Form for the Appointment of Deacon in Full Connection
or Provisional Member in the Deacon Track
The General Council on Finance and Administration
1. If you are serving in a setting extending the witness and service of Christ in the world (¶331.1a), give the name
and address of the institution or agency.
According to ¶331.4, deacons in full connection serving in an agency or setting beyond the local church shall
relate to a local congregation. Give the name and address (including district and conference) of the local church
to which you relate and serve as your second appointment.
Business Phone:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Primary Appointment:
Primary Appointment Address:
City: State:
Home Address:
City: State:
Preferred address for mailing purposes and inclusion in the journal: Home:
Clergy membership status: Full Connection Provisional
Annual Conference:
Charge Conference: District:
PART II (Attach sheet if needed)
3. If you are under appointment outside the conference of which you are a member, please complete the following:
Conference where you serve Bishop
District District Superintendent
For affiliate charge conference membership, give the name and address (including district and conference)
of the local church to which you relate.
Base compensation: (Year ) $
Utilities and other housing related allowances
Travel allowance other cash allowances
Please indicate you appointment category:
a. Agency or setting beyond the local church
b. United Methodist Church‐related agency, school, college, theological school, or ecumenical agency
c. Local congregation, charge, or cooperative parish
d. Endorsed by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
e. In service with General Board of Global Ministries
2. If your primary field of service is in the local church, give the name and address of the local church, district, and
Read328 and329 of The Book of Discipline. Reflect, and writ
e about the ways in which you have lived out your
call to the ministry of the deacon connecting the congregation with the needs of the world.
Describe in what new ways you envision connecting the congregation with the needs in the world.
Area of your certification, specialization, or field of service:
Have you mailed you
r request for annual review and renewal of certification,
specialization to the appropriate agency?
Yes No
On Leave: First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year (¶353)
According to 419 the district superintendent shall receive a report of each clergy person on his or her program
of continuing education and spiritual growth. According to ¶350 list the ways you have fulfilled your plans for
your continuing personal formation during the past year, including spiritual enrichment, service, missional, and
continuing education opportunities.
According to350 describe your plans for your continuing formation during the year ahead.
(Attach additional pages if necessary)
Signature Date
1. The Bishop
2. District Superintendent
3. Board of Ordained Ministry
4. Bishop of the area in which you serve, if other than area of which you are a member.
5. Charge Conference
The General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church
Revised 2019