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This plan will be engrossed into the Road Adoption or Highways Works Agreement. It will be based
on the engineering layout plan(s) and must include the red and/or purple outline(s) required to
delineate the extent of works included within the agreement, and the works will need to be coloured
in accordance with the Standard Colours Schedule (on previous page).
Reason: To ensure that the information shown is complete and in a standard format to make it easy
to interpret on viewing the drawing.
Highway Surface Water Drainage Design:
Drainage Calculations, Design Documents, Strategies and Site Specific Construction Details
This information is required only for those sections of the drainage which are intended to be
adopted by the Local Highway Authority, as highway drainage.
All SuDS features must be designed to the Interpave Guidance on Permeable Paving and/or
CIRIA 753. All site-specific designs and details must be referenced back to the relevant design
Reason: To provide the necessary detail to ensure that the proposed drainage is suitable for
adoption by the Local Highway Authority.
Construction Management Plan:
If there is a planning condition requiring the submission and approval of a Construction Management
Plan, a copy of the approved document must be submitted.
In the absence of the above, details of all construction access and haul routes within the site
together with the location(s) and specification of vehicle wheel and chassis cleansing installations,
proposals for temporary traffic management for the duration of the works and the anticipated
programme must be included as part of this submission.
The details should be appropriate for all phases of the development, i.e. if the facilities need to be
relocated part way through a development, details for each phase will be required.
Reason: To ensure that the works do not result in any danger to the safety of users of the public
highways in the vicinity of the site.
Electronic Copy:
An electronic copy of the submission is required please send to:
N.B. The application will not be validated until a paper copy of the submission has also been
received and the Part 1 fee is paid.
Structures Documentation required to support the application for adoption:
Outline of proposal. This is required to determine scope and Category of works. It will also help
determine if any temporary works will be required that may also require approval.
An Approval In Principle (AIP) in accordance with BD 2/12. It should detail the design
assumptions made and the design standards adopted. The AIP should be produced before the
design is started. The drawings that will form the basis of the design should be included. These
can be conceptual if necessary and will also need to include an idealisation drawing showing
how the structure has been modelled for design purposes. This AIP will have to be accepted by
the highways authority and acts as the basis of what follows. It is not uncommon for complex
builds to require two AIPs - one for the permanent structure and one for the temporary works
required to build it.
If the structure includes a Road Restraint System, the AIP must also include the proposed
Containment Level (N1, N2, H1, H2 or H4a) and the proposed working width. The AIP drawing
should detail the exact position of the Road Restraint System, including setback from the
carriageway and the location of any roadside hazards (street lighting columns, road signs etc).
Any Departures from Standard must be details within the AIP so that they can be reviewed and,
if acceptable, formally accepted. The departure from standard must be supported by risk
assessments for the site in question.
A program of the planned works.
Calculation of Commuted Sum in accordance with the CSS / Adept document
“Commuted Sums for Maintaining Infrastructure Assets” available from
Road Restraint System:
Road Restraint System Documentation required to support the application for adoption: