 class
Still waiting to hear on Federal Grant request for Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus.
Replaced Kussmaul on 572
Replaced batteries on 573
572 repaired from incident
Request to donate out of date equipment
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st 2018 Maintenance Report
Park grounds and bathrooms cleaned weekdays
Parks mowed weekly
Right of ways mowed weekly
Sweeping curbs with sweeper
Town limbs picked up 1
and 3
Lake Park bank landscape weeded
Various pot holes filled
PM checks HVAC Town Hall and Legion
Yearly service on Baldor Generator
Reported street light outages to Duke Energy
Legion cleaned/mopped weekly
Cut back and cleaned Centennial Park trails
Spreading gravel on trails
Right of way spraying
Tagged various code violation issues (grass)
Trimmed back limbs on various right of ways (ongoing)
Working on lake quotes
Filled cracks in tennis courts
Various other small tasks completed
3 dead trees removed from lake park (Eric Moore)
Spread mulch at Civic Park
Prep work for Eagle Scout project at Legion
2007 Ford Truck Mileage – 51,868 +256 miles
1990 Chevy Truck Mileage - 106,699 Odometer froze
1995 Ford Dump Truck Mileage – 33,280
+33 miles
2009 Ford Truck Mileage – 47,314
516 miles
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Planning Department Report
For 9/4/2018 Board of Aldermen Meeting
1. Planning Board meeting held on 8/13/18. Several text amendments reviewed, and
recommendations will be forwarded to Board of Aldermen for resolution.
2. Have begun drafting a revision to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan (2
update, no action
taken this month.)
3. Planning Board will begin work on updating the Town’s Comprehensive Plan at their
August meeting (1
update, Planning Board began discussion and will take additional
action at future meetings.)
4. Started work on Code Enforcement Survey of Town properties (1
update- continue
survey work, approximately 19 violations identified, 10-15% of town surveyed. 2
update- continued survey work identifying several more violations.)
5. Working with Town Clerk to draft proposed modifications to Town Charter discussed at
Planning Retreat. (No action on this during past month.)
6. Working with Town Clerk to draft proposed modifications to Code of Ordinances to
correctly depict current government structure and lines of authority, and to agree with
modifications to Town Charter. (No action on this during past month.)
7. Working with Town Clerk to develop proposed Standard Operating Procedures for Board
of Aldermen, Town departments and staff. (No action on this during past month.)
8. Continuing work on engineering drawings for Village at Granite subdivision. (Issued
Zoning Permit to allow initial grading to begin on Phase 1. Grading has begun. 2
update- preliminary grading has begun, 3
update- grading continues, retention ponds
being installed, still working on final submittal approval, 4
update- grading continues,
final review of engineering drawings complete soon. 5
update- contractor having
problems with permitting due to floodplain impacts. Continuing with work on Phase 1
and examining options for Phase 2.)
9. Responded to several Code Enforcement complaints. Visited several ongoing code
violations to consider next enforcement actions.
10. Made presentation to Board of Aldermen concerning Downtown Master Plan, work at the
Square, Town Hall Building Façade
11. Prepared ZBA variance application for Stone Glen subdivision presentation for 9/4/18
12. Began review of Easter Creek Phase 2 subdivision and site plan approval, helped
surveyor with information, distributed drawing to TRC, met with mayor and manager to
address their questions
13. Began review of our code regulation of livestock in GQ
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14. Met with IOM Enterprises representative concerning their project
15. Resolved sewer vs septic issue at 1001 N Salisbury Ave
16. Met with Bart Allen concerning rezoning of his property near Chamandy Rd
17. Prepared project status report on active planning and development projects for Manager’s
18. Met with manager, mayor and others concerning Byrd property
19. Issued zoning permit for work at 605 S Main St
20. Reviewed and signed easement drawing for SECU
21. Met with owner on sign issue at new Dance Studio
22. Met with property owner about commercial development of parcel on S Hwy 52 across
from ERHS
23. Worked on addressing issue for 908 N Salisbury Ave.
24. Reviewed and approved entrance sign for Village at Granite
25. Reviewed and commented on Common Open Spaces requirements at Village at Granite
26. Checked development taking place on Peeler Street for proper permitting
27. Responded to Duke Energy information request concerning population growth
projections in and around Town
28. Reviewed subdivision request for lot on Bank St and responded with email
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Granite Quarry-Faith Joint Police Authority
P.O. Box 351 143 North Salisbury Ave, Granite Quarry, NC 28072
Office: (704)279-2952 Fax: (704)209-3047
Police Department Report
August 2018
Call volume report for the month of August 2018:
o Date of Report: 08/22/18
o Total calls for service/activities -
o Incident Reports- 8
o Arrest Reports- 5
o Cras
h Reports- 2
o Tr
affic Citations-
o See attached reports: Breakout of total calls for service between
following is the ending and average mileage for each vehicle by month:
221- En
d- 53,964 (Out of Service)
222- End- 34,205 (318)
223- End- 68,301 (783)
224- End- 46,830 (565)
225- End- 36,475 (609)
226- End- 17,912 (602)
227- End- 22,608 (1822)
228- End- 10,366 (1014)
229- End- 9,607 (1171)
The average response time for August calls for service is 2.68 minutes.
