African Americans and Trust:
Examining Clinical Research Trust Levels Based on Age
Keri F. Kirk
Submitted to the College of Health and Human Services
Eastern Michigan University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of
Clinical Research Administration
Thesis Committee:
Stephen A. Sonstein, PhD, Chair
Ronald Woods, JD
Carolyn M. Sampselle, PhD, RNC, FAAN
August 27, 2010
Ypsilanti, MI
I would like to acknowledge all of the participants who provided invaluable feedback for this
I would also like to extend my gratitude to the abundance of family members and friends
who helped to disseminate the information about this study, and those who provided prayers,
support, and encouragement throughout this entire process.
I would also like to acknowledge my Thesis Committee: Dr. Stephen Sonstein, Dr. Ronald
Woods, and Dr. Carolyn M. Sampselle. Without your leadership and guidance this project would not
have been possible.
African American mistrust in clinical research has been cited as a barrier to participation.
The decision not to participate often depends on personal knowledge or experiences that shape
one’s views toward research. This lack of participation limits the generalizability of research results
for African Americans.
Using an established instrument to measure trust and qualitative analysis, this study sought
to determine whether there were differences in trust level towards clinical research based on age for
African Americans. Furthermore, the study examined whether the level of education, type of
employment, knowledge of the Tuskegee Syphilis study, experience with cultural prejudice or racism,
or perceived health status had influence on age-specific trust levels. Analysis of four age groups (18-
30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-74) showed that there were distinct differences in trust level and attitudes
toward clinical research. The 41-50 year-old age group was the least trusting of clinical research
Chapter 1: Introduction and Background………………………………………………...…………1
Mistrust: Where did it begin?...............................................................................................................3
Problem Statement, Justification, and Significance…………………………………….…7
Study Purpose and Objective………………………………………………………………8
Research Questions………………………………………………………………………..9
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature…………………………………………………………...10
Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology……………………………………………………13
Chapter 4: Presentation and Analysis of Data…………………………………………………….16
Demographic Information……………………………………...…………………………16
Trust Scores…………………………...………………………………………………….26
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, Inferences, and Recommendations for Further
Research and Action………………………………………………………………………28
Research Questions Addressed……………………………………………………………28
Conclusions and Recommendations………………………………………………………37
Appendix A Permission Letter……………………………………………………………………48
Appendix B Sample Questionnaire………………………………………………………………..49
Table Page
1 Percentage of Respondents Answering “Yes” to Key Survey
Questions by Age Group for African Americans……………………...………………21
2 Significant Short Answer Themes for Questions 1d/1d part B
from Table 1, by Age Group for African Americans…………………………………..23
3 Unique Short Answer Themes Per Group for Question 1d/1d part B
by Age Group for African Americans……………………………………………...….24
4 Significant Short Answer Themes for Question 1e from Table 1
by Age Group for African Americans…………………………………………………25
5 Unique Short Answer Themes Per Group for Question 1e
by Age Group for African Americans…………………………………………………26
6 Trust Scores by Race………………………………………………………………….27
7 Participant Deception and Researcher Honesty Trust Scores
by Race and Age……………………………………………..……………………….27
8 Total Composite Trust Score by Race and Age……………………………………….27
Figure Page
1 Age distribution of study sample by race………………………………………………….17
2 Education level by race……………………………………………………………………18
3 African American education by age……………………………………………………….18
4 Job classification by race…………………………………………………………………..19
5 Perceived health by race……………………...……………………………………………19
African Americans and Trust 1
Chapter 1: Introduction and Background
On June 10, 1993, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Revitalization Act was signed
into law, mandating NIH-funded research projects to include women and minorities unless the
nature of the research justifiably excludes these groups (National Institutes of Health [NIH]
Guide, 1993). On March 9, 1994, the NIH issued guidelines outlining appropriate adherence to
the new law
and has since updated those guidelines to ensure the ethical justice is maintained,
and gender and race are balanced in clinical research (NIH Guide, 1994; NIH Guide
Amendment, 2001). Despite this effort, African Americans still represent a low percentage (3%-
20%) of the clinical trial participant population (Adams-Campbell, et al., 2004; Swanson & Ward,
The following causes for the lack of African American participation in clinical research
have frequently been established in literature: lack of knowledge, limited access to health care,
racial/ethnic discrimination, and fear (Shavers-Hornaday, Lynch, Burmeister, & Torner, 1997).
Other commonly cited barriers are broader health care system issues, negative public perception
towards research and researchers
(Freimuth et al., 2001), a lack of minority investigators (Diaz et
al., 2008), and religion (Advani et al., 2003). Additionally, much of the current literature points to
a lack of trust in the medical field or in physicians in general as the primary reason for low rates
of participation for African Americans (Bird & Bogart 2001; Corbie-Smith, Thomas, Williams, &
Moody-Ayers, 1999; Corbie-Smith, Thomas, & St. George, 2002; Doescher, Saver, Franks &
Fiscella, 2000; Hall et al., 2004). This lack of trust has been found to have roots in various places,
but nonetheless creates a difficult barrier for researchers to overcome for African American
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Barriers to clinical research participation can be barriers to effective treatment, mainly
because purpose of clinical research is to test new medical standards of care (Emanuel, Wendler,
& Grady, 2000). It also tests the safety and efficacy of new drugs and devices (Meinert, 1986).
Treatment for specific conditions cannot be generalized to a large, ethnically diverse group
without adequate representation of that group in clinical research (Advani et al., 2003; Diaz,
Mainous, McCall, & Geesey, 2008). This is partly because differences in the pathogenesis of
disease and response to treatment is thought to exist for various ethnic groups (Doherty, Tang,
& Detrano, 1999). For example, African Americans have been found to respond poorly to
several classes of antihypertensive agents, putting them at greater risk for complications from the
medication. Their representation in experimental studies can help to address these differences to
ensure safety and efficacious treatment (Armstrong, Crum, Reiger, Bennett, & Edwards, 1999;
Evelyn et al., 2001; Savitt, 1978).
Because of these pathogenetic differences, African Americans are affected by diseases
such as cancer, hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and end state renal disease in unique ways
(Doherty et al., 1999; Freedman et al., 1997; Freedman, Tuttle & Spray, 1995; Fregene &
Newman, 2004; Kizer et al., 2004). A study by Fregene and Newman (2005) revealed that
African American women and women from sub-Saharan Africa suffer disproportionately
compared to white women from an aggressive form of breast cancer, prompting speculation that
heredity factors can potentially explain the trending similarities for this group of women. Many
of the countries in focus for this study are in Western Africa where the European slave trade
originated in the 17
and 18
centuries. An estimated 66% of slaves brought to the United States
during the slave trade were from West African countries; therefore, many African Americans
and West Africans are currently thought to share similar genetic vulnerabilities (Fregene &
African Americans and Trust 3
Newman, 2005; Ijaduola & Smith, 1998). A lack of clinical research participation by blacks
therefore prevents further study surrounding effective treatment for these vulnerabilities.
Another reason that a lack of clinical research participation is harmful to African
Americans is that the mortality risk of various diseases affects this group at disproportionate
rates. Blacks account for 33% and 37% of all patients being treated for HIV and AIDS in the
United States, respectively. However, they represent only 23% of patients in clinical trials for
these diseases (Gifford et al., 2002). African Americans make up only 6% of cancer clinical trials,
but have higher mortality rates for breast, prostate, lung, and colorectal cancer than any other
ethnic group (Newman et al., 2005). More African Americans (10.6%) have diabetes than their
White counterparts (6.4%), which has implications for the higher rates of kidney failure and
coronary artery disease (Carter, Pugh, & Monterrosa, 1996; Perneger, Brancati, Whelton, & Klag,
Mistrust: Where is did it begin? Trust can be defined as one party’s confidence that they will
not be harmed or put at risk by the actions of another party, or confidence that no party will
exploit the other’s vulnerability (Jones & George, 1998). According to that definition, a lack of
trust in someone or something would mean that one was fearful of harm or exploitation by
another. Many African Americans have these fears toward clinical research. From where does
the lack of trust within African Americans originate? Historians and medical anthropologists
alike have amassed a convincing amount of evidence suggesting that the origin of mistrust spans
many centuries. This evidence has been preserved and re-circulated through time by historical
documents, public records, and oral accounts and can be attributed to the extreme caution that
surrounds many African American ideas about clinical research.
