4. What is/are the current source(s) of funding for the project/service? What are your
organization’s major source(s) of revenue to operate programs?
5. Has the organization attempted to coordinate the project/service with other agencies
to avoid duplication of services? If yes, please explain.
6. Please list names and addresses (to the best of your knowledge) of other agencies in
the City of Brockton (including non-profit and government) that are performing the
same or similar activity or program as contained in your CDBG funding request. How
do the programs differ? How do they overlap? Is there collaboration with other
7. As a prerequisite for possible funding, all agencies or non-profit groups applying for
Community Development Block Grant Funds MUST SUBMIT, with their
application(s), their latest copy of a certified Audit on the expenditure of Federal,
State, City or private funds in carrying out their program activities. The Brockton
Redevelopment Authority will utilize the Audit to not only review the qualifications
of the applicant, but to also project as to whether or not Federal CDBG Funds will be
used for a new or greatly expanded activity. The audit should also specifically outline
the cost of each activity being carried out under the applicant's program.
NOTE: Applications submitted without a copy of the latest certified audit will not be reviewed by
the Brockton Redevelopment Authority for possible funding. A list of all funding sources along
with amounts received must also be submitted with the audit.