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Number of Events by Nature
CFS Faith August 2018
# Events
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Number of Events by Nature
CFS Granite Quarry August 2018
# Events
Town of Granite Quarry
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# Events
Town of Granite Quarry
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Department Budgeted YTD % Used
Governing Body $67,727.00 $2,655.55 4%
Administration $492,820.16 $74,182.92 15%
Maintenance $240,661.00 $37,972.00 16%
Police Dept. $648,816.00 $105,724.70 16%
Fire Department $407,712.00 $74,392.81 18%
Sanitation/Environmental $178,000.00 $14,875.70 8%
Parks & Recreation $39,000.00 $3,341.71 9%
Total Budget $2,074,736 $313,145.39 15%
Please see the Budget Vs. Actual Report attached for specific line items
Breakdown of Departments:
Finance Department
As of (8/21/18)
Town of Granite Quarry
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Disp Acct Budget YTD Variance Prcnt
01-4110-02 Mayor/Alderman Salary $12,160.62 $0.00 $12,160.62 0.00
01-4110-03 Mayor Expense $250.00 $0.00 $250.00 0.00
01-4110-08 Board Expense $800.00 $38.16 $761.84 4.77
01-4110-09 FICA Expense $931.00 $0.00 $931.00 0.00
01-4110-40 Dues & Subscriptions $820.00 $0.00 $820.00 0.00
01-4110-45 Insurance & Bonds $2,750.00 $2,617.39 $132.61 95.18
01-4110-97 Board Contingency $50,015.38 $0.00 $50,015.38 0.00
$67,727.00 $2,655.55 $65,071.45 4%
Disp Acct
Budget YTD Variance Prcnt
01-4120-00 Salaries-Regular $194,100.00 $31,429.29 $162,670.71 16.19
01-4120-02 Salaries-Part Time $25,000.00 $3,396.00 $21,604.00 13.58
01-4120-07 401K Expense $9,750.00 $1,469.53 $8,280.47 15.07
01-4120-09 FICA Expense $16,800.00 $2,554.17 $14,245.83 15.20
01-4120-10 Retirement Expense $14,550.00 $1,763.41 $16,313.41 12.12
01-4120-11 Group Insurance $42,000.00 $4,361.06 $37,638.94 10.38
01-4120-18 Professional Services $15,400.00 $0.00 $15,400.00 0.00
01-4120-22 Banquet Expense $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00
01-4120-26 Office Expense $11,000.00 $536.58 $10,463.42 4.88
01-4120-29 Supplies & Equipment $200.00 $52.98 $147.02 26.49
01-4120-31 Training & Schools $7,000.00 $671.64 $6,328.36 9.59
01-4120-32 Telephone/Communications $3,000.00 $478.44 $2,521.56 15.95
01-4120-33 Utilites $6,000.00 $344.60 $5,655.40 5.74
01-4120-34 Printing $2,500.00 $208.42 $2,291.58 8.34
01-4120-35 Maint/Repair Equipment $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00
01-4120-37 Advertising $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 0.00
01-4120-40 Dues & Subscriptions $13,000.00 $8,677.00 $4,323.00 66.75
01-4120-45 Insurance & Bonds $8,500.00 $3,831.43 $4,668.57 45.08
01-4120-49 Visionary Projects $27,225.16 $0.00 $27,225.16 0.00
01-4120-50 Community Projects $3,000.00 $500.00 $2,500.00 16.67
01-4120-52 Cap Outlay-Computer $750.00 $0.00 $750.00 0.00
01-4120-60 Contracted Services $31,145.00 $13,337.78 $17,807.22 42.82
01-4120-71 Debt Services - Principal $50,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 0.00
01-4120-72 Debt Services - Interest $8,400.00 $570.59 $7,829.41 6.79
$492,820.16 $74,182.92 $418,637.24 15%
Governing Body:
Town of Granite Quarry
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Disp Acct Budget YTD Variance Prcnt
01-4190-00 Salaries - Regular $99,000.00 $14,777.20 $84,222.80 14.93
01-4190-02 Salaries - Part-Time $29,000.00 $3,884.00 $25,116.00 13.39
01-4190-07 401K Expense $4,950.00 $734.36 $4,215.64 14.84
01-4190-09 FICA Expense $8,660.00 $1,434.73 $7,225.27 16.57
01-4190-10 Retirement Expense $7,455.00 $881.22 $8,336.22 11.82
01-4190-11 Group Insurance $22,000.00 $3,398.22 $18,601.78 15.45
01-4190-20 Motor Fuel $5,500.00 $593.86 $4,906.14 10.80
01-4190-21 Uniforms $1,500.00 $252.00 $1,248.00 16.80
01-4190-24 Maint & Repairs Buildings & Ground
$8,000.00 $368.34 $7,631.66 4.60
01-4190-25 Maint & Repairs Trucks $2,000.00 $344.14 $1,655.86 17.21
01-4190-26 Office Expense $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 0.00
01-4190-29 Supplies & Equipment $5,500.00 $661.92 $4,838.08 12.03
01-4190-31 Training & Schools $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00
01-4190-32 Telephone/Communications $1,000.00 $50.04 $949.96 5.00
01-4190-33 Utilities $5,500.00 $256.74 $5,243.26 4.67
01-4190-34 Printing $350.00 $1.80 $348.20 0.51
01-4190-35 Maint & Repairs Equip $7,000.00 $353.64 $6,646.36 5.05
01-4190-45 Insurance & Bonds $9,000.00 $7,840.64 $1,159.36 87.12
01-4190-51 Tools & Light Equipment $2,500.00 $1,671.51 $828.49 66.86
01-4190-53 C.O.Veteran Memorial $6,146.00 $0.00 $6,146.00 0.00
01-4190-55 C.O. Equipment $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 0.00
01-4190-60 Contracted Services $10,000.00 $467.64 $9,532.36 4.68
$240,661.00 $37,972.00 $202,689.00 16%
Disp Acct Budget YTD Variance Prcnt
01-6130-24 Maint/Repair Bldg & Grounds $12,000.00 $1,436.96 $10,563.04 11.97
01-6130-29 Supplies & Equipment $6,000.00 $486.28 $5,513.72 8.10
01-6130-33 Utilities $18,000.00 $1,068.47 $16,931.53 5.94
01-6130-60 Contracted Services $3,000.00 $350.00 $2,650.00 11.67
$39,000.00 $3,341.71
Disp Acct Budget YTD Variance Prcnt
01-4710-33 Utilities (Street Lights) $36,000.00 $3,105.99 $32,894.01 8.63
01-4710-64 Recycling $28,000.00 $2,320.00 $25,680.00 8.29
01-4710-65 Garbage Services $114,000.00 $9,449.71 $104,550.29 8.29
$178,000.00 $14,875.70 $163,124.30 8%
Parks & Rec:
Environmental Protection:
Town of Granite Quarry
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Disp Acct Budget YTD Variance Prcnt
01-4310-00 Salaries-Regular $334,000.00 $54,176.41 $279,823.59 16.22
01-4310-02 Salaries-Part Time $23,000.00 $4,313.00 $18,687.00 18.75
01-4310-07 401K Expense $16,700.00 $2,606.36 $14,093.64 15.61
01-4310-09 FICA Expense $27,311.00 $4,397.29 $22,913.71 16.10
01-4310-10 Retirement Expense $26,000.00 $3,152.79 $29,152.79 12.13
01-4310-11 Group Insurance $67,005.00 $9,061.92 $57,943.08 13.52
01-4310-20 Motor Fuel $18,000.00 $1,543.09 $16,456.91 8.57
01-4310-21 Uniforms $3,000.00 $125.97 $2,874.03 4.20
01-4310-25 Maint & Repair-Autos $6,000.00 $737.47 $5,262.53 12.29
01-4310-26 Office Expense $1,500.00 $26.97 $1,473.03 1.80