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Perhaps the origin of this fear and mistrust sprouted in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, long before the transformation of medicine as a useful science. Medicine in the
Southern United States at this time was harsh, ineffective, and spontaneously experimental
(Washington, 2006). Slavery was an established normalcy in American society and was largely
based on the control and manipulation of blacks for capital gain. Many historical records reveal
that slaves were medically neglected and abused because they were powerless and invisible under
the law (Savitt, 1978). The immense emotional, psychological, and physical trauma that slavery
had on the African American people is beyond the scope of this project; however, the historical
accounts of this time can only begin to paint a portrait of mistrust for this group.
What if the origin of mistrust was inscribed in the self-recorded notes of Dr. James
Marion Sims, the renowned “father of American gynecology”? Dr. Sims pioneered the technique
of fixing vaginal fistulas suffered by women post partum, but did so at the expense of 11 slave
women purchased solely for experimentation. He operated on these women without the use of
anesthesia, claiming that the operation was not painful enough to make the effort. However, he
was found to have always used anesthesia when performing the painful technique on white
women (Washington, 2006).
What if the origin was the agony of a slave named Fed who endured unthinkable
temperatures as a subject in a heat stroke study. Fed was secured in an in-ground pit that was
covered and heated in order to test which medications effectively enabled him (and eventually
other slaves) to withstand the Southern heat. The test would end only after Fed passed out and
had to be revived (Harris, Gorelick, Samuels & Bempong, 1996).
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An additional theory could have originated with the accounts of “night doctors” that
stole black bodies from cemeteries and morgues in the late 1800s and early 1900s (Gamble,
1997). These stories were dismissed by Whites as folklore and fairytale until proof of grave
robberies began to surface; most notably, the 1989 discovery of over 10,000 human bones and
skulls underneath the basement floor of the Medical College of Georgia (Blakely & Harrington,
1997). Seventy-five percent of the bones were from African Americans, although they only
consisted of 42% of Augusta, Georgia’s, population. The bones were thought to have been used
between 1835 and 1912.
Or, it could have been knowledge about the North Carolina Eugenic Commission that
sterilized 8,000 mentally handicapped people in the 1930s. Five thousand of the 8000 were black
(Washington, 2006). Maybe it was knowledge about the cruelty inflicted upon Holmesburg
Prison inmates in the early 1900s at the hands of dermatologist Dr. Albert Kligman. Kligman
later invented the popular acne treatment, RetinA, largely based on experimental data from
mostly black prisoners (Washington, 2006).
The origin of mistrust could have very well sprouted from the most notorious case of
medical abuse: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study at the Tuskegee Institute in Macon County,
Alabama (Armstrong et al, 1999; Brandon, 2005; Bates, 2004; Freimuth et al., 2001; Gamble,
1997). The experiment spanned forty years, even after regulatory staples such as the Henderson
Act of 1943, the Nuremburg Code of 1947, and the Declaration of Helsinki in 1964 deemed the
study’s protocol unfit (Emanuel et al., 2000). This study was sponsored by the United States
Public Health Service (PHS) and included a study team that consisted of both Black and White
health professionals. Over 400 black men were admitted to this study over its forty-year life
under the guise that they would receive treatment for syphilis. The intent of the study was to
African Americans and Trust 6
research the long-term effects of the syphilis by keeping the men in the study until they
succumbed to the disease (Shavers-Hornaday et al., 1997). They were watched and monitored
closely by study staff, most notably Eunice Rivers, a black nurse who gained the participants’
trust. Some believe her relationship with the participants contributed to the high retention rate
of the study (Gamble, 1993). The men never received proper treatment for syphilis, even after
wide-spread use of penicillin in the 1940s revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections.
Once information about the study began to surface in medical conference minutes, many of the
attempts to end the study by both white and black professionals were unsuccessful. In fact, the
study did not cease until it was leaked to the press in 1972, 40 years after its initiation (Shavers-
Hornaday et al., 1997; Dennis & Neese, 2000). Only after public knowledge of the study drew
outcry and scrutiny was there an attempt to reconcile wrong-doing of the researchers in the form
of a government act, The Belmont Report of 1979. This report established guidelines for
protection of human subjects in research (Emanuel et al., 2000).
More recently, the HeLa cell controversy has also become an account of history that has
raised considerable questions about the motives of research. In 1951, Henrietta Lacks, a young
mother, went to her doctor complaining of inter-menstrual bleeding. Upon examination, her
doctor found purple lesion, unlike anything he had ever seen. He biopsied the mass, which
would later prove to be a biologically unique and cancerous tumor. The cancer was resistant to
radiation and grew very aggressively in culture as well as in Mrs. Lacks, who died eight months
after her initial biopsy. This uniqueness in growth and resistance to radiation attracted many
researchers, all racing to find a cure for cancer. Thus, the HeLa cell line was formed and the cells
were distributed to biomedical companies to be massed produced. These cells led to a revolution
in cellular and molecular biology both intellectually and financially. The problem was that Mrs.
African Americans and Trust 7
Lacks never gave her consent for the distribution of her cells nor has her surviving family
received any financial compensation for any revenue generated by HeLa cell research (Jones,
McKusick, Harper, & Wuu, 1971). One of Mrs. Lacks’ daughters expressed her feelings about
financial compensation after seeing her mother’s cells under a microscope: “People always
gonna be makin money from them cells, nothing we can do about that. But we not gonna get
any of it” (Javitt, 2010).
Wherever the origin of mistrust has its roots and whatever portrait has been painted in
the minds of African Americans, many the aforementioned historical events and the knowledge
thereof are relative to each individual. Some may know more about the history of clinical and
medical research abuse than others. There are African Americans who know very little, if
anything, about clinical malpractice but are still less trusting of clinical research than the average
participant (Corbie-Smith, Thomas, Williams, & Moody-Ayers, 2002; Mouton, Harris, Rovi,
Solozarno & Johnson, 1997). Hence, the origin of mistrust could lie within the confines of an
unfavorable personal experience that tainted one’s view of what clinical research is truly
supposed to represent. Whether the unfavorable experience was on the job, in the classroom, or
at a hospital, the fact remains that broken trust must be mended and redeemed.
Problem Statement, Justification, and Significance
Much of the innovation and technology that will help develop the cures for currently
incurable diseases are being tested in clinical trials. Research and development for new drugs
and therapies consists of intensive testing before they are incorporated as part of the gold
standard of care for patients (Meinert, 1986). African Americans represent a range of 3%-20% of
clinical trial participation (Adams-Campbell et al., 2004; Swanson & Ward, 1995). It is critical
African Americans and Trust 8
that African Americans participate in clinical research so that results can be generalized to this
group (Advani et al., 2003; Diaz et al., 2008).
A majority of the literature references historical events and personal experiences as
precursors to participant apprehension and lack of trust. Personal experience with or
remembrance of historical events implies that there could be a link to the origin of mistrust with
the age of the individual. There is little research that intricately examines the characteristics of
African Americans who may have had negative attitudes or a lack of trust in the clinical research
process. Age is a particularly important area of interest given the strong link to history’s
influence on trust. Other than clinical trials or research studies involving the elderly cancer
population or clinical trials related to diseases that target the very young or the very old, there
were few studies focusing on the attitudes and beliefs of specific age groups regarding clinical
research trust levels.
Study Purpose and Objective
This study was conducted to determine whether different age groups of African
Americans have different levels of trust in the clinical research process and to examine
differences for those reasons. Trust levels were determined using the Trust in Medical
Researchers Scale (Mainous, Smith, Geesey & Tilley, 2006). The secondary objectives were to
determine whether or not there was a correlation between type of employment, education level,
knowledge of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, or experience with cultural prejudice/racism with
resulting trust levels.
African Americans and Trust 9
Research Questions
Different age groups have different events that define their generation and often have
unique and multidimensional perspectives on life due to their varying experiences. With this in
mind, this research project aimed to answer the following questions: Do different age groups of
African Americans have similar perspectives and opinions about clinical research? Are younger
African American adults more trusting of the clinical research process, given their upbringing in
a less historically negative time period? Do level of education, perceived health status, and type
of employment predict trust levels?
