Animal Welfare Act 2006
Application for Licence
to Sell Animals as Pets
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Licences are valid for a period of one, two or three years
from the date of issue.
This application form must be completed in black ink in
block letters and returned with the fee of £120.00 to the
Licensing Team, East Lindsey District Council, Tedder Hall,
Manby Park, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 8UP. Cheques and
postal orders should be made payable to ‘East Lindsey
District Council’. Please note that we no longer accept
cash for the payment of licence application fees.
The Licensing Team is able to provide facilities for licence
payments by credit and debit cards. Further information
on payment by credit or debit card is available by
contacting the Licensing Team direct.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants for a pet vending licence must not be
disqualified from keeping a pet shop / pet vending
Application Evaluation Process
Once the application is received by the Council it will
be forwarded to an appropriate officer to inspect the
premises. The premises, facilities and management will
be inspected to ensure they comply with the current pet
vending licence conditions.
Where appropriate, licence applications may also be
subject to a veterinary inspection.
Applications are then either approved with licence
conditions or refused.
Local Authorities must have regard to the following
(and other appropriate matters) when considering an
application for a pet vending licence:
that animals will be kept in suitable accommodation,
for example in regards to temperature, size, lighting,
ventilation and cleanliness.
adequate food and drink will be provided to the
animals and they will be visited at suitable intervals.
that any mammalian animals will not be sold too
that steps are taken to prevent disease spreading
among the animals.
that adequate fire and emergency provisions are in
The types and numbers of animals that may be
accommodated at the premises will be specified on the
Any applicant refused a licence has a right of appeal to
the First Tier Tribunal.
Planning Permission
Any premises from which a pet shop operates may
require planning permission. Applicants are advised
therefore to contact this Authority’s Development
Control Department, for further information regarding
planning matters.
Building works may also require approval from the
Council’s Building Control Section.
Licence Renewal Reminders
All licence holders will normally be sent a reminder and
the necessary forms of renewal approximately three
months in advance of the expiry of a licence.
Please note the responsibility for renewal rests with the
licence holder. Reminders are sent purely as a courtesy.
To run a business selling pet animals you
need a licence from the Local Authority.
Application for Grant of Licence
Application for Renewal of Licence
Application for Variation of a Licence
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To: The Licensing Section, East Lindsey District Council, Tedder Hall, Manby Park, Louth, Lincolnshire LN11 8UP
I / We as (proposed) occupier(s) of the premises hereinafter mentioned HEREBY MAKE APPLICATION for a LICENCE TO SELL
ANIMALS AS PETS at the premises, of which particulars are given below. I agree to permit an officer, veterinary surgeon or
veterinary practitioner authorised by the Council to inspect the premises which are the subject of this application before any
licence is granted.
I / We enclose herewith the sum of £120.00 being the amount of the fee payable on the Licence for which the application is
PART A - Applicant Profile
1 Reference number
1.1 System reference number
(if known):
1.2 Your reference (if known):
Please complete all the questions in the form.
If you have nothing to record, please state “Not applicable” or “None”
2a Agent
2.1 Are you an agent acting on
behalf of the applicant?
2b Further information about the Agent
2.2 Name (including Mr / Mrs /
Ms / Miss / Dr):
2.3 Address (include postcode):
2.4 Email:
2.5 Main telephone number:
2.6 Other telephone number:
3 Applicant details
3.1 Name (including Mr / Mrs /
Ms / Miss / Dr):
3.2 Address (include postcode):
3.3 Email:
3.4 Main telephone number:
3.5 Other telephone number:
YES NO If NO, go to 3.1
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3.6 Are you applying as a business
or organisation, including
a sole trader?
3.7 Are you applying as an
4a Applicant Business
4.1 Is your company registered
with companies house?
4.2 Registration number:
4.3 Is your business registered
outside the UK?
