Please list any current officer positions or commitments as well as any known upcoming positions or
commitments for 2018/2019.
Will you be able to attend Supreme Court hearings as they arise? If selected, Chief Justice Burns will
be in contact regarding the time and place that these hearings will take place.
By signing below you verify that:
1. I have read the statue/bylaws governing this position, and if appointed, I shall willingly abide by
all guideline and requirements, which are provided therein.
2. Furthermore, I do hereby acknowledge the fact that an overall grade point average of 2.5 or higher
is required to hold this position and I do hereby give permission to have my GPA verified by the
appropriate SGA official as being above or below the 2.5 requirement. I also understand that
should I be granted this position a periodic check will be necessary to insure that I continue to
meet this requirement throughout my tenure and do hereby give my permission to do so to the
appropriate SGA official.
MyWSUID: _________________ Date of birth: ____________ Date: _____________
• You must make an appointment for an interview with the President when you return this
application to the SGA office.
• The Student Senate ratifies appointments at its meetings on Wednesdays at 6:30pm. Your
attendance is mandatory. Check in the SGA office for the location of weekly Senate meetings.
All Senate candidates should make a short speech on his/her qualifications during the meeting of
the appointment. In your speech, please provide your name, class standing, major, reasons for
applying, on-campus involvement, off-campus involvement/work. Be prepared for questions
SGA Office Use: Verification of GPA - Fall: Yes/No
Verification of GPA - Spring: Yes/No
Interviewed: Yes/No
click to sign
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