Please list any current officer positions or commitments as well as any known upcoming positions or
commitments for 2018-2019.
Will you be able to attend a required standing committee meeting from 5:30-6:20pm every Wednesday?
Yes No
Will you be available every Wednesday night for Senate meetings from 6:30pm to the close of the
meeting? Yes No
By signing below, you verify that:
1. I have read the statue/bylaws governing this position, and if appointed, I shall willingly abide by all guideline
and requirements, which are provided therein.
2. Additionally, I do hereby acknowledge the fact that an overall grade point average of 2.0 or higher is
required to hold this position and I do hereby give permission to have my GPA verified by the appropriate
SGA official as being above or below the 2.0 requirement. I also understand that should I be granted this
position a periodic check will be necessary to ensure that I continue to meet this requirement throughout
my tenure and do hereby give my permission to do so to the appropriate SGA official.
3. Furthermore, I agree to fulfill 10 hours each week as a Committee Chair.
Signature: ______________________________________________________________
myWSU ID: _______________________________________ Date: ________________
Date of Birth: _________________
• You must make an appointment with Johny Buchanan-Spachek, the Office Manager, for an interview with the President
when you return this application to the SGA office.
• The Student Senate ratifies appointments at its meetings on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Your attendance is mandatory. Check
in the SGA office for the location of weekly Senate meetings. All Senate candidates should make a short speech on his/her
qualifications during the meeting of the appointment. In your speech, please provide your name, class standing, and major,
reasons for applying, on-campus involvement, and off-campus involvement/work. Be prepared for questions afterwards.
SGA Office Use: Verification of GPA - Fall: Yes/No
Verification of GPA - Spring: Yes/No
Interviewed: Yes/No
click to sign
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