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Name: ________________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Company: ____________________________________ Fax: ____________________________
Address: ______________________________________ Email: __________________________
Name: ________________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Company: ____________________________________ Fax: ____________________________
Address: ______________________________________ Email: __________________________
Property Owner
Name: ________________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Address: ______________________________________ Email: __________________________
Property Owner Signature:
X._________________________________________________ Date: _____________
If a legal representative signs for a property owner, please attach an executed power of attorney.
Proposal Information
GPIN(s): __________________________ Deed Book and Page #: _____________________
Address (or location description): _________________________________________________
Acreage: ____________ Zoning: __________ Number of lots proposed: ____________
Extension of public roads (Yes or No)? Public utilities (Yes or No)?
Existing Use: ________________________
Proposed Use or Improvements: _________________________
*Attach any zoning conditions or proffers
T o w n o f A s h l a n d
Date: ________________ Type: ________________
Case # and Name:
Department of Planning and Community Development
101 Thompson Street
Ashland, Virginia 23005
(804) 798-1073
fax: (804) 798-4892
Minor ($200)
Major ($700 + $50 per lot)
Lot Line Vacation ($150)
Amount Paid: ______________
Date: ______________________
x. __________________________
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Subdivision Process
Prior to submitting any subdivision plans, the applicant is strongly encouraged to
meet with staff for a pre-application meeting by calling 804-798-1073.
Also, lot line vacations will follow the minor subdivision process described below.
This chart is not comprehensive, as there are special procedures which apply to
parcel divisions for family members, as well as other exceptions to the ordinance.
Please contact staff at the Town of Ashland Planning Department with any
Submit final plat t o Planning
Department for revi ew by
Count y a nd Town st aff.
Town Cou ncil
Review s final plat an d
provide s ruling.
Within 1 year of final plat approval
submit the following to the Town:
3 (16”x14”) transparent notarized
3 (16”x14”) paper copies
*Signed and notarized by all
Will the subdivision result in
more than 50 lots?
Staff R e view
Comment s returned to
applicant . When co mm ents
are addr essed, appli cation is
placed on Town C ouncil
agenda .
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Preliminary Plat: Major Subdivision Only
Applications and plats will not be accepted for review unless all of the following
items are present at the time of submission:
Eight (8) folded paper copies of the plats, with seal and original signature of
the professional who prepared them
One 8 ½ x 11 paper copy
Plats must be prepared at a scale no smaller than 1:100
Application fee
Preliminary Plat Checklist completed (see below)
Once staff comments are met, five (5) additional paper copies are required
for distribution at Town Council/Planning Commission.
Sheet # or N/A
Required information
Name of subdivision.
Name and address of record owner & developer
Name, address, and signed seal of engineer or surveyor.
A north point shall be provided, and referenced to the true meridian.
A textual scale and graphic scale bar.
Present zoning, and requested zoning, if there is a pending rezoning case.
Total acreage.
Number and approximate area of all building sites
Names of owners and their property lines within the boundaries of the tract and adjoining
such boundaries. Zoning and GPINs of adjacent properties.
Existing buildings and other improvements within the tract to be subdivided.
Location of proposed subdivision by an insert map at a scale of not less than one (1) inch
equal two thousand (2,000) feet indicating thereon adjoining roads and their names
subdivisions, and other landmarks.
Location of existing and proposed property lines & easements with date book and page
number references for all existing easements.
A boundary survey or existing survey of record; provided that such survey shows a closure
with an accuracy of not less than one in two thousand five hundred (2,500).
Location, names and width of existing and proposed streets, highways, easements,
pedestrian paths, alleys, parks or other public open spaces.
All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated for public use and the conditions of such
Contours at vertical intervals of two (2) feet.
Provisions for collecting and discharging surface drainage and preliminary designs of any
structures that may be required.
Existing and proposed water and sanitary sewer lines, including meter and lateral
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Final Plat: Minor Subdivision or Major after Preliminary Plat
Applications and plats will not be accepted for review unless all of the following
items are present at the time of submission:
Eight (8) folded paper copies of the plats, with seal and original signature of
the professional who prepared them
One 8 ½ x 11 paper copy
Plats must be prepared at a scale no smaller than 1:100
Application fee
Final Plat Checklist completed (see below)
Once staff comments are met, five (5) additional paper copies are required
for distribution at Town Council/Planning Commission.