01-4310-29 Supplies & Equipment $8,050.00 $21.00 $8,029.00 0.26
01-4310-31 Training & Schools $3,000.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 0.00
01-4310-32 Telephone/Communications $8,000.00 $658.62 $7,341.38 8.23
01-4310-33 Utilites $3,000.00 $122.57 $2,877.43 4.09
01-4310-34 Printing $3,000.00 $26.45 $2,973.55 0.88
01-4310-35 Maint & Repair-Equipment $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00
01-4310-40 Dues & Subscriptions $1,850.00 $180.00 $1,670.00 9.73
01-4310-45 Insurance & Bonds $24,000.00 $16,291.19 $7,708.81 67.88
01-4310-54 C.O. Motor vehicle fund $37,500.00 $0.00 $37,500.00 0.00
01-4310-55 C.O. Equipment $11,900.00 $0.00 $11,900.00 0.00
01-4310-60 Contracted Services $24,000.00 $8,283.60 $15,716.40 34.52
$105,724.70 $543,091.30 16%
Police Department:
Town of Granite Quarry
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Disp Acct Budget YTD Variance Prcnt
01-4340-00 Salaries - Regular $103,292.00 $15,742.14 $87,549.86 15.24
01-4340-02 Salaries - Part-Time $160,000.00 $19,734.30 $140,265.70 12.33
01-4340-07 401K Expense $5,176.00 $779.44 $4,396.56 15.06
01-4340-09 FICA Expense $24,200.00 $2,762.07 $21,437.93 11.41
01-4340-10 Retirement Expense $7,765.00 ($935.30) $8,700.30 -12.05
01-4340-11 Group Insurance $23,500.00 $4,530.96 $18,969.04 19.28
01-4340-17 Firemen's Pension Fund $2,620.00 $0.00 $2,620.00 0.00
01-4340-20 Motor Fuel $4,000.00 $334.95 $3,665.05 8.37
01-4340-21 Uniforms $3,000.00 $294.86 $2,705.14 9.83
01-4340-25 Maint & Repairs-Trucks $12,000.00 $1,394.24 $10,605.76 11.62
01-4340-26 Office Expense $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 0.00
01-4340-29 Supplies & Equipment $20,000.00 $45.50 $19,954.50 0.23
01-4340-31 Training & Schools $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 0.00
01-4340-32 Telephone/Communications $3,000.00 $447.33 $2,552.67 14.91
01-4340-33 Utilities $7,400.00 $456.76 $6,943.24 6.17
01-4340-34 Printing $700.00 $10.56 $689.44 1.51
01-4340-35 Maint. & Repairs-Equipmen $3,000.00 $315.00 $2,685.00 10.50
01-4340-40 Dues & Subscriptions $1,400.00 $0.00 $1,400.00 0.00
01-4340-45 Insurance & Bonds $14,000.00 $25,763.57 ($11,763.57) 184.03
01-4340-60 Contracted Services $8,000.00 $557.76 $7,442.24 6.97
01-4340-72 Debt Services - Interest $2,159.00 $2,158.67 $0.33 99.98
$74,392.81 $333,319.19 18%
Fire Department:
Town of Granite Quarry
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Code Enforcement in the ETJ
During efforts to increase Code Enforcement efforts in Granite
Quarry, the Planner noticed that our Code of Ordinances, specifically
in Chapter 6, Article III, Minimum Housing Code and Chapter 9, Article
II, Declaration of Public Nuisances, that reference was made and
language included that authorized enforcement of these areas of the
Code within the Town’s corporate limits and in its extraterritorial
jurisdiction (ETJ).
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Our Code Enforcement agency (Benchmark) and the Town’s attorney
expressed their disagreement with these clauses, advising specifically
that regulations such as these established under our Police Powers
Authority could only be enforced within the Town’s municipal limits.
The Board of Aldermen agreed with this assessment and referred the
matter to the Town’s Planning Board for consideration and a
The Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend revision of the
Code of Ordinances text, eliminating reference to enforcement in the ETJ.
Current text from the Code of Ordinances reads:
Chapter 6, Article III Minimum Housing Code
Paragraph 6-52 Scope
(b) The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all existing housing and
to all housing hereafter constructed within the Towns Incorporated and
Extraterritorial Jurisdictions.
Chapter 9, Article II Declaration of Public Nuisances…
Paragraph 9-32 Jurisdiction
The provisions of this article are applicable to all properties, whether
improved or vacant lands, which are located within the town’s corporate
limits and its extraterritorial jurisdiction as now or hereafter fixed.
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Planning staff suggests these paragraphs be amended to read as follows:
Chapter 6, Article III Minimum Housing Code
Paragraph 6-52 Scope
(b) The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all existing housing and to all
housing hereafter constructed within the Town’s Incorporated Jurisdiction.
Chapter 9, Article II Declaration of Public Nuisances…
Paragraph 9-32 Jurisdiction
The provisions of this article are applicable to all properties, whether improved or
vacant lands, which are located within the towns corporate limits as now or
hereafter fixed.
Statement of Consistency with
Comprehensive Plan
In voting to recommend adoption of the
proposed text amendments to the Town’s Code
of Ordinances, the Board of Aldermen does find
this decision to be in the best interest of the
public, to be consistent in general policies stated
in the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and brings
the Codes in line with NC General Statutes.
Assuming the text amendments are adopted by the Board, the following
Statement of Consistency should also be adopted:
Town of Granite Quarry
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Managing Livestock in
Granite Quarry
Regulations controlling livestock in our Town are found in both the
Code of Ordinances and our Uniform Development Ordinance
In the Code of Ordinances, regulations are found in Chapter 5
which is appropriately titled “Animals” and is easily found in the
table of contents.
In the UDO, the regulations are found in Chapter 4, titled “Special
Requirements” and is hidden in the table of contents under the
heading of “Bona Fide Farms & Livestock”
Town of Granite Quarry
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The UDO’s authority is granted by NCGS 160A-381 & 160A-371 to do the following:
A zoning ordinance may regulate and restrict the height, number of stories
and size of buildings and other structures, the percentage of lots that may be
occupied, the size of yards, courts and other open spaces, the density of
population, the location and use of buildings, structures and land.