4.4 VAT number:
4.5 Legal status of the business:
4.6 Your position in the business:
4.7 The country where your head
office is located:
4b Business Address – This should be your official address – The address required of you by law to
receive all communication
4.8 Building name or number:
4.9 Street:
4.10 District:
4.11 City or town:
4.12 County or administrative area:
4.13 Post Code:
4.14 Country:
PART B - The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England)
Regulations 2018
Application for a licence to sell animals as pets
Please complete all the questions in the form.
If you have nothing to record, please state “Not applicable” or “None”
1 Type of Business
1.1 Pet Shop ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1.2 Home Sales ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1.3 Internet Sales ................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1.4 Wholesales .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
YES NO If NO, go to 4.3
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1.5 Third Party Sales ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
1.6 Hobby Sales ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1.7 Sale of animals to the public as pets by means of a fixed or minimum donation ..............................................................................
1.8 Other please state:
2 Type of Application
2.1 Type of application:
2.2 Existing licence number:
2b Further details about the applicant
2.3 Do you have any training
certificates or qualifications?
2.4 Please provide details of training
certificates and qualifications:
2.5 Please provide details of
relevant experience:
2.6 Date of birth:
3 Premises to be licensed
3.1 Name of premises/trading name:
3.2 Address of premises
(include postcode):
3.3 Telephone number of premises:
3.4 Email address:
3.5 Do you have planning
permission for this business use?
4 Accommodation and facilities
4.1 Number and size of
rooms to be used:
4.2 Heating arrangements:
4.3 Method of ventilation
of premises:
4.4 Lighting arrangements
(natural and artificial):
4.5 Water supply:
New Renewal If New, go to 2.3
YES NO If NO, go to 2.5
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4.6 Facilities for food storage and
4.7 Arrangements for disposal of
excreta, bedding and other
waste material:
4.8 Isolation facilities for the
control of infectious diseases:
4.9 Fire precautions/equipment
and arrangements in the
case of fire:
4.10 Do you keep and maintain
a register of animals?
4.11 When the premises is closed
what arrangements are in
place to ensure the welfare
of animals?
5 Animals to be sold
Please provide details of the animals to be sold:
Type Please
Details of accommodation
including size
Age at
which to
be sold
5.1 Dogs / puppies
5.2 Cats / kittens
5.3 Chipmunks
5.4 Rabbits and cavies
5.5 Hamsters
5.6 Rats, mice and gerbils
5.7 Larger domesticated mammals, e.g. goats, pot-bellied pigs
5.8 Primates e.g. marmosets
5.9 Parrots, parakeets and macaws
5.10 Pigeons
5.11 Other large birds (please specify)
5.12 Budgerigars, finches and other small birds
5.13 Tortoises
5.14 Snakes and lizards
5.15 Tropical fish
5.16 Marine fish
5.17 Cold water fish
5.18 Any other species (please specify)
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6 Veterinary Surgeon
6.1 Name of usual veterinary
6.2 Company name:
6.3 Address (include postcode):
6.4 Telephone number:
6.5 Email address:
8a Emergency key holder
8.1 Do you have an emergency
key holder?
8.2 Name:
8.3 Position/job title:
8.4 Address (include postcode):
8.5 Daytime telephone number:
8.6 Evening/other telephone
8.7 Email address:
8.8 Add another person?
8b Emergency key holder 2
8.3 Name:
8.4 Position/job title:
8.5 Address (include postcode):
8.6 Daytime telephone number:
8.7 Evening/other telephone
8.8 Email address:
YES NO If no, go to 9.1
YES NO If no, go to 9.1
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9 Disqualifications and convictions
Has the applicant, or any person who will have control or management of the establishment, ever been disqualified from:
9.1 Keeping a pet shop?.......................................................................................................................................................... YES ................ NO
9.2 Keeping a dog? ................................................................................................................................................................... YES ................ NO
9.3 Keeping an animal boarding establishment? ...........................................................................................................YES ................ NO
9.4 Keeping a riding establishment? .................................................................................................................................. YES ................ NO
9.5 Having custody of animals? ..........................................................................................................................................YES ................ NO
9.6 Has the applicant, or any person who will have control or management of the establishment,
been convicted of any offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006? .......................................................... YES ................ NO
9.7 Has the applicant, or any person who will have control or management of the establishment,
ever had an animal welfare licence (including a pet shop / pet vending licence) refused,
revoked or cancelled? .......................................................................................................................................................YES ................ NO
9.8 If yes to any of these questions, please provide details:
10 Additional details
10.1. Is the premises connected to
mains drainage?
