Wisconsin Department of Transportation
MV2709 10/2018 Ch. 218 Wis. Stats.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Dealer Section
4822 Madison Yards Way
P.O. Box 7909
Madison, WI 53707-7909
Application for License Year. All licenses expire December 31 of each year.
(Area Code) Telephone Number
Post Office Box Number City
County where business located
Type of Business
Sole Proprietorship
Corporation LLC
If Corporation or LLC, Give Date
Licensed in Wisconsin
State of Incorporation or Organization
If Licensed Before, Give Year and License Number
Name, Title, and Residence Address of Owner, Partners, Association Members, Corporation Officers, LLC Members or LLC Managers
List names of motor vehicle salespeople, including dealer and all partners or officers who sell motor vehicles. List additional salespeople on reverse.
1. 7.
2. 8.
3. 9.
4. 10.
5. 11.
6. 12.
Salesperson License $4.00 each (If test required, pay examiner) Refer to General Information below $4.00
Finance License Plates (First plate $75.00, each additional plate $5.00) $75.00
List letters of all missing plates
Replacement License Plates for lost, damaged or illegible plates each plate $4.00
(Authorized Dealership Agent, Title) (Date)
General Information
Finance license plates are issued to banks, credit unions, sales finance companies and savings and loan associations to move and demonstrate
repossessed vehicles.
Only sales finance companies licensed under s.138.09 or s.218.01 Wis. Stats. shall be required to procure a salesperson license for its employees who
sell vehicles repossessed by it. A motor vehicle salesperson who has not held a license within the past 5 years must take a written examination.
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