Composed 3/1/2018
R Vandyke
Academic Contract/Agreement Routing Document
When routing a new contract/agreement through the signature process please attached this form.
I _____________________________, director/manager/coordinator of the _______________________
Program, do certify that I have reviewed the attached contract/agreement and have found it to be in
compliance with the Contract Guidebook for Administrators.
I ________________________________, Dean of the ____________________________________
Division, do certify that I have reviewed the attached contract/agreement and have found it to be in
compliance with the Contract Guidebook for Administrators.
I, ______________________________, VP of the ______________________________________
Division, do certify that I have reviewed the attached contract/agreement and have found it to be in
compliance with the Contract Guidebook for Administrators.
I, _____________________________________, President of ______________________________
Approve the attached contract/agreement on behalf of Southwest Virginia Community College.