African Americans and Trust 10
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature
A review of the extant literature pertaining to African American trust and research
reveals that little data intricately examine the age characteristics of African Americans who may
have had negative attitudes or a lack of trust in the clinical research process, unless the study
focused on patients ages 65 and older. A study by Comis, Miller, Aldige, Krebs, and Stoval
(2003) attempted to assess public attitude toward clinical trials and found that younger adults
were more likely to hold positive views about cancer clinical trial participation. This was the only
study reviewed that broke down age groups in 10-year increments and compared attitudes
pertaining to willingness to participate in cancer trials. These data were helpful; however, they
did not go into detail as to why the individuals felt as they did, nor were data presented
comparing race differences.
Other studies offered age breakdowns, but they were specific to diseases, not trust in
clinical research (Lear, 1995; Hoover, Carfiolo & Moench, 2000). One age-specific analysis
protocol did not analyze trust but factors influencing the clinical research participation of
African American college students (Diaz et al., 2008). The study found that young African
Americans preferred an African American investigator over other races. Additionally, a study by
Crandall et al. (2006) presented a breakdown of age effects of lifestyle modification on diabetes
prevention, but race was controlled and there was no survey of attitudes toward research
Dr. Vanessa Northington Gamble’s extensive work on African American trust in clinical
research has helped to provide a framework for the widespread mistrust of African Americans
toward clinical research. Although an abundance of research points to the Tuskegee experiment
African Americans and Trust 11
as a sole contributor to mistrust, Gamble emphasizes that the origin of mistrust predates public
knowledge about the Tuskegee experiment (Gamble, 1997). She does not ignore Tuskegee’s
influence, however, delving deeper in to the “shadows of Tuskegee” than many other scholars
have gone.
Arch Mainous and colleagues (2006) developed the Trust in Medical Researchers Scale
that specifically assesses participant trust towards clinical research staff. Other authors developed
trust scales, some citing Mainous in preparation, but these scales addressed trust in physicians
specifically, which does not necessarily indicate trust in clinical research or researchers.
Harriet Washington, medical ethicist and journalist, provided the first comprehensive
historical account of medical experimentation on African Americans. In the book, Medical
Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the
Present, Washington made the Tuskegee experiment appear tame with accounts of other medical
monstrosities practiced in the name of research. This publication provided powerful evidence
that the origin of clinical research mistrust for all ages of African Americans can be as
multidimensional and complex as the wrongs committed against this race of people throughout
The most extensive and informative data linking age with trust and participation involve
cancer clinical trials. For example, one study found a high rate of elderly African American
women cancer trial enrollment using a cancer cooperative database to recruit participants
(Hutchins et al., 1999). This study did not, however, gauge trust or attitudes toward
participation. Although effective recruitment strategies for any age group are helpful, addressing
differences in response to African American recruitment by age could be helpful as well. Over
60% of cancer cases in the United States occur in the elderly (≥65) population (Aapro, 2005),
African Americans and Trust 12
and it is important to expand age specific focus to younger groups so that comparisons can be
made regarding what is appropriate practice and what is not.
African Americans and Trust 13
Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology
The target population in this study consisted of African American adults over the age of
18. However, all races were welcome to participate.
Prior to the distribution of the questionnaire, a Request for Approval of Research
Involving Human Subjects was submitted to the Eastern Michigan University College of Health
and Human Services Human Subjects Review Committee (HSRC) for review and approval. The
study was approved on August 24, 2009 (Appendix A).
A survey was created incorporating questions that would enable a comparison of age to
the level of education, knowledge of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, experience with cultural
prejudice/racism, and trust. A brief introduction to the survey described the purpose of the this
research project, extent of study involvement, what would happen with the results, insurance of
confidentiality and protection of privacy, explanation of risks, and researcher contact
information should a problem arise. The participants were informed that by completing the
questionnaire, they were giving permission for their answers to be used in analysis of the study,
but they were also informed that their participation was completely voluntary and that they
could stop their participation at any time. Demographic information was then collected
including age, race, hometown, education status, level of education, employment status, and
perceived health. An information section was included to inform those who might have been
unfamiliar with common clinical research terms. The following items were defined: clinical
research/clinical study, clinical trial, informed consent, principal investigator, participant, subject,
and trust. The questions varied in form including short answer questions, multiple choice,
yes/no, Likert scale responses (5=very likely, 4=somewhat likely, 3=neutral, 2=somewhat
African Americans and Trust 14
unlikely, 1=not likely), and Likert scale responses that included a short answer explanation. The
survey is presented in Appendix B.
Embedded in the larger survey was a smaller 12-item survey: the Trust in Medical
Researchers (TMR) Scale (Mainous et al., 2006). This is a previously established instrument to
measure trust specifically in the medical researcher and not in a general construct of medicine as
other models have done (Hall, Zheng, & Dougan et al., 2002). For this study, the questions
were answered on a 5-point Likert scale, thus trust was measured by the total score of the
participant after answering all twelve questions. A higher score represented more trust in the
medical researcher. There were two scores that comprised one trust score. One score pertained
to the participants’ belief that they will be deceived or misled in research (Participant Deception
Score). The other score pertained to the participants’ confidence that researchers are honest
while conducting their research.
The survey was uploaded to the Survey Monkey website (
where it was accessible to anyone who could retrieve the link to the survey. The link was posted
to the social media websites Facebook and MySpace. Additionally, various participants obtained
the link from either website and forwarded the link via email to associates and friends who were
not part of an electronic social network or reposted the link on their personal page. The link was
also forwarded via email to a large database of employees of a nationally recognized company.
The completion of the questionnaires was solely online.
The SAS Data System was used to analyze the significance of trust scores in relation to
the secondary variables: age, region of upbringing, education, employment, and perceived health.
African Americans and Trust 15
Various short answer questions from the survey were qualitatively analyzed. The answers were
grouped according to affirmative answers to the following questions: “Have you ever heard of
the Tuskegee Syphilis Study? Does knowledge of this experiment have any influence on your
opinions about clinical research OR whether or not you would participate in a clinical research
study? Have had any experience with cultural prejudice or racism?” Once grouped, the answers
that stood out and were similarly stated by three or more individuals were given a theme. If
answer verbiage was similar across age groups, then the theme was kept consistent across the
groups. Themes that were unique to one group were given distinguishable titles.
African Americans and Trust 16
Chapter 4: Presentation and Analysis of Data
A total of 163 people started the questionnaire. Out of this group, 74% were African
American, 19.6% were white, and 6.25% were of either central/south Asian, American
Indian/Alaskan, or of a mixed racial background. Due to the small sample size of the latter
group, they were all combined into group classified as “Other.” One hundred and sixty-two
respondents completed the demographic portion which included age, race, region of upbringing,
education status, and perceived health. After this section, there were fewer total respondents per
question and the response rate varied by question. In the end, 120 people received a complete
set of trust scores. Therefore, only the answers submitted by these respondents were used in
trust data analysis.
Demographic Information
Age. The youngest participant in the sample was 18 years old and the oldest participant
was 72 years old. Figure 1 represents the comparison of age groups by race. There were no
respondents in the 51-74 age group for the Other section.
African Americans and Trust 17
Age Group (Years)
AA %
Other %
Figure 1. Age distribution of study sample by race (African American, n=120; White, n=30;
Other, n=12)
Region of upbringing. Various regions of the country were represented in the study sample.
Eighty-three percent of the respondents were from the Midwest (MI, IL, IN, OH, MO), 5%
were from the South (FL, GA, TN, MS, AB, AR), 5% of respondents answered that they grew
up in various regions of the country, 3.8% were from the Northeast (NY, NJ, PA), 1.3% were
from the East coast (Washington D.C., VA), and 1.9% were from the west coast (CA, NM, AZ).
It is important to note that four respondents indicated that they were not born and raised in the
United States. Due to the differences in culture and traditional clinical research practices of the
United States compared to other countries, these respondents were not included in the trust
analysis but were still included in other qualitative measures.
