Complete this informaƟ on online under “My Pro le” in your member portal.
Note: If married, living in a community property state (for example AL, AZ, CA, ID, LA, NV, NM, TX, WA, or WI), and want to designate a primary
bene ciary other than your spouse, your spouse must agree in wri ng to your designa on and you must submit a physical copy of this form by
mail or fax.
You should consult your legal/tax advisor when comple ng this form, as there may be tax and/or legal consequences to your designa on.
You have the op on to list one or more persons to be the primary and con ngent bene ciaries for your HSA (including your estate or a trust,
as applicable). If designa ng mul ple primary or con ngent bene ciaries, indicate the percentage share each should receive, ensuring the
total of each adds up to 100%.
Designa ons are e ec ve upon receipt by HealthEquity and, unless otherwise speci ed, cancel all previous HSA bene ciary designa ons on le.
Account Holder InformaƟ on (all elds are required)
Last Name First Name M.I.
E-Mail Address Day me Phone
( )
SSN or HealthEquity ID Number (6 or 7 digits)
Primary Bene ciary(ies)
To ensure mely comple on of your request, please complete all elds for each bene ciary you designate.
Primary Bene ciary 1 Estate/Trust
SSN or TIN Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Address City State ZIP
Rela onship Percent
Primary Bene ciary 2 Estate/Trust
SSN or TIN Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Address City State ZIP
Rela onship Percent
Primary Bene ciary 3 Estate/Trust
SSN or TIN Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Address City State ZIP
Rela onship Percent
Primary Bene ciary 4 Estate/Trust
SSN or TIN Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Address City State ZIP
Rela onship Percent
Bene ciary DesignaƟ on Form
Please mail or fax completed forms to:
Address: HealthEquity, AƩ n: Member Services
15 W Scenic Pointe Dr, Ste 100 Draper, UT 84020
Fax: 801.727.1005 866.346.5800
ConƟ ngent Bene ciary(ies)
Con ngent bene ciaries receive your HSA assets in the event that all of your primary bene ciaries pass away before you.
ConƟ ngent Bene ciary 1 Estate/Trust
SSN or TIN Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Address City State ZIP
Rela onship Percent
ConƟ ngent Bene ciary 2 Estate/Trust
SSN or TIN Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Address City State ZIP
Rela onship Percent
Total 100%
AuthorizaƟ on
ParƟ cipant Signature Name (please print) Date
If you’re a resident of a community or marital property state and have designated a bene ciary other than, or in addi on to, your spouse, have your
spouse authorize the designa on by signing below.
Spousal Consent: I am the legal spouse of the HSA account holder. I acknowledge that I have received a fair and reasonable disclosure of my
spouse’s property and nancial obliga ons. Due to the tax consequences of giving up my interest in this HSA, I have been advised to see a quali ed
tax professional. I hereby consent to the bene ciary designa on(s) indicated above.
Spouse’s Signature Name (please print) Date
Bene ciary_Designa on_Form_20130911