A city may by ordinance regulate the subdivision of land within its
territorial jurisdiction.
Nowhere does statute authorize the management of livestock in the UDO!
The requirements and limitations on managing livestock in the UDO and Code
of Ordinances are different. The UDO says:
4.9.1 Bona Fide Farms & Livestock
A. Bona fide farms located in the extraterritorial jurisdiction are exempt from the standards subject to
Section 1.3.2.
B. Structures for the storage of farm equipment and supplies, maintenance equipment and supplies,
livestock, and similar items associated with bona fide farms are permitted subject to the issuance of a zoning
permit. Such structures are not subject to the requirements of Section 4.2.2 if the property is greater than
one (1) acre, except that they are subject to the accessory structure setbacks for their respective zoning
districts and they shall not cover more than 30 percent of the total lot area.
C. No livestock shall be kept, maintained or stabled on any lot not exceeding two (2) acres.
D. Not more than one (1) animal unit shall be kept, maintained or stabled per 5,445 square feet (1/8 acre).
For the purposes, of this section, one (1) animal unit shall mean a goat, sheep, horse, cow, llama, alpaca,
ostrich, or similar animal. Five (5) chickens or similar fowl shall count as one (1) animal unit. The keeping of
hogs is not permitted.
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E. All livestock shall be fenced so that they are no closer than 150 feet from an adjacent dwelling unit. This
shall not apply to residences constructed after the establishment of such livestock containment area.
However, the containment area may not encroach further towards the newly established residence.
F. This section shall not apply to cats, dogs, potbellied pigs, or similar household pets.
G. In accordance with NCGS 106-645, up to five (5) bee hives are permitted on a single parcel provided that
hives are placed at ground level or securely attached to an anchor or stand. If the hive is securely attached
to an anchor or stand and is setback a minimum of 10 feet from the including setbacks from the property
line and from other hives. The Town of Granite Quarry may require the removal of any hive that is no
longer maintained or is a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
The Code of Ordinances says:
Sec. 5-3. Cattle, goats, sheep, horses.
It shall be unlawful for any person to locate, erect, or maintain on any property, within the corporate limits of
the town, a stable for housing cattle, goats, sheep, or horses unless it shall be located at least 200 feet from any
residence. No more than one of any of these animals shall be kept on a lot containing less than one acre. Not
more than a total of two of these animals per acre may be kept on lots containing one acre or more. So much
of the lot as may be set aside for the use of these animals shall be completely enclosed. Fences shall be
maintained and in good repair to prevent the animals from getting out.
Sec. 5-4. Maintenance of pens, lots, etc.
Every person who owns or maintains a penned lot, shelter, or other place where animals are kept shall
maintain the same in a sanitary and humane manner.
If the condition of the shelter shall be found not to be healthy or humane, then this condition shall be reported
to the animal control officer and it shall be the duty of the animal control officer to report the condition to the
health department.
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Item Code of Ordinances UDO
Min lot size none 2 acres
Animals allowed less than 1
acre 1 0
animals per acre 2 8
Separation from residence 200' 150'
Area for animals fenced yes yes
Chickens, fowl not mentioned 5 chickens = 1 animal
hogs not allowed not allowed
Bees not mentioned
allowed per
Housing sanitary and humane sanitary and humane
The differences are shown in the following chart:
Item Code of Ordinances UDO Suggested
Min lot size none 2 acres 2 acres
Animals allowed less than 1
acre 1 0 0
animals per acre 2 8 2
Separation from residence 200' 150' 200'
Area for animals fenced yes yes yes
Chickens, fowl not mentioned 5 chickens = 1 animal 5=1
hogs not allowed not allowed not allowed
Bees not mentioned
allowed per NCGS106-
allowed per NCGS106-
Housing sanitary and humane sanitary and humane sanitary and humane
Additional restrictions not in front yard
10' setback for fencing
from property line
odors and noise shall
not be objectionable
to adjacent residences
Suggested resolution between the two is shown to the far right:
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It is suggested that in the UDO, the text in Section 4.9.1 be revised as follows:
Items A & B be left as they are since they relate to bona fide farms (a legal
zoning terminology) and the structures that can be built upon them.
Item C be revised to say, “Refer to the Town’s Code of Ordinances, Chapter 5
for regulations pertaining to the keeping of livestock in the Town of Granite
Delete Items D through G.
It is suggested that the Code of Ordinances be revised as follows:
Sec. 5-3. Cattle, goats, sheep, horses, etc.
a) No livestock shall be kept, maintained or stabled on any lot not exceeding two (2) acres.
b) Not more than one (1) animal unit shall be kept, maintained or stabled per acre. For the purposes, of this section,
one (1) animal unit shall mean a goat, sheep, horse, cow, llama, alpaca, ostrich, or similar animal. Five (5) chickens or
similar fowl shall count as one (1) animal unit.
c) Animals shall only be kept on owner occupied parcels or on parcels occupied by renters with the permission of the
owner. No animals shall be kept on undeveloped parcels zoned for residential or commercial use.
d) The keeping of hogs is not permitted.
e) All livestock shall be fenced so that they are completely contained and no closer than 200 feet from an adjacent
dwelling unit. This shall not apply to residences constructed after the establishment of such livestock containment
area, however, the containment area may not encroach further towards the newly established residence. Fencin
hall be setback at least 10’ from adjacent property lines or side street rights-of-way. Livestock shall not be kept in the
front yard of the residence.
f) This section shall not apply to cats, dogs, potbellied pigs, or similar household pets.
g)In accordance with NCGS 106-645, up to five (5) bee hives are permitted on a single parcel provided that hives are
placed at ground level or securely attached to an anchor or stand. If the hive is securely attached to an anchor or
stand and is setback a minimum of 10 feet from the including setbacks from the property line and from other hives.
The Town of Granite Quarry may require the removal of any hive that is no longer maintained or is a threat to the
health, safety, and welfare of the public.
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Sec. 5-4. Maintenance of pens, lots, etc.
a) Every person who owns or maintains a penned lot, shelter, or other place where animals are kept shall
maintain the same in a sanitary and humane manner.
b) If the condition of the shelter shall be found not to be healthy or humane, then this condition shall be
reported to the animal control officer and it shall be the duty of the animal control officer to report the
condition to the health department.
c) Odors and noises created by the keeping of livestock shall not be objectionable to adjacent residences as
determined by the Town’s Planner.