Education. For the total sample, 34% of respondents had a bachelor’s degree, 33.9% had
a Master’s degree, 9.4% had an associate’s degree, 4.4% had a doctorate degree, and only 1.26%
had no college education at all (See Figure 1). For the purpose of analysis, groups were
combined into the following: high school education, some college, Associates degree; Bachelor
African Americans and Trust 18
and Post-Baccalaureate Degree; Master’s and Doctoral Degree. The breakdown for the sample
as a whole was 25.7%, 35.7%, and 37.5% respectively.
The education level for African Americans varied, with a majority of the group having
obtained a Master’s or a doctoral degree (See Figure 2).
HS, Some College, Assoc
Education Level
Figure 2: Education level by race (African American, n=120; White, n=30; Other, n=12)
Figure 3 shows the distribution of education as it pertains specifically to African Americans.
Age Group (Years)
High School/Some
College, Associates
Figure 3. African American education by age (African American, n=120)
Employment. The employment distribution for the entire sample was as follows: 35.2% of
respondents worked in the business field, 26.3% worked in education, 16.7% worked in health
African Americans and Trust 19
care, 12.18 worked in the arts, technology, or trade, and 9.6% were unemployed. Figure 4
presents this data according to race.
Health Care
Job Description
Figure 4. Job Classification by race (African American, n=120; White, n=30; Other, n=12)
Perceived Health. Forty-two percent of the survey population considered themselves to be
in very good health, 32% in good health, 11% in excellent health, and 5% in fair/poor health.
Figure 5 presents this data according to race.
Very Good
Health Description
Figure 5. Perceived health by race (African American, n=120; White, n=30; Other, n=12)
As stated previously, after the demographic section of the questionnaire, the response
number per question, especially by non-African American participants, varied slightly. Thus, the
resulting sample of White and other ethnic groups were too small in many cases to analyze
African Americans and Trust 20
properly. Where the numbers were large enough per question, there are detailed results of all
three groups. If only the data from African American participants were analyzed, it is explained
and justified.
Question 1 (survey section) of the questionnaire asks participants to list what comes to
mind when they hear the term “clinical research.” There were very similar responses across all
age groups for the entire sample with the most common terms and phrases cited as: cures, lab
testing, research about diseases/health, research done to enhance health, experiments, and
medical testing. The majority of the entire sample listed these relatively positive, general
statements. A total of 6 participants (total n=162), all African American, simply listed “guinea
pig,” “test rat,” “test dummies,” or “Tuskegee” as their response. This response trend was
meaningful, because overall, the sample had a neutral first thought about what clinical research
meant to them.
However, as detailed in subsequent discussion, other questions gave more opportunity
for the expression of opinion and this neutral response turned less positive, particularly for
African Americans.
Tuskegee and Experience with Racism. Survey questions incorporating knowledge of the
Tuskegee Syphilis Study and racism prompted the participants to share their opinions and beliefs
more so than any other short answer question. Due to the low number of responses from non-
African American participants, only African American responses were analyzed; however,
significant responses by White and Other ethnics groups will be noted.
African Americans and Trust 21
Table 1 consists of the percentage of affirmative responses across the four age groups of
African Americans that seemed to correspond with the trust score pattern that will be discussed
Table 1
Percentage of Respondents Answering “Yes” to Key Survey Questions By Age Group for African Americans
Age Group
18-30 31-40 41-50 51-74
63.6% 57.1% 42.1% 61.1%
59% 39.3% 31% 50%
68.2% 82.1% 94.7% 83.3%
46.7% 60.9% 61.1% 60%
81.8% 89.3% 68.4% 100%
13.6% 7.1% 15.8% 27%
1f: Does your experience with cultural prejudice or racism have
an effect on your willingness to trust health care or clinical
research staff?
1b: Have you ever participated in a research study?
1a: Have you ever been asked
to participate in a research study?
1c: Have you ever heard of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study?
1d: Does knowledge of this experiment have any *influence on
your opinions about clinical research OR whether or not you
would participate in a clinical research study? (*strong to
moderate influence)
1e: Have had any experience with cultural prejudice or racism?
A closer look into respondent answers for questions 1d from Table 1, 1d part B (not
listed in the table) “If so, can you briefly explain why you are influenced?” and question 1e also
in Table 1 revealed many similarities in opinion about clinical research, trust, and racism across
age groups as well as unique differences. It is important to note that among individuals who had
a trust score, experience with cultural prejudice or racism was measured as a significant predictor
of lower trust (p-score=0.0328).
Table 2 compares the significant statements for questions 1d and 1d part B. The
responses from these questions were placed into themes. The first column shows the only theme
that was present in all four age groups, Theme 1: “No drugs, no injections.” In addition, “No
drugs, no injections – Especially no flu shot” present in the older two age groups was listed
under theme 1 due to the similarity of the topic. Theme 2, “The Unknown,” was present in
African Americans and Trust 22
three age groups. The third and fourth column show two different themes that were present in
two age groups: Theme 3, “Another Tuskegee is unlikely, but…” and Theme 4, The right
versus the wrong group.” Table 3 shows the themes that were unique to each age group.
African Americans and Trust 23
4 Groups 3 groups 2 groups
Theme 1a: No injections, no
Theme 2: The Unknown
Theme 3: Another Tuskegee
is unlikely, but…
Theme 4: The right versus
the wrong group
"No experiment would be invasive
to my body…"
“[Tuskegee] was run by the
government. Federal funding from
the government funds most studies
these days”
"I choose not to participate in
medical research. Only social
"It happened once. It can happen
"Although another Tuskegee is
unlikely…you never know how
your info will be used and the
ultimate impact of the results"
" I am not sure if I would ingest
"[Tuskegee influences me] because
one never knows…"
" If I was given clear assurance
that I would receive the real
sample I may participate"
"I realize that any data can be
manipulated…I am not a fan of
taking drugs for any research
"It's hard to get all of the facts" X
"if there was a chance for me to
be in the 'wrong group' on these
studies, I will not participate"
"[Tuskegee] has caused a mis trust
in... trials as well as any 'vaccines'
that the government is pushing for"
" I have wondered about things that
I have done and how they will affect
me long term. To the best of my
knowledge they were safe, but who
Theme 1b: No injections, no
drugs - Especially no flu
"[Tuskegee] allows me not to take
flu shots or to be involved in any
type of studies"
"I would never voluntarily expose
myself due to the lack of full
disclosure associated with research"
"Even though these are different
times, I still feel like there is no way
for a person to know what is really
being done to them"
"any research that involved any
drug or injection…I would not
participate in"
"[Tuskegee] makes me cautious
about what anyone says about what
is good for me"
"I do not receive injections or flu
"I have no way of being assured that
I would receive truthful
information…pertaining to
"you could be treated with a
placebo for terminal cancer…[I
will not participate] due to this
"I am mistustful of the H1N1
Table 2
Significant Short Answer Themes for Questions 1d/1d part B from Table 1, by Age Group for African Americans
African Americans and Trust 24
18-30 31-40 41-50 51-74
Theme 5: We're treated
like animals
Theme 7: I'm not a testing
Theme 8: Alterior Motive
Theme 3: AA lives are
viewed as inferior,
worth less
"Tuskegee has little influence
because I am already aware of how
white people view and treat AA
as animals"
"I would never allow anyone to use
my body as a testing ground for an
experimental drug"
"People are generally
selfish…thinking about what
benefits them…I would have trouble
reaching a comfortable trust level"
"the heart of some humans
can't be trusted…blacks are
still considered inferior to
whites that are largely in
charge of research"
"It seems as though AA are used
as guinea pigs"
"it's hard to trust organzations
that fight for the rights of rabbits
to not have mascara tested…but
will stand quietly by when people
are at risk"
"The US government performed
experiments…under the guise of
research…blacks used over whites is
illustrative of the willingness to
subject non-whites to inhumane
"the way this experiment was
done makes me
believe..clinical researchers
don't believe AA people have
any value or worth"
Theme 6: AA are given
diseases/not cured on
Theme 9: God
"...I feel as though African-
Americans are subjected to clinical
research with negative
ramifications. i.e. giving african-
americans diseases and/or using
non-proven cures for pre-existing
"If God doesn't lead me…I will not
Table 3
Unique Short Answer Themes Per Group for Question 1d/1d part B by Age Group for African Americans
The themes in Table 3 were numbered in succession with Table 2. Table 4 groups the
responses to question 1e from Table 1 in a similar manner as Table 2. The themes are lettered
in order to distinguish them from the numbered themes that were in response to question 1d.
As with Tables 2 and 3, it is important to note that the responses found in Table 4 do not
represent the entire set of answers to questions 1e; however, these responses stood out among
the others and were specific examples of personally experienced racism.
African Americans and Trust 25
3 groups 2 groups
Theme A: Work Place
Theme B: Stereotyped
and more by my doctor
Theme C: The N
Theme D: Racial
Theme E: Too
much to count
18-30 X
"Nigger was painted on the
lockers of the predominantly
white high school I attended"
"It all boils down to people
thinking you are up to
something just because of the
number of black men in a
single group"
"I was pulled over while
parked in front of my house
because the police officer
didn't believe it was my kind
of neighborhood"
"I work in corporate America. I
experience [racism] on a daily
"My husband was given a
vasectomy without my
consent…[my doctor]
stated…more AA men were
likely to undergo the procedure at
that hospital"
"being followed aroud stores
by security like I'm a possible
target for being a shop lifter"
"too many to list";
"Too many to
name"; "too many
and not enough
"discriminated against when it
came to promotions…there was a
trend in the office"
"…doctors assuming I didn't have
a husband or insurance, assuming
I'm on assistance"
"I'm a black man that fits
every description of a wanted
person for questioning"
"by-passed for promotions";
"always on my job, I'm 1 of 2
"I suffered a serious depressive
epidose due to a white doctor
prescribing a beta-blocker without
notifying me of the side effects…a
black physician brought attention
to it…led to my removal of the
"…on more than one
occasion I have received
disparaging treatment in the
"...stereotypical diagnoses…'you're
pregnant, or have a yeast infection
from tight jeans'…I was not
sexually active and don't own
"everyday at work demonstrates a
lack of diversity in leadership"
"white kids [called my kids]
the n word… they were hurt
because the teacher did
"[Racism] is too
broad…we just live
with just is"
"I have been passed over for
positions, ignored in some business
"I was at the park and a
young male asked me why I
didn't go to a 'nigger' park"
Table 4
Significant Short Answer Themes for Question 1e from Table 1, by Age Group for African Americans
African Americans and Trust 26
Table 5 represents unique responses for each age group pertaining to whether
participants had experienced cultural prejudice or racism (See Questions 1e, Table 1). The 31-40
year-old age group shared all of its themes with the other three age groups and did not produce a
significantly unique response to question 1e.
18-30 31-40 41-50 51-74
Theme G: Childhood
Theme H: I've seen it happen
to others
Theme I: The South
"I wasn't invited to a birthday party
because I was black"
"I work in education..and have seen
how inner-city schools were treated
unfair compared to white schools"
"I'm black, raised in the South,
you figure it out"
"I attended friend's birthday party
where everyone else was staying over
for the night…but I was informed that I
could not."
"My father called people much younger
than him no sir or no ma'am…this was
done to make a better life for his
"I grew up in the south during
Table 5
Unique Short Answer Themes Per Group for Question 1e by Age Group for African Americans
Trust Scores
As noted earlier, only the respondents with a complete set of trust scores were included
in trust score analysis. Overall, African Americans had lower trust scores than the other two
groups. There were cases where the Other group had similar scores; however, the small sample
size of the group (n=11) made it difficult to compare the results to the much larger sample of
African Americans (n=87). As Table 6 shows, African Americans had a significantly lower trust
score regarding participant deception than did their white counterparts.
African Americans and Trust 27
Table 6
Participant Deception Researcher Honesty Total
AA 20.6 24 22.5
White 31 26.2 28.5
Other* 23.6 21.6 22.6
*Small Sample Size
Trust Scores by Race (African American, n=87; White, n=22; Other, n=11)
The differences in trust level among the ethnic groups also varied by age (see Table 7).
Table 7
Race 18-30 31-40 41-50 51-74 18-30 31-40 41-50 51-74
AA 22.2 21.6 17.2 20.8 25.5 26.8 22.0 22.7
White 33.7 29.0 26.0 30*
27.3 29.5 19.6 32*
Other* 25.7 16.0 29.2 n/a 26.9 26 20 n/a
*Small Sample Size
Participant Deception and Researcher Honesty Trust Scores by Race and Age (African American, n=87;
White, n=22; Other, n=11)
Participant Deception
Researcher Honesty
Combining the participant deception and researcher honesty scores gives one composite
trust score. The composite scores also varied significantly by race and age (see Table 8);
however, African Americans still amassed the lowest total trust scores in each age group of all
counterpart groups.
Table 8
Total Composite Trust Score by Race and Age
18-30 31-40 41-50 51-74
AA 23.6 24.7 19.8 21.7
White 30.5 29.3 22.8 31*
Other* 26.3 37* 24.6 n/a
*Small Sample Size
African Americans and Trust 28
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, Inferences, and Recommendations for Further Research and
Not all of the data collected in the questionnaire warranted pertinent information relative
to the initial research questions posed. The demographic information, questions pertaining to
the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, racism, and the trust scores obtained from the study sample proved
to correspond in a manner that not only answered the research questions but provided
supplementary insight into other issues plaguing the African American community regarding
trust and clinical research participation. Additional survey questions pertaining specifically to
trust in clinical research were also helpful in analysis, mainly those probing “what comes to
mind…” or “how likely are you to…”.
Research Questions Addressed
Do different age groups have similar perspectives and opinions about clinical research?
According to Table 1, an average of 44% of African American respondents had ever
participated in a clinical trial, with the highest percentage in the 18-30 year-old age group and the
lowest percentage in the 41-50 year-old age group. Whites had a comparable participation rate at
48% and the Other group had a participation rate of 83%. Research suggests that only 3%-20%
of African Americans participate in clinical trials, so even though they lagged behind their
counterparts, their participation exceeded the average rate.
Question 1d from Table 1 and 1d part B (see questions 7 and 8 in Appendix B) were
initially gauging knowledge of the Tuskegee experiment and the strength of its influence thereof.
Although many African American participants responded accordingly, others used this question
as an opportunity to explain how they felt about clinical research in general. Table 2 lists
African Americans and Trust 29
recurring themes across age groups. “No injections, no drugs” was the most generalizable barrier
to participation for African Americans, and it was knowledge of the Tuskegee study that
prompted thoughts of injections or drugs.
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, as horrific as it was, actually did not involve the injection
of syphilis or the initiation of the infection. The intent of the study was to monitor the long-term
effects of syphilis on those who already had the disease which is why the men were not treated
even after penicillin became an acceptable and effective treatment in the early 1940s.
Notwithstanding, of the 31% of African American individuals who were strongly or moderately
influence by Tuskegee, 26% of these people incorrectly noted that the men of the study were
injected with syphilis. Another 55% did not indicate injection but purposeful infection or
exposure of the men to syphilis, which by protocol of the study is still an inaccurate
interpretation. Many also noted that the men were given a drug that didn’t cure them. That
leaves only 18% of the influenced with an accurate account of what actually happened in the
Tuskegee study.
The most common answer given for apprehension towards clinical research participation
based on Tuskegee’s influence (no matter how small or strong) was the distrust of injections
and/or drugs. An inaccurate account of a historical event is currently carrying significant weight
in the minds of those who are aware that the study existed, thus creating a barrier to clinical
research participation in a small group who might otherwise participate in research. Corbie-
Smith et al. (2002) insists that knowledge of negative events through wide dissemination carries
enough weight to adversely affect the ability to overcome distrust. Eighty-one percent of the
African Americans indicating that they were strongly or moderately influenced by Tuskegee had
similar, inaccurate interpretations of the study. It is uncertain whether or not the views of these
African Americans and Trust 30
people would change if they knew that the Tuskegee men were not injected or intentionally
exposed to syphilis. However, the significant weight of these views, accurate or inaccurate, were
nonetheless a barriers to clinical research participation for all ages in this study.
Implied fear of the “unknown” was also an influence of Tuskegee and a common theme.
All age groups expressed this fear with the exception of the 18-30 group. One of the key
statements from the 41-50 age group implied that research does not fully disclose its intentions.
Another statement implies that the full “truth” about research cannot be known, thus it is safer
not to participate. Even white respondents mentioned “hope” that research practices had
changed since Tuskegee. Hope is not certainty. Therefore, fear of what could happen based on
what did happen is driving a lack of participation as well.
Table 3 lists other significant themes present in less frequency with regard to the
Tuskegee experiment. These themes (Theme 3 and 4) are only present in two age groups but still
represent similarities in opinion about not just Tuskegee but clinical research in general. Theme
3 represents both optimism and skepticism for the 18-30 and 41-50-year-old age groups.
“Another Tuskegee is unlikely, but…” takes into account that some African American
participants believe that another study similar in practice to Tuskegee is unlikely in current times.
However, even with that belief, many expressed doubts about other areas pertaining to research.
The youngest participant in the study sample (18 years old) noted the connection
between government allowance of Tuskegee and the notion that many research studies today are
funded by the government to strengthen their point that research is not safe simply because of
government rules. In response to question 1d (Table 1) that same participant stated, “[Tuskegee]
was run by the government. Federal funding from the government funds most studies these
African Americans and Trust 31
days,” almost as if to say that the government provides no protection. Additionally, the entire
study sample, not just African Americans, indicated that out of sample institutions that could
conduct a study, mainly colleges and universities (see Question 11 in Appendix B), they were the
least trusting of the government. White participants even indicated that they would be more
trusting of a study run by a Historically Black College or University (HBCU) than a government-
run study.
Theme 4, “The right versus the wrong group,” was present in the remaining age groups.
Two of the three participants quoted under Theme 4 (Table 2) had participated in clinical
research. One participated in a diabetes study and the other participated in a clinical device
study. Even though they had participated in research before, their comments indicated that they
were skeptical of research that had more than one group for participants to be placed.
Unfortunately, many clinical trials are set up with more than one group (commonly called arms).
Randomized trials produce objective results because the researchers are not placing participants
into the study arms. They are randomized into them and most studies of this type have at least
two arms. The number of arms and the treatment thereof depends on the type of study, but the
objectivity of the data depends on the randomization procedures (U.S. National Library of
The participant who had not participated in research described a study that she was
asked to participate in. She stated, “Two groups were randomly selected: one group to walk and
use a pedometer and the other group to continue as normal (no walk, no exercise). The group
on the walking program would benefit physically but the other group would not even though it
is a proven fact that exercise is good for you. So instead of being encouraged to walk, you are
almost encouraged not to for the benefit if the study.” She later went on to say, “If there was a
African Americans and Trust 32
chance for me to be in the ‘wrong group’ on these studies, I will not participate.” In her first
comment, she clearly articulated the random selection of the two groups, yet expressed her
displeasure with the fact that one group would not get the same benefits as the other group.
Therefore, since she believed that exercise was proven to be beneficial, she did not participate
because she was not guaranteed enrollment into the pedometer group. A pattern emerged when
combining her explanation of her experience with her knowledge of the Tuskegee Study. She
indicated that Tuskegee’s “goal was to determine if patients were better off not being treated.”
She chose not to participate in a study where she thought that she could be in the group that was
not being “treated” with exercise even after her acknowledgement of the randomization process.
Many research studies rely on the comparison of data across different groups, and
sometimes the randomization process is unavoidable. Notwithstanding, Theme 4 demonstrates
that there could be trust issues surrounding a fundamental component of some research studies,
due to historical recollection that one group will not receive the same benefits as the other(s).
Table 3 lists the themes that were unique to each age group with regard to Tuskegee’s
influence. The 18-30 age group believed that African Americans are treated and viewed as
animals and are intentionally given or not cured from diseases (Themes 5 and 6). Similarly, the
51-74 age group expressed views of African American lives as inferior to whites or less valued.
Gamble (1997) explains that when African Americans feel devalued by whites, their relationships
with medical professionals are influenced and mistrust is fueled. This belief’s shared influence on
both the youngest and eldest age group suggests that these thoughts are impartial to the age of
the individual.
African Americans and Trust 33
The 31-40-year-old age group expressed their disdain for being used as testing objects
because of potential risk. The 41-50 age group was the most candid in expressing outright
distrust for the clinical research process, citing the selfishness of people and the “guise” of
research as reasons to rightfully be negatively influenced in terms of clinical research opinion. As
will be discussed later, the latter age group was also compositely the less trusting age group.
Table 4 lists select participant experiences with racism. As previously stated, racism was a
statically significant predictor of a lack of trust in clinical research (p-score= 0.038). However,
even though the 41-50 age group was the least trusting by total trust score, they had the least
experience with racism of all groups. One would have expected the 51-74 age group (100%
experience with racism, n=36) to have been the least trusting overall based on experience with
racism alone, but a lack of trust can originate from several factors. The 41-50 age group had the
lowest participation rate (31%) in clinical research when compared to the 18-30, 31-40, and 51-
74 age groups (59%, 39.3%, and 50%, respectively). Over 94% of the 41-50 age group had heard
of the Tuskegee study and had the highest percentage of strong to moderate influence due to
this knowledge (29%, n=38). The level of education has also been cited to correlate negatively
with a lack of trust (Hall, Camacho, Lawlor, DePut, Sugarman, & Weinfurt, 2006). The 41-50
age group had the most participants whose highest level of education was high school, some
college, or an associates degree. Additionally, this group had the lowest percentage of
participants reaching a Master’s or doctoral level of education of all African American age
groups (See Figure 3) . All of these factors could explain the lower trust score despite the lesser
experience with racism.
One of the most significant themes as it relates to the clinical setting is Theme B,
“Stereotyped and more by my doctor.” This theme was represented in the 31-40 and 41-50 year-
African Americans and Trust 34
old age groups. Negative views of hospital staff have been found to be a barrier to trust. African
Americans have been found to be less trusting of their physicians and to be more passive in
encounters (Franks, Muennig, Lubetkin & Jia, 2006; Bird & Bogart, 2001). A telephone survey
revealed that African Americans were more likely than Whites to report that their doctors did
not inquire sufficiently about their pain, did not give a time frame for their medication to work,
and did not explain the seriousness of injury or illness (Blendon, 1989; Gamble, 1997).
Additionally, physicians have been found to perceive and treat African American patients
differently than their white counterparts (Franks et al., 2006). The cringe-inducing accounts of
the experiences in this current research study are evidence of not only stereotypes in health care,
but potential seeds of mistrust. One participant described her experience with what she thought
was a stereotypical diagnosis by her doctor. She stated, “I have had several occurrences where I
would mention certain symptoms that I am experiencing…and the physician would make a
stereotypical diagnosis/guess of my condition without performing an examination…until I insist
that they examine me before trying to guess.” She went on to state that she was told she was
pregnant or had a yeast infection from tight jeans when she was not sexually active and did not
own a pair of jeans.
Just like the perpetuation of stereotypes in other areas of our lives can be harmful to
those around us, so too can it be in health care and clinical research. Surprisingly, none of these
participants indicated that they would not participate in clinical research indefinitely. Instead,
they all stated that careful understanding of potential research studies, personal assumption of
responsibility for knowing what the study entails, and careful background research of the study
in question were necessary prior to participation. These individuals, whose stories were
highlighted in Theme B (Table 4), represent a group of African Americans who are cautious of
African Americans and Trust 35
research due to a negative medical experience but have not yet excluded clinical research
participation all together.
Table 5 listed unique experiences by age group, and the themes for three of the four
groups were somewhat indicative of the age of the individuals. Keeping in mind that racism was
a statistically significant predictor of trust in clinical research, the 18-30-year-old age group often
referenced distant childhood memories in their experiences with racism which could be
indicative of why this group was less influenced and participated more in clinical research than
any other age group. The 41-50 and 51-74 age group, which have the lowest two participation
rates and trust scores of all groups, referenced more recent and frequent encounters with racism
at their place of work. The recall of more recent memories or situations (e.g. going to the same
job every day where they were passed up for a promotion, working every day with the same
colleagues who make racist remarks) could explain why the older age groups were less trusting of
and participated in research less than the 18-30 age group.
