Applications can be submitted to the SGA office in RSC 219.
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Phone: (Cell) _________________________ (Home) ___________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________
Academic College: _____________________ Major(s): _________________________
Class Standing: FR SO JR SR GRAD
Position(s) Sought:
_____ Academics Committee Chair
_____ Diversity Task Force Chair
_____ Organizational Outreach Chair
_____ Safety and Student Services Chair
Each committee chair is required to work 10 hours per week.
Answers may be written on this page or attached as a separate document. Applicants must also provide a
supplemental résu with the application.
Please describe your additional on-campus involvement, work (on and off campus), class schedule, and
other activities that require your time (please provide the estimated amount of time that you will be
involved in each activity):
Please state your reasons for applying and any related experience:
Please provide a specific project or task that you intend to complete as the chair of the committee you are
applying for and provide a plan of action to complete that task:
Please give a specific example of your leadership abilities:
Please describe the constituency of students that you feel you can best represent and why:
Please list any current officer positions or commitments as well as any known upcoming positions or
commitments for 2018-2019.
Will you be able to attend a required standing committee meeting from 5:30-6:20pm every Wednesday?
Yes No
Will you be available every Wednesday night for Senate meetings from 6:30pm to the close of the
meeting? Yes No
By signing below, you verify that:
1. I have read the statue/bylaws governing this position, and if appointed, I shall willingly abide by all guideline
and requirements, which are provided therein.
2. Additionally, I do hereby acknowledge the fact that an overall grade point average of 2.0 or higher is
required to hold this position and I do hereby give permission to have my GPA verified by the appropriate
SGA official as being above or below the 2.0 requirement. I also understand that should I be granted this
position a periodic check will be necessary to ensure that I continue to meet this requirement throughout
my tenure and do hereby give my permission to do so to the appropriate SGA official.
3. Furthermore, I agree to fulfill 10 hours each week as a Committee Chair.
Signature: ______________________________________________________________
myWSU ID: _______________________________________ Date: ________________
Date of Birth: _________________
You must make an appointment with Johny Buchanan-Spachek, the Office Manager, for an interview with the President
when you return this application to the SGA office.
The Student Senate ratifies appointments at its meetings on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Your attendance is mandatory. Check
in the SGA office for the location of weekly Senate meetings. All Senate candidates should make a short speech on his/her
qualifications during the meeting of the appointment. In your speech, please provide your name, class standing, and major,
reasons for applying, on-campus involvement, and off-campus involvement/work. Be prepared for questions afterwards.
SGA Office Use: Verification of GPA - Fall: Yes/No
Verification of GPA - Spring: Yes/No
Interviewed: Yes/No
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