Assuming the text amendments are adopted by
the Board, the following Statement of
Consistency should also be adopted:
Statement of Consistency with
Comprehensive Plan
In voting to recommend adoption of the
proposed text amendments to the Town’s Code
of Ordinances and Uniform Development
Ordinance, the Board of Aldermen does find
this decision to be in the best interest of the
public, to be consistent in general policies stated
in the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and brings
the Codes in line with NC General Statutes.
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North Carolina Department of Transportation
Application for Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant
Funds - 2019 Call for Proposals
Updated: Submittal Deadline is Friday November 2, 2018
I certify that the City/Town/County of _______________________________, in applying for Bicycle or Pedestrian Planning
Grant funds, attests a commitment to the plan’s development, management, financing and completion, and that the
completed plan will be submitted to the City/Town/County Council or other approving authority for adoption.
_______________________________ ____________________________
Signature* Title
_______________________________ ____________________________
Name (printed) Date
Eligibility Criteria
Plan Category:
Bicycle Plan Pedestrian Plan
Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Municipalities may apply for funding to undertake either a bicycle plan, pedestrian plan or joint bicycle & pedestrian plan in any
given fiscal year. Municipalities with a population below 10,000 are eligible to apply for a joint bicycle and pedestrian plan.
(Municipalities with a population below 5,000 are also eligible to apply for a project acceleration plan - to apply for this type of
plan, please use the Project Acceleration Plan Application.) Counties with population less than 50,000 may apply for a bicycle or
pedestrian plan on behalf of incorporated communities and/or unincorporated areas within their jurisdiction.
Has the City/Town/County Council passed a resolution
supporting this application?
Yes, attached Pending**
Date anticipated
For municipalities within a Metropolitan Planning Organization
(MPO), has the MPO passed a resolution supporting this application?
Yes, attached
Date anticipated
For municipalities within a Rural Planning Organization (RPO), has
the RPO passed a resolution supporting this application?
Yes, attached Pending**
Date anticipated
Municipality/County Name:
Applicant Information
Proposal eligible Yes No
Name of Municipality:
NCDOT Division
Municipality agrees to enter into a reimbursement agreement with NCDOT:
Yes No
Municipality is member of:
MPO RPO Neither
Department applying for grant:
Contact Person:
Work Phone Number:
Work Fax Number:
E-mail Address:
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
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Town of Granite Quarry
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Narrative Description
In a few short sentences, please provide some general information about your community (unscored question).
1) Please describe the community’s vision for improving bicycle AND/OR pedestrian transportation and the realistic and measurable
goals that have been set to achieve this vision.
2) What are the reasons the community needs this plan? Consider including discussion and data regarding safety, land use,
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connectivity, demographics, diverse and special user groups, etc. Additionally, identify high-use bicycle and/or pedestrian
areas within or around the community.
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Town of Granite Quarry
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3) Provide an overview of the current bicycling AND/OR pedestrian transportation system, briefly discussing strengths and
weaknesses. Describe facilities currently in place or planned for completion in the next five years (designated bicycle route system,
miles of off-road paths, extent of sidewalk network, etc.) as well as potential barriers that inhibit developing the system. Please
provide links to relevant documents or maps, or provide as attachments if not available online.
4) What is the current picture of the community’s bicycle & pedestrian programs involving education, enforcement, and/
or encouragement? Consider discussing how the community supports these programs and/or how they may be lacking.
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Municipality/County Name:
Town of Granite Quarry
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5) How will having a bicycle and/or pedestrian plan contribute to improving the overall health of the community? Describe any
existing or proposed health programs, initiatives or goals in the community. If applicable, please provide links to relevant
documents or provide as attachments if not available online.
6) How has the community implemented other locally adopted plans and how have these documents guided local decision-
making? Have these planning efforts improved bicycle and/or pedestrian connectivity, accessibility, and/or safety? If applicable,
please indicate any related municipal, county and/or regional bicycle planning and/or pedestrian planning activities currently
underway or undertaken in the past, including bicycle/pedestrian/greenway elements in broader municipal planning documents
(list years and provide links to this information).
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Municipality/County Name:
Town of Granite Quarry
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Municipality/County Name:
7) List the name and title/position of the full-time, permanent municipal staff person responsible for project oversight, as well as
any others who will have involvement in plan development (include resumes as attachments). Describe any prior experience these
individuals may have in the management, preparation and/or implementation of a bicycle and/or pedestrian plan or other
transportation/community planning efforts (provide links where appropriate).
8) Describe what elected officials and other stakeholders have done to support bicycle and/or pedestrian programs, policies and
projects in the past. Additionally, list existing bicycle, pedestrian, greenway, open space or other relevant committees/groups and
task forces in the surrounding area that are charged with addressing bicycle issues and/or pedestrian issues and explain how (or
if) they will be integrated in the planning process.
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Municipality/County Name:
9) What individuals, groups and/or represented interests will be included on the steering committee and what will be the role of
the steering committee in plan development. Describe how citizen participation in plan development will be sought.
10) How does your community intend to facilitate the implementation of your bike and/or pedestrian plan and what are the
anticipated outcomes for your municipality/county? Additionally, indicate any available and unique resources (funding and other)
and partners that may be involved with plan implementation.
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Municipality/County Name:
Project Cost Information
Project Cost Range*:
Local Match Percentage*:
Source(s) of Local Matching Funds (list all applicable):
Attachments (via email)
Optional (if information is available on-line, please list link):
Municipal Resolution
MPO Resolution (if applicable)
RPO Resolution (if applicable)
Resume(s) of overseeing staff and other
individuals attached
Map of Municipality
Letters of Support attached or were sent
Copies of previous plans (summaries and/or web links
Other Maps
Other (please identify):
Please provide information on the primary person who prepared this application and indicate the municipal department, local
agency, consulting firm, or other organization with which they are affiliated.
Agency/Consulting Firm/Organization:
Name of Preparer:
Work Phone Number:
Work Fax Number:
E-mail Address:
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
For more detailed information on completing the application please
see the Application Instructions document online at
Application form and relevant documents will be accepted in digital
format only and should be emailed to the NCDOT, Division of
Bicycle Pedestrian Transportation through Bryan Lopez at
Updated Deadline: Applications will be accepted no
later than 5:00 pm on November 2, 2018.