Sheet # or N/A
Required information
Name of the subdivision.
Name and address of record owner and developer.
Name, address, and signed seal of engineer or surveyor.
Sufficient data to allow for the determination of the location of existing and proposed
property lines.
Identify all proposed lots with a lot number and acreage information.
GPIN and ownership information to be identified within the existing boundaries of the tract
and adjoining such boundaries.
Permanent reference monuments used to determine location of property lines.
Location of existing and proposed property lines, rights of way & easements with date book
and page number references for all existing easements.
A north point shall be provided, and referenced to the true meridian.
Coordinate points, referenced to Virginia State Plane Coordinates, South Zone, NAD 83,
shall be provided for at least two property corners.
A textual scale and graphic scale bar.
Location of proposed subdivision by an insert map at a scale of not less than one (1) inch
equal two thousand (2,000) feet indicating thereon adjoining roads and their names
subdivisions, and other landmarks.
Identify source of title. When the subdivision consists of land acquired from more than one
source of title, the outlines of the various tracts shall be indicated by dashes and the
identification of the respective tracts shall be placed on the plat.
A certificate signed by a surveyor or engineer setting forth the source of title of the owners
of the land subdivided and the place of record of the last instrument in the chain of title.
A Subdivision Certificate to have the following effect:
“The above and foregoing subdivision of [INSERT SUBDIVISION NAME HERE] as appears in
this plat is with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersigned
owner(s), proprietor(s), and trustee(s), if any”, Appropriate signature blanks and notary
certificates shall be provided. (It need not be signed until recordation)
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The following text must be included, if applicable, on the final plat:
All rights-of-way shown are dedicated to the Town of Ashland free and unrestricted.
Drainage & BMP Easements shown are dedicated to the Town of Ashland (the Town) for
the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and accessing drainage systems, stormwater
management improvements and best management practices (BMPs) both above and
below ground that are owned, operated or inspected by the Town. The Town shall have
the right at any time and from time to time, to construct, maintain, inspect, operate,
protect, replace, repair, change the size of, remove, relocate, and improve all such
improvements. The Town and its agents shall have full and free use of all easements and
shall have the rights and privileges reasonably necessary for the utilization of the
easements. These rights and privileges include, but are not limited to, the right of ingress to
and egress from any easement including the use of private roads and driveways that may
now or hereafter exist on the property being subdivided. The Town shall have the right of
ingress and egress over all property adjacent to the easement on the property being
subdivided if reasonably necessary, in the Town’s sole opinion, for access to any
easement. The Town shall have the right to trim, cut and remove any trees, shrubbery,
fences, structures, or other obstructions or facilities within any easement deemed by the
Town to interfere with the proper and efficient use of the easements for purposes stated. (If
other types of easements are dedicated, provide a separate paragraph and description
of the rights and privileges associated with the easement)
Utility easements shown are dedicated to the County of Hanover (County) for the purpose
of constructing, maintaining, and accessing water system improvements and sanitary
sewer system improvements both above and below ground that are owned and
operated by the County. The County shall have the right at any time and from time to
time, to construct, maintain, inspect, operate, protect, replace, repair, change the size of,
remove, relocate, and improve all such improvements. The County and its agents shall
have full and free use of all easements and shall have the rights and privileges reasonably
necessary for the utilization of the easements. These rights and privileges include, but are
not limited to, the right of ingress to and egress from any easement including the use of
private roads and driveways that may now or hereafter exist on the property being
subdivided. The County shall have the right of ingress and egress over all property
adjacent to the easement on the property being subdivided if reasonably necessary, in
the County’s sole opinion, for access to any easement. The County shall have the right to
trim, cut and remove any trees, shrubbery, fences, structures, or other obstructions or
facilities within any easement deemed by the County to interfere with the proper and
efficient use of the easements for purposes stated.
An approval stamp (3”x5”) for Town officials to sign, as shown below:
APPROVED BY TOWN COUNCIL__________________