2017-2018 Application for a GRE Fee Reduction Certificate
Student ID
Legal Name
The GRE Fee Reduction Program is funded by income from GRE test fees. The GRE Program incurs a cost for every test
appointment scheduled or test registration received. Please do not schedule a test appointment or register for a test
unless you are certain you will be able to attend the test session. The long-range viability of the fee reduction program
depends upon effective stewardship of this program.
Expiration Date: June 30, 2018
I request a fee waiver from the EMU Office of Financial Aid for:
Computer-based Test
Paper-based General Test (only offered in areas where the computer-based General Test is not available)
Subject Test
Please answer Yes or No to the following statements:
I have filed a 2017-2018 FAFSA.
I am a U.S. Citizen or resident alien.
If both answers to the statements above are “Yes” go on to B.
I am an enrolled senior.
I am a non-enrolled college graduate.
If you responded “yesto section B, go on to C.
I am a dependent college senior whose FAFSA results (ISIR) show a parental contribution of not
more than $2,500 for my senior year
I am an independent college senior whose FAFSA results (ISIR) show a contribution of not more
than$3,000 for my senior year
I am an un-enrolled college graduate whose FAFSA results (ISIR) show independent status
and a
contribution of not more than $3,000
If you answer “Yes” to any statement in section C above, you may be eligible for a GRE Fee Reduction Certificate.
Once the FAFSA information has been verified, you will be emailed that the certificate is ready for pick up.
By signing below I acknowledge that I meet the criteria for a GRE Fee Reduction Certificate. I understand that it is my
responsibility to mail the original Fee Reduction Certificate, payment equivalent to 50 percent of the full test fee ($97.50
for the General Test, $75 for a Subject Test), and a copy of my ISIR with the appropriate registration materials.
Student Signature Date
Service EMU Locations: 240 McKenny Hall & 268 Student Center
Fax: 734.487.4281
Email: financial_aid@emich.edu
Web: www.emich.edu/finaid