Application Packet will be accepted via email ONLY
Emailing Address:
Contact: Bryan Lopez at
Subject Title: 2019 Planning Grant Initiative Application
Your Municipality/County Name
Format: Every effort should be made to convert the
completed application form and all scanned files to PDF
Application Package: There is a maximum 25 megabyte
application packet size for emailing per municipality
North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation, page 7 of 7 08/17/2018
Preparer Information**
Digital Submittal Information
Commitment for Participation in Implementation Survey Report
If awarded funding, indicate acknowledgment of future participation in survey. See Planning Grant Initiative Program Overview for more information. CHECK HERE
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North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation, page 1 of 4
North Carolina Department of Transportation
Bicycle Helmet Initiative - 2018 Call for Applications
Submittal Deadline is December 11, 2017
I attest that the information given in this application is true to the best of my knowledge; and I as
a participant of a bicycle safety and awareness program in my community do promise to make every
effort to distribute any awarded helmets to low-income children who would most benefit from this
______________________________________ __________________________________
Name Title
North Carolina Crash Facts:
Each year in North Carolina, an average of 20 bicyclists are killed while bicycling, one in six bicyclists
killed in NC are under the age of 16
. Children ages 5 to 14 are seen in emergency rooms for bicycle
related injuries more than any other sport. Typically, only 45 percent of children usually wear helmets
Helmets can reduce the risk of severe brain injuries by 88 percent
Funding for the Bicycle Helmet Initiative is made possible through the “Share the Roadspecialty
license plate. Persons dedicated to bicycle safety in North Carolina have continued to support this
initiative that provides funding that makes the Bicycle Helmet Initiative possible for the children in North
Carolina that will benefit most from this initiative.
NCDOT, Crash Data Tool -Bicycle Injury Query- 2012,
Helmet Safety Institute
Applicant Information
Organization applying for the Bicycle Helmet Initiative award:
Contact Person:
Best Day-Time Phone Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail Address:
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
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North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation, page 2 of 4
Application Questionnaire
(All questions are to be filled in completely)
1) The Bicycle Helmet Initiative award is specifically provided to make helmets available to low income
children. Considering this, how many helmets would you be able to distribute?
a. 25 b.50 c. 75 d. 100
2) List the community groups you plan to partner with to distribute the helmets:
(Support letters can accompany application packet; partnership is not mandatory for qualification
but each letter of support will increase the application’s chances of award. )
a. _ _
b. _ _
c. _ _
d. _ _
e. _ _
3) List any bicycle safety programs or events you are aware of in your local area (include school,
police and community programsUse space to state if no programs exist in your area).
a. _ _
b. _ _
c. _ _
d. _ _
4) Do you plan on utilizing the North Carolina “Let’s Go NC!” Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety
Curriculum ( as part your helmet
distribution efforts?
a. Yes No
5) Describe any helmet or bicycle safety initiatives or events you were involved with in the last year.
Include information on the target audience and how many individuals were reached:
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North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation, page 3 of 4
Narrative Description
(Please limit descriptions to space provided)
6) In the space provided, please describe your bicycle safety program and how helmets will be
distributed to low income children. If you answered ‘yes’ to Question (4), specify how you will
incorporate the Let’s Go NC! curriculum.
7) Provide your explanation for the requested number of helmets in Question (1).
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North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation, page 4 of 4
All groups/organizations that receive helmet awards through the Bicycle Helmet Initiative will be required to forward a brief
summary report of their program. This report can be a page or less, but no more than three pages. For all pictures that
accompany reports a signed parental consent must be kept on record by the host organization for a period of three years.
NCDOT, Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation reserves the right to use information and images furnished
through this initiative at its own discretion.
I understand that a summary report must be submitted 30 days following the bicycle safety event.
I understand that I/my organization must obtain parental consent for all images.
Note: Submission of application to the Bicycle Helmet Initiative is not a guarantee of award.
Submittal Information
The deadline for applications is 5:00pm on
December 11, 2017.
E-mail Address:
Bryan Lopez
Subject Line: 2018 Bicycle Helmet Initiative Application
Attachment preference format: PDF
Mailing Address:
Bryan Lopez
NCDOT Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation
1552 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1552
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Diversity and Inclusion in Today’s Local Government
Employment Discrimination Law: What Clerks Need to Know
Change i
s C
oming: Are you on Board?
Selling Surplus Property
is Social Media
Annual Clerks B
usiness Meeting
2018 Legislative Update
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Town of Granite Quarry
To: Board of Aldermen
PC: Mayor Bill Feather
From: Tanya Maria Word
Date: August 27, 2018
RE: Lapel Pins Quote and Design Layout
At the request of Alderman LaFevers I checked on prices for Granite Quarry lapel pins. After
consulting with my fellow clerks, they all recommended The Pin Center.
I spoke with a representative from The Pin Center and attached is the artwork and below are the
100 pins @ $2.20 each = $220
200 pins @ $2.05 each = $410
300 pins @ $1.85 each = $555 (factory price break)
One time die charge $85.00 (for re-orders you don’t pay this again)
2 silk screens on the pin. They are only going to charge us for 1 @ $25.00 (we don’t pay this
again either)
Shipping $13.00 - $18.00
Staff recommends Style A which is the actual logo of the town.
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Town of Granite Quarry Policy Manual
Effective Date: December 21, 2011
Revision Date: September 4, 2018
Review Due Date:
Procedure Number: 420-10
Issued By: Finance Officer
Policy Title: Financial Management Policies & Internal Control Procedures
Section: Finance
Elected Officials and Town employees have a responsibility to provide taxpayers with
reasonable assurance that government finances are adequately controlled. A strong internal
control environment reflects the reliability of the accounting records and financial statements.
Strong internal controls aid in the prevention of fraud and the detection of accidental errors in the
accounting process.
As a small unit of government, extensive separation of duties is not possible. Therefore,
alternative controls should be used to compensate for the lack of separation. The governing
board members as well as the Town manger must be called upon to provide some of these
Units of government have various accounting functions, which include:
Cash Management
Cash Disbursement-Non-Payroll
Cash Disbursement-Payroll
Investment Management
Recording & Recognizing
Each of these areas are addressed below.