Are younger African American adults more trusting of and more willing to participate in the clinical
research process given their upbringing in a less historically negative time period?
While little explicit data were available to answer this question, a few implicit details
emerged through the short answer responses of the participants. Younger African American
adults in the 18-30-year-old age group did participate in clinical research at a higher rate than the
31-40, 41-50, and 51-74 age groups (59% had participated in clinical research compared to
39.3%, 31%, and 50%, respectively). Across all age groups, this was an extremely high rate of
participation. Newman et al. (2006) found that due to the difficulty in obtaining adequate
minority samples, researchers tend to settle for general population demographics when
conducting their studies. African Americans represent approximately only 13% of the United
African Americans and Trust 36
States population (McKinnon, 2003), thus, the participation rates of the individuals in this study
would be expected to hover around this percentage. The doubling and a tripling of this
percentage could be attributed to the general geographic location of residence for the study
sample. Over 70% of the respondents indicated that they were either born or raised in Southeast
Michigan, which is home to over 5 major public institutions of higher education, two of which
are world leaders in clinical research (Universities Research Association, Inc.). The proximity of
the universities could provide increased access to research studies for this group of African
The 18-30-year-old age group and the 31-40-year-old age group both had higher
composite trust scores than the corresponding older age groups, suggesting more trust in clinical
researchers. The 18-30 age group had a participant deception score of 22.6, a researcher honesty
score of 25.5, and a composite score of 23.6. These were the highest scores for all four age
groups, meaning that the youngest age group was the most trusting of clinical researchers. The
31-40 age group was in the same area, with a participant deception score of 21.6, a researcher
honesty score of 26.8, and a composite score of 24.7. The closest score to the two younger
groups was the participant deception score of the 51-74-year-old age group, which was 20.8. The
remaining scores for the older two groups were at least 2.8 points lower than the younger group.
The 41-50 age group averaged a participant deception score of 17.3, which was the lowest of all
trust scores for any age or race. This group frequently cited a lack of full disclosure and
“withhold[ing] of the truth” as a barrier to participation, so it was expected that this group
would unanimously believe that researchers attempt to deceive participants in some way.
African Americans and Trust 37
Do level of education, perceived health status, and type of employment predict trust levels?
Although research suggests that education can be a predictor of low clinical research
participation and trust (Hall et al., 2006), this study did not find a significant correlation between
education and trust. In addition, this study did not find a correlation between perceived health
and trust either.
The African American study sample was more educated than not only the average
African American, but the average White American as well. Over 60% of the entire African
American sample held at least a bachelor’s degree, with 37% having obtained a master’s or
doctoral degree. According to a Unites States Census Bureau report in 2004, only 17% and 29%
of African Americans and Whites, respectively, had obtained at least a bachelor’s degree. This is
an unusual sample by most standards and could be attributed to the general sampling area
(Southeast Michigan is home to over 5 major universities) and the manner in which the sample
was obtained (all respondents answered the questionnaire online via computer and internet
Conclusions and Recommendations
Given the information obtained in this research project, it is reasonable to conclude that
different age groups of African Americans are apprehensive about participation and less trusting
of clinical research for different reasons.
This study shows that even highly educated and employed African Americans can be
distrustful of the clinical research process, contrary to other studies that indicated a lack of
education and low socioeconomic status are barriers to clinical research trust and participation
(Fouad et al., 2000; Shavers et al., 2002). The African American study sample surpassed not only
African Americans and Trust 38
the national average for Blacks receiving at least a bachelor’s degree, but for Whites as well. This
study showed that a lack of trust correlated significantly with experience with racism. Other
studies have reported that institutional racism can be a barrier, but few studies have specifically
analyzed experiences with racism with regard to age. The ability to link one or multiple
experiences with trust or lack thereof is an important step in determining how to move beyond
racism as a barrier to African American participation.
Additionally, there is a lot of research that debates the significance of knowledge of the
Tuskegee Syphilis Study on African American participation in research. There is research that
suggests that it shaped a generation of thoughts toward clinical research (Gamble, 1993;
Fairchild & Bayer, 1999). Evidence from this study supports this theory, mainly by the low trust
scores and high knowledge rates of the Tuskegee experiment in the 41-50 and 51-74 age groups.
However, there is also research that suggests that African Americans are willing to participate in
clinical research and actually have favorable views towards it (Gifford et al., 2002). Evidence
from this study supports this theory as well with the high participation percentage of African
Americans when compared to their representation in the United States. The latter theory is also
supported by the expression of “advice” that many participants gave regarding the pursuit of
knowledge about a study before participation can begin, implying that participation was possible
with and only with full knowledge of the study protocol.
To successfully reach out to African Americans, researchers must take into account the
various reasons behind their mistrust. Focus groups that include research staff and African
American adults of various ages could provide an opportunity for both parties to gain a better
understanding of the other’s perspective on research. These focus groups should center on
investigator attitudes toward minority recruitment and reasons behind participant mistrust.
African Americans and Trust 39
There were some limitations of this study. First, the questionnaire was only available
online. This could have prohibited some from completing the questionnaire due to a lack of
access to the internet. Second, the questionnaire link was primarily distributed on Facebook and
MySpace. Many people do not have a Facebook or MySpace account, which limited the initial
response to a select number of individuals. While it is not certain how many people responded
via social networking sites or who responded via the emails forwarded to a company list-serve,
the limited access of the survey created a barrier to participation. Last, additional demographic
information such as gender and the institution of high education would have all been helpful in
defining the characteristics of the study sample.
The study’s strengths were its qualitative approach to attitudes about clinical research
based on age. The resulting themes of the open-ended questions provide additional information
to the literature as to what could be perpetuating mistrust of clinical research for African
Americans. The division of age groups provided unique information pertaining to their thoughts
and apprehensions about clinical research. The use of Trust in Medical Researchers scale enabled
analysis of trust specifically in the medical researcher and not in general health care or primary
care providers. This specificity strengthens the trust score’s relevance to the research questions
Evidence presented in this study also adds to the current literature by further exploring
specific trust level differences in African Americans. Age specific barriers to trust could have
future implications for trust-building and effective clinical research recruitment for specific age
groups. Future outreach efforts should attempt to gauge the age-specific apprehension of
African Americans in order to tailor appropriate recruitment and retention strategies towards
African Americans and Trust 40
Last, as evident in Theme B from Table 4, principal investigators and their staff
members must be trained in cultural sensitivity and cultural competency to help prevent
irrational assumptions and stereotypes from impacting their outreach efforts to the African
American population. Newman et al. (2006) report that many investigators are reporting
deficiencies in developing culturally competent protocols. As difficult as it can be to recruit
African Americans, the effort must be made to develop culturally competent protocols that will
enable better recruitment and retention. This is particularly important in addressing younger
people who have higher participation rates currently and, with effective outreach, can change the
future enrollment statistics of African Americans. Additionally, the willingness of respondents
in this study to participate in clinical research even after a culturally insensitive experience
reflects the capacity of some African Americans to fully educate and inform themselves about
their personal pursuit of research. Increased education for researchers in this area can facilitate
the outreach to those who are not as willing to participate.
The results of this study provide a unique perspective on age-based trust that targets all
adult ages, not just the elderly. Given that ethnic diversity in clinical research is critical, the
results of this study provide important insights that could ensure that African Americans will feel
more comfortable about clinical research participation. These insights include the importance of
mending of broken trust for African Americans, the maintenance of trust that does exist, and
the effort to specifically address their age-related issues in clinical research.
African Americans and Trust 41
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African Americans and Trust 48
APPENDIX A: Permission Letter
Study title:
African Americans and Trust: Examining Clinical Research Trust Levels Based On Age
The purpose of this research project is to learn whether or not different age groups are or are not
trusting of the clinical research process for different reasons based upon their age. Although
African Americans are the target population, all racial and ethnic groups are welcomed and encouraged
to participate in the study. You must be at least 18 years old to participate.
The study involves the completion of a brief survey that will take you approximately 15 -30 minutes to
finish. You will be asked a series of questions about your personal feelings and experiences with regard
to clinical research. This is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers.
