Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
For more information, visit our website: comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax
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50-115 • 12-17/17
SECTION 2: Applicant Information
Please indicate the basis for your authority to represent the property owner in ling this application:
Officer, board member or authorized employee of charitable organization
Attorney for charitable organization
Agent for tax matters appointed under Tax Code Section 1.111 with completed and signed Form 50-162
Other (specify): _____________________________________________________________________________________
Provide the following information for the individual with the legal authority to act for the property owner in this matter:
______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Name of Applicant Driver’s License, Personal I.D. Certicate
Social Security Number or Federal Tax I.D. Number*
___________________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
Title of Applicant Primary Phone Number (area code and number) Email Address**
Mailing Address, City, State, Zip Code
* If the property owner is a company, charitable organization, or other legal entity (not an individual), the Federal Tax I.D. Number is to be provided. Disclosure of your social
security number (SSN) may be required and is authorized by law for the purpose of tax administration and identication of any individual affected by applicable law. Authority:
42 U.S.C. § 405(c)(2)(C)(i); Tax Code Section 11.43(f). Except as authorized by Tax Code Section11.48(b), a driver’s license number, personal identication certicate number,
or social security number provided in this application for an exemption led with your county appraisal district is condential and not open to public inspection under Tax Code
Section 11.48(a).
** An email address of a member of the public could be condential under Government Code Section 552.137; however, by including the email address on this form, you are
affirmatively consenting to its release under the Public Information Act.
SECTION 3: Organization Activities
1. The organization must satisfy the requirements of Texas Constitution Article Vlll, Section 2(a).
Is the organization engaged primarily in public charitable functions? ...............................................
If yes, using an attachment, describe the organization’s activities in a narrative.
2. Is the organization organized exclusively to perform religious, charitable, scientic, literary or educational purposes? ........
If yes, attach copies of organizational documents supporting your answer.
3. Does the organization operate in such a manner that does NOT result in the accrual of distributable prots, realization of
private gain resulting from payment of compensation in excess of a reasonable allowance for salary or other compensation
for services rendered, or realization of any other form of private gain?
4. Check the appropriate box(es) if any of the following statements describe a function performed by the organization.
Provide medical care without regard to ability to pay. Tax Code Section 11.18(d)(1)*
Provides support or relief to orphaned, delinquent, dependent or handicapped children who need residential care; abused or battered spouses or
children in need of temporary shelter; the impoverished; or victims of natural disaster without regard to ability to pay. Tax Code Section 11.18(d)(2)*
Provides support, without regard to ability to pay, to elderly persons, including the provision of recreational or social activities; and facilities
designed to address the special needs of elderly persons OR provides support, without regard to ability to pay, to the handicapped including
training and employment in the production of commodities or provision of ser
vices. A charitable organization that provides support to elderly
persons must engage primarily in performing the described function, but may engage in other activities that support or are related to its
charitable functions. Tax Code Section 11.18(d)(3)
Preserves a historical landmark or site. Tax Code Section 11.18(d)(4)
Promotes or operates a museum, zoo, library, theater of the dramatic or performing arts, symphony orchestra or choir. Tax Code Section 11.18(d)(5)
Promotes or provides humane treatment of animals. Tax Code Section 11.18(d)(6)
Acquires, stores, transports, sells or distributes water for public use. Tax Code Section 11.18(d)(7)
Answers re alarms and extinguishes re with little or no compensation paid to members. Tax Code Section 11.18(d)(8)*
Promotes the athletic development of boys or girls under the age of 18 years. Tax Code Section 11.18(d)(9)*
Preserves or conserves wildlife. Tax Code Section 11.18(d)(10)