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Cash Management
All employees who handle public moneys must be bonded either individually or under a
blanket bond according to G.S. 159-29. The Finance Officer must be individually bonded
for at least $50,000. All others may be included in a blanket bond.
No official or employee shall have the authority to open a bank account in the name of
the Town or any of its departments using public funds without authorization by the
governing body (NC General Statute 159-31(a)).
The governing board shall designate an official depository within the state of North
Carolina according to G.S. 159-31(a). It is unlawful for any public moneys to be
deposited in a depository other than a bank, savings and loan association, or trust
company within North Carolina.
Bank accounts for checking, money market, and certificates of deposit should be
reconciled to the books by the Finance Officer at the end of each month. Any accrued
interest on the accounts will be recorded int eh accounting system. The bank
reconciliations will be reviewed and approved by the Town Manager.
The Finance Officer shall have access to the Town bank account online in order to
perform direct deposits, transfers, and to review accounts. All on-line activities shall be
provided to the Town Manager or a board member for review and approval.
All public funds shall follow the deposit guidelines below. No official or employee of the
Town shall have the authority to cash a check payable to the Town, with one exception.
The exception is for checks made out to the Town which were written by the Town to
replenish petty cash.
Moneys received will be deposited at a minimum when $250.00 is accumulated and on
the last business day of each month (NC General Statute 159-32).
a) Moneys are received by front office staff. Pre-numbered receipts are provided for
any cash received.
b) Prior to deposit, money will be kept in the vault.
c) Finance Officer prepares moneys for deposit and records in the accounting system
and on 2-part deposit slip. Cash to be deposited is agreed to pre-numbered receipt
book and receipts are initialed by the Finance Officer.
d) Finance Officer provides deposit and 2-part deposit slip to the Town Clerk for
review and approval.
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e) Finance Officer takes deposit and 2-part deposit slip to the bank.
f) Finance Officer returns with 1 part of 2-part deposit slip and bank receipt which is
provided to the Town Manager along with accounting system report and check
stubs or other backup. Town Manager reviews for pre-deposit approval (i.e.
initials of Town Clerk) and agrees bank receipt to deposit slip and accounting
system report and approves.
Bank accounts should be properly collateralized in accordance with NC General Statute
The Pooling Method of collateralization under 20 NCAC 7 secures all uninsured public
deposits of every public depositor through a pool of collateral established by the
depository with the State Treasurer for the benefit of the State and the participating units.
This method maintains the responsibility for monitoring each bank’s collateralization and
financial condition with the State Treasurer. The Town will maintain deposits with
institutions using the Pooling Method of collateralization.
a) Finance Officer will annually complete INV-91 Notification of Public Deposit
and submit to Financial Institution and State Treasurer. Form will be reviewed
and approved by Town Manager prior to submission. (20 NCAC 7, Rule .0103).
b) All releases or substitutions of collateral securities resulting in a decrease of the
market value of pledged securities should be reviewed by Finance Officer.
c) Finance Officer should complete Form LGC-203 on a semiannual basis to report
status of deposits and investments (NC General Statute 159-33). Form will be
reviewed and approved by Town Manager prior to submission to Local
Government Commission (LGC).
Petty cash will be reconciled by the Finance Officer on a random basis, at least quarterly.
These reconciliations will be provided to the Town Manager for review and approval.
Any overages in petty cash will be included in the next deposit. Any shortages will be
Petty cash will be kept in a vault. The vault will be locked appropriately at the end of
each work day. The combination to the vault will be known only to the Finance Officer,
Town Clerk, and Deputy Town Clerk.
Cash Disbursement-Non-Payroll
The Finance Officer shall appropriate and expend the Town’s moneys pursuant to NC
General Statute 159-28(b).
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Purchase requisitions will be signed by the department head or other designated
leader within the department. Purchase requisitions will not be paid without
proper approval.
Purchase requisitions greater than $500 must be approved by the Town Manager.
Those greater than $7,500 must be approved by a board member.
Purchase requisitions will only be paid after being matched to a corresponding
Purchase requisitions will be entered into the accounting system and processed
weekly or bi-weekly. After entry into the accounting system, invoices and
purchase requisitions will be stamped as entered to avoid duplicate payment.
Pre-numbered checks will be used for all disbursements. The Finance Officer will
account for all check numbers at the end of each month, including voided checks.
The Town Manager will review and approve. Any missing checks will be
The unused check stock will be maintained in the Finance Officers locked office.
Voided checks should be so indicated on the check register. The checks should be
sufficiently defaced to avoid use. Voided checks will be maintained on file.
Checks will be signed by two designated check signers as directed by NC General
Statute 159-25(b). Per this statute checks should be signed by the Finance Officer
and another official designated by the Board. In the absence of the Finance
Officer, a pre-designated Deputy Finance Officer will counter-sign checks.
Current signature cards should be maintained on file with the financial institution
at all times, indicating which employees and board members are authorized to
sign checks.
Checks will only be signed after thorough review of documentation supporting
the disbursement. Thorough review will be documented by the signing of the
check and by the initialing of the check register.
All purchase requisitions and checks should have a properly signed pre-audit certificate
as directed by NC General Statute 159-28.
Prior to signing the pre-audit certificate on purchase requisitions or invoices, the
Finance Officer shall confirm that sufficient funds are budgeted for the
Prior to signing the pre-audit certificate on the check, the Finance Officer shall
confirm that there are sufficient funds in the checking account to cover the
According to NC General Statute 159-28(c), the governing board may approve a
bill, invoice , or other claim against the local government that have been
disapproved by the Finance Officer. This must be done by formal resolution.
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Any insufficient funds notices will be brought immediately to the attention of the Town
Manager and the Governing Board.
In the event of the Finance Officer’s extended absence, cash disbursements will be
processed by the re-designated Deputy Finance Officer using the procedures outlined
Cash Disbursement-Payroll
Appropriately approved employee expense reports will be paid via payroll. All expenses
must be supported by a receipt. Expense reimbursements are not subject to tax.
Only appropriately approved time sheets will be processed for payment.
Time sheets will be entered into the accounting system and processed on a bi-weekly
basis. Pay per call time will be processed on a monthly basis.
Payroll disbursements will be entered into financial institution by Tuesday at 4:00 of the
pay week. This allows for direct deposit on Thursday.
Pre-numbered checks will be used for all non-direct deposit disbursements. The
Finance Officer will account for all check numbers at the end of the month,
including voided checks. The Town Manager will review and approve. Any
missing checks will be investigated.