The results of this study could be used in a research publication that will be accessible to the public.
Your right to confidentiality is of great importance; therefore this study does not require that you give
your name or other personal information. With your permission, responses to the open ended questions
could be used as data, however, you will not be identified in any way. The data collected is only for use
of the investigator for research purposes. Your privacy will be protected at all times.
Since no names or contact information are requested in this study, there will be a space at the end of
the survey for you to provide your email address should you wish to be informed of the study results.
This information will be kept securely in a password protected database and will only be used to
distribute results of the study.
There are no risks associated with participating in this study. However, there is the possibility that as
you respond to the questions you may feel some distress through identifying personal experiences. If
you feel any discomfort, you have the right to stop at any time. If such distress is felt after the survey
has been completed, you may contact Dr. Deb deLaski -Smith, Administrative Co-Chair of the Eastern
Michigan University Human Subjects Review Committee (contact info below).
Taking part in this study is completely voluntary. You do not have to participate if you do not want to.
You may stop your completion of the questionnaire at any time. If you stop taking the survey before it is
finished, there will be no penalty to you.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the researchers listed below to:
Obtain more information about the study
Ask a question about the study procedures
Express a concern about the study
Stephen Sonstein, PhD
Email address:
This research protocol and informed consent document has been reviewed and approved by the Eastern
Michigan University Human Subjects Review Committee for use from to . If you have any questions about
the approval process, please contact Dr. Deb de Laski -Smith (734.487.0042, Interim Dean of Graduate
School and Administrative Co-chair of UHSRC,
By completing the questionnaire, you will give the researcher your permission to obtain, use, and share
information that you provide for this study. This permission is required in order for you to take part in the
1. Consent to Participate
African Americans and Trust 49
Please enter the following demographic information.
To protect your privacy, all of your responses to this questionnaire will remain anonymous.
1. Age
2. Ethnicity
3. Race
4. Are you currently enrolled in college?
2. Demographic Information
Where were you born?
Where were you
primarily raised?
Hispanic or Latino
Non-Hispanic or Latino
American Indian/Alaskan Native
African American/Black
Central or South Asian
Middle Eastern/Arab American
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Other (please specify)
5. What is the highest level of education you completed?
6. Did you attend a Historically Black College or University?
7. What type of job do you have?
8. In general, how would you describe your health?
Elementary School
Middle School
High School/GED
Some College
Associates Degree
Bachelors Degree
Post Baccalaureate Degree
Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree
Health Care
Very Good
These questions will allow the researcher to gain a better understanding about your attitude towards
clinical research and why you feel the way that you do.
There are a few important terms that the researcher would like you to be familiar with before you begin
the survey:
Clinical Research - Also known as medical research which requires the collaboration of a number of
persons, perhaps not all of them doctors.
Clinical studies (or clinical research) - medical research studies in which people participate as volunteers.
Clinical research studies (sometimes called trials or protocols) are a means of developing new treatments
and medications for diseases and conditions. There are strict rules for clinical trials, which are monitored
by the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Clinical trial
- a scientific study of how a new medicine or treatment works in people. Through clinical
studies, doctors find new and better ways to prevent, detect, diagnose, control, and treat illnesses.
Testing in humans is permitted only if that person volunteers for participation and understands the risks
and benefits of taking part in a study. This informed consent to participate must be based on the
volunteer's understanding of what is involved in the study, including potential risks and benefits.
Principal investigator (study doctore) - In biomedical research, the person who directs a research
project or program. The principal investigator (also known as the PI) usually writes and submits the
grant application, oversees the scientific and technical aspects of the grant, and has responsibility for
the management of the research.
Participant - One that participates, shares, or takes part in something.
Subject - The object of observation, treatment, or research.
Trust - assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something; one in
which confidence is placed.
1. In your own words, please explain what comes to mind when you hear
the term "clinical research".
2. If you were to participate in a clinical research study, would you prefer to
be referred to as a:
3. Have you ever been asked to participate in a research study?
3. Survey
Doesn't matter
4. Have you ever participated in a research study?
5. If so, what kind of study? Please check all that apply.
6. Have you ever heard of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment?
Drug clinical trial or research study
Device clinical trial or research study (example of a device pacemaker or podometer)
Heart/Hypertension study
Arthritis study
HIV/AIDS study
Cancer study
Psychology study
Sleep study
Depression study
Other (please specify)
If yes, please describe what you know about this study.
7. Does knowledge of this experiment have an influence on your opinions
about clinical research?
8. Does knowledge of this experiment have any influence on whether or not
you would participate in a clinical research study?
Little Influence
No Influence
No Knowledge
Strength of Influence
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Little Influence
No Influence
No knowledge
Strength of influence
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
If so, could you briefly explain why you are influenced?
If so, could you briefly explain why you are influenced?
9. How likely is it that you would trust a clinical study doctor and staff if they
were primarily
10. How likely is it that you would participate in a clinical study if:
11. How likely is it that you would participate in a clinical reserach study if
the study was sponsored by:
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Less Likely
Not Likely
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Middle Eastern or Arab
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
A mixture of races?
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Less Likely
Not Likely
You knew the doctor or
clinical study staff
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
You were told about
the study by a friend
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Very Likely
Somewhat Likely
Less Likely
Not Likely
A large, well-known
univeristy or college?
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
A small, less-know
univeristy or college?
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
A predominantly white
university or college?
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
A historically black
university or college?
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
The government?
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Other institution?
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
12. Have you had any experience with cultural prejudice or racism?
13. Does your experience with cultural prejudice or racism have an effect
on your willingness to trust health care or clinical research staff?
If so, can you provide a brief explanation of what occurred?
If so, can you provide a briefly explain why?
14. Do you know someone other than yourself who has experienced
cultural prejudice or racism?
15. If you answered 'yes' to the question above, what is that person's
relationship to you?
If so, does their experience with prejudice and/or racism effect whether or not you will participate in clinical research
studies? Enter NA if no effect.
Other relative
Other (please specify)
1. Please select whether or not you agree or disagree with the following
4. Survey (cont)
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
To get people to take
part in a study,
medical researchers
usually do not explain
all of the dangers
about participation.
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Participants should be
concerned about being
deceived or misled by
medical researchers.
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Usually, researchers
who make mistakes
try to cover them up.
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Medical researchers act
differently toward
minority subjects than
toward white subjects.
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Medical researchers
unfairly select
minorities for their
most dangerous
research studies.
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
2. Please select whether or not you agree or disagree with the following
3. Do you think that President Obama should urge people to participate in
clinical research?
4. Do your religous beliefs influence whether or not you would be trusting of
clinical research studies?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Some medical
research projects are
secretly designed to
expose minority
groups to diseases
such as AIDS.
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
In general, medical
researchers care more
about doing their
research than about
the participants
medical needs.
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Researchers are more
interested in helping
their careers than in
learning about health
and disease.
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Medical researchers
are generally honest in
telling participants
about different
treatment options
available for their
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Usually, medical
researchers tell
participants everything
about possible
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
All in all, medical
researchers would not
conduct experiments
on people without their
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Most medical
researchers would not
lie to people to try to
convince them to
participate in a
research study.
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
5. What (if anything) makes you uncomfortable about the idea of
participating in clinical trials?
6. Is there anything else that you would like to share that you have not yet
shared already?
1. The results of this study could potentially be used in a resesrach
publication. Your responses will be used as data to explain your feelings
about trust and clinical research.
Does the researcher have permission to use your responses as data in this
research study?
2. If you would like to receive information about the results of the study,
please enter an active email address where the information can be sent.
This information will be kept secure in a password protected database and
will only be used to distribute results of this study.
5. Study Results
Email Address:
Thank you for you participation!
Definition References
clinical research. (2009). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved July 28,
2009, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online:
Clinical studies. (2005).
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center.
Retrieved July 28, 2009, from
Clinical trial. (2005).
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center. Retrieved
July 28, 2009, from
participant. (n.d.). The American Heritage
Dictionary of the English
Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved July 29, 2009, from
principle investigator (n.d.). Retrieved July 28, 2009 from
Subject. (n.d.) Retrieved July 28, 2009 from
trust. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved July 29, 2009,
from website:
6. Thank You