President’s Achievement Awards for Faculty and Staff
Nomination Questionnaire
Self-Nominations Accepted
Please submit nominations by December 1 for Academic Year 2018-2019
I. Name of nominee:
II. Nominated for: (check one)
Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching (Faculty only)
Distinguished Achievement Award in Grants and Research (Faculty or Staff)
Distinguished Achievement Award in Service (Faculty or Staff)
Distinguished Achievement Award in Performance (Staff only)
III. Name of nominator:
Signature of Nominator: ______________________________________________
Relationship to the Nominee: Supervisor Department Chair Self
Dean Vice President
IV. Nominee Qualification
Include most significant contributions of the nominee to Bowie State University. Attach
additional pages (up to 10) including this form. Attachments should include: resume, job
description, letters of recommendation/commendation, reasons for recognition in the specific
category and other supporting material as appropriate e.g. innovations in the classroom and service
to students.
After completion of all required documents, forward one electronic submission (combined PDF) to