The unused check stock will be maintained in the Finance Officer’s locked office.
Voided checks should be so indicated on the check register. The checks should be
sufficiently defaced to avoid use. Voided checks will be maintained on file.
Checks will be signed by two designated check signers as directed by NC General
Statute 159-25(b). Per this statute checks should be signed by the Finance Officer
and another official designated by the Board. In the absence of the Finance
Officer, a pre-designated Deputy Finance Officer will counter-sign checks.
Checks will only be signed after thorough review of documentation supporting
the disbursement. Thorough review will be documented by the signing of the
check and by the initialing of the check register.
The Finance Officer shall submit all payroll deduction payments to the proper agencies in
a timely manner. These deductions include the federal and state tax deposits,
garnishments, ORBIT, 401km United Way and insurance.
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The Finance Officer shall reconcile all payroll payable accounts monthly to ensure proper
payments were made. The reconciliation will be reviewed and approved by the Town
The Finance Officer shall submit all payroll reports to the proper agencies in a timely
manner. These include:
Department of Labor – Monthly
941 – Quarterly
NC 5Q Quarterly
Employment Security Commission Quarterly
W2s – Annually
1099s – Annually
In the event of the Finance Officer’s extended absence, cash disbursements will be
processed by the re-designated Deputy Finance Officer or the Deputy Town Clerk using
the procedures outlined above.
Investment Management
Funds of the Town will be invested in accordance with NC General Statute 159-30.
According to North Carolina General Statute 159-25 (a)(6), the Finance Officer shall
have the responsibility for the investment of any idle funds.
According to North Carolina General Statute 159-30 (b), moneys may be deposited in the
form of certificates of deposit o other such time deposits. These deposits must be made in
an official depository and are subject to collateralization as discussed previously.
Certificates of deposit (CD) purchased by the Town shall be delivered to the Finance
Officer. The Finance Officer shall secure the CDs in the vault.
Interest accrued on the CDs will be recorded monthly in accounting system by the
Finance Officer.
The investment program shall be managed so that investments and deposits can be
converted to cash when needed. To ensure cash is available when needed, investments
shall be made in certificates of deposits with maturities of at least once per fiscal year.
The Town is empowered by NC General Statute 159-30(c) to invest in certain types of
If these investment types are chosen, no more than 30% of the Town’s investments will
be invested in any one type to avoid incurring unreasonable risk. To ensure cash in not
restricted long term, investments shall be made with maturities of at least once per fiscal
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Recording & Recognizing
According to NC General Statute 159-25, the Finance Officer shall keep the accounts of
the local government in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(GAAP) of governmental accounting and the rules and regulations of the Local
Government Commission (LGC).
To assist in the record keeping, the Town shall maintain an accounting system as
indicated in NC General Statute 159-26. The Accounting system should maintain at a
minimum a General Fund. If applicable, other funds may also be established as stated in
NC General Statute 159-26(b).
The Finance Officer shall maintain administrative rights to the accounting system and
designate other users as needed. Each individual with access shall enter the system using
their own confidential password.
The Finance Officer shall prepare and provide monthly reports to the Board showing
financial condition and budget versus actual.
A backup of the accounting system shall be done at least monthly. The backup shall be
maintained in a locked, fire-proof vault.
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Maintenance Surplus Items August 2018
2 Kawasaki weed eaters (upgraded)
1 Echo weed eater (broken)
1 Stihl back pack blower (upgraded)
intenance requests to sell these items on Gov Deals and will ask the board to
put the sold funds into maintenance small tool fund 01-4190-51 at a later date.
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Town of Granite Quarry
Fire Department
Established May 15, 1950
PO Box 351 Granite Quarry, NC 704/279-5596
To: Manager Conrad
Ref: Board Approval to donate out of date equipment
Date: August 20, 2018
he Fire Department is seeking approval from the Board in September’s
meeting to donate Turnout Gear and Hose that has expired in its service life
under National Standards. We have recently been made aware that there in a
Non-profit organization that takes Donations of this type equipment and
repurposes it to third world countries that have little or nothing in their
respective fire service. The organizations name is Firefighters Faith Ministry
and their website is:
These are items that have been collected over many years and it is time to find
a new home for them. This option gives continued purpose to what otherwise
is of no use to our department.
We are asking approval to donate:
42 tu
rnout pants
33 turnout coats
14 sections of 5 inch hose
8 sections of 1-3/4 inch hose
2 sections of 2-1/2 inch hose
hank you in advance, and please call if you have any questions.
Dale Brown
Fire Chief
Town of Granite Quarry
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7 Foot 3 Point Tractor Sickle Bar Mower with
Hydraulic Lift
3 Point Tractor Sickle Bar Mower
Alternative Views:
7 Foot Farm Maxx (Rossi)
Hydraulic Lift Sickle
Perfect for small hay
operations, pond and ditch
mowing, vertical hedge
trimming, and much more,
the Feraboli sickle bar mower
goes up to 90 straight up, and
up to 45 degrees down. The
lift on the bar is hydraulically
controlled by your tractor's
remote rear hydraulics.
Requires minimum 20-35
48" transport width
Standard hydraulic lift
cylinder kit
Adjustable lift and lower
Includes extra cutting blade
Powder coat paint
Heavy duty safety release
Double acting cutting bar
Weighs 633 lbs.
Deduct $300 for manual lift
Free shipping within 1,000
Our Price: $4,543.00
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Piston Motor Swing Boom Cutter
Our Swing Boom Cutter is designed for cutting banks, fence lines, and
right of ways. It also works great for clearing pond banks and cutting
With a reach of 96″ when extended horizontally and a vertical reach of
sixteen feet, it makes clearing unwanted tree limbs less of a hassle. The
cutter will also swing to the right and can be used as a side cutter.
A flow of 17-27 gpm is required
Direct drive piston motor with max 4000 PSI
3″ x 16″ tilt cylinders
5/8″ AR400 blades
42″ cut
3″ cutting capacity
Requires a case drain
Available with universal 8 or 14 pin wiring harness
1 Year Warranty does not cover the blades and hoses
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Open Front Brush Cutter
Built with the same quality and materials as our
standard brush cutter. The open front design with
push bar allows for faster removal of larger brush and
shrubs. Available in 5 foot and 6 foot with low or high
flow motor.
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