10.2. Do you hold (or have you held)
a pet shop or pet vending licence
with another Council?
10.3 Are you a member of
The Ornamental Aquatics
Trade Association (OATA) or
Pet Industry Federation (PIF)?
YES NO If Yes, give full details:
YES NO If NO, is the premises connected to a localised
sewage system?
Please provide any further relevant information:
YES NO If Yes, please provide us with your membership number
below and a copy of your membership registration
(if available).
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10.4 Additional information which may be relevant to the application:
11 Model licence conditions and guidance
All applicants to tick that they have read the applicable model licence conditions and guidance. A copy of the model
licence conditions and guidance can be found at
11.1 Pet Vending ............................................................................
12 Additional information
Please attach the following information (photocopies should be clear).
12.1 A scaled plan of the premises .........................................
12.2 Insurance policy ....................................................................
12.3 Operating procedures ........................................................
12.4 Risk assessments (including fire) ....................................
12.5 Infection control procedure ............................................
12.6 Qualifications ........................................................................
12.7 Training records ...................................................................
13 Declaration
This section must be completed by the applicant. If you are an agent please ensure this section is completed by the
13.1 I am aware of the provision of the relevant Act and model licence conditions. The details contained in the application form
and any attached documentation are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
13.2 Signing this box indicates you
have read and understood
the above declaration:
13.3 Full name (including
Mr / Miss / Mrs / Ms / Dr):
13.4 Capacity:
13.5 Date:
The Licensing Team, East Lindsey District Council, Tedder Hall,
Manby Park, Louth, Lincolnshire LN11 8UP
Telephone: 01507 601111 | Email:
This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided
on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing
or administering public funds for these purposes.
Your information will be processed in accordance with the law, in particular the Data Protection Act 1998. The information you
provide will only be used for Council purposes unless we are required by law to do otherwise.
October 2018
Date of Inspection:
Recommendation: No. of Licence issued:
Receipt No: Payment by: Cheque Postal Order Card
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Data Protection Notice – Licensing (Animal Welfare)
East Lindsey District Council is a Data Controller and can be contacted at:
Tedder Hall, Manby Park, Louth, Lincolnshire, LN11 8UP
Tel: 01507 601111
The Data Protection Officer for this Authority can be contacted at the same address.
We are collecting your personal data in order to process your licence application as we are the Licensing Authority.
Your data will not be shared with third parties but may be used for Council purposes, in order to prevent or detect crime, to
protect public funds or where we are required or permitted to share data under other legislation.
Some limited licence information will be made available to the public in line with the DEFRA procedural guidance to Licensing
Authorities which encourages us to maintain a Register of Licensed Premises. The Register will include the name of the licence
holder, address of the business and the star rating for the business.
In line with our retention policy your data will be kept for the period of time that you hold a licence with this Authority and
then for a further 6 years after your last licence expires. The data will then be deleted / destroyed.
We also keep data for six years from the resolution of an unsuccessful licence application or the resolution of legal proceedings.
You have the right to access your data and to rectify mistakes, erase, restrict, object or move your data in certain circumstances.
Please contact the Data Protection Officer for further information or go to our website where your rights are explained in more
detail. If you would like to receive an explanation of your rights in paper format please contact the Data Protection Officer.
Any complaints regarding your data should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer in the first instance. If the matter is not
resolved you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at:
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113
If you do not provide the information required on the form then we will not be able to process your licence application.
For further information on our Data Protection Policies please go to our website: