Academic Approval Form
This form can be completed electronically. Complete all four steps in order.
STEP 1: Student Information and Academic Planning
To be completed by student
Your Name: _____________________________________________________ ID# ________________ College: ______________________________
Major(s), Minor(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Program Terms: Fall Winter Spring Summer Program Year: ___________ Program Type: UCSC Exchange UCEAP
Program Name: ___________________________________________
Program Application Deadline: ________________________
I am undeclared in a major: YES NO
If yes, you must declare prior to departure (unless an exception is granted by your College). Indicate qualifying courses
under "Before Program" to show that you will complete requirements to declare.
I will go on this program during my senior year: YES NO
If yes, you must meet UCSC Senior Residency Requirements. There are two options: complete 35 of final 45 credits at UCSC
before the program--OR--complete 35 of final 90 credits at UCSC with a minimum of 10 credits completed at UCSC after the
program. For questions, contact your College.
Before Program During Program After Program
Starting with the current term, indicate in
chronological order GEs and major/minor
courses (including courses to qualify for your
major) you will take before your program.
Qualifying Course
Indicate the type of UCSC credit (major,
minor, GE, electives) you request to fulfill on
your program. You do not
need to indicate
specific courses in this section because
course information at the time of completing
this form is usually tentative and subject to
change. There is no guarantee that particular
courses will be offered. Research recent
course offerings to determine if desired
subjects are generally available.
Indicate remaining major/minor courses and
GEs that you will complete after your program.
Skip this step if the program is your last term
before graduating.
Course Name Term & Year
Course Name Term & Year
Example: Econ 11B Spring 21
Example: Econ 197 Winter 22
Type of Credit Term & Year
Example: Upper Div Major Elective Fall 21
Example: CC GE Fall 21
By typing my name below, I confirm the following: I have completed the academic plan above to the best of my ability with the information
available at this time. Because courses abroad are subject to change, there is no guarantee that specific courses will be offered. I understand that
this form is NOT a course enrollment form. Department(s) have final approval over which, if any, courses from abroad may be used to satisfy
major/minor requirements. The UCSC Committee on Courses of Instruction has final approval over which, if any, courses may be used to satisfy GE
requirements. I understand that I will register for study abroad program classes either close to departure or after arrival. I understand that courses
abroad vary from year to year, so I may not be able to finalize my schedule until I arrive abroad. I understand that courses abroad cannot satisfy the
Disciplinary Communication (DC) requirement and that approved DC course(s) must be taken at UCSC.
Student Signature (type to sign): _______________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ pg. 1/3
Academic Approval Form
STEP 2: Department Approval
To be completed by Department(s)
Maximum number of courses that
may be used to fulfill major
Other Comments:
Course(s) that must be completed
before study abroad, if applicable:
Course(s) required to satisfy the
DC requirement at UCSC & when
student plans to complete these
Major 1 Advisor Name: ___________________________________________
Major 1: ______________________________________________
Advisor Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________
I approve this student for study abroad, and I confirm that I have advised the student on how the courses indicated on their
academic planning section are likely to count or not count toward their major. This course of study is supported provisionally, based
on course descriptions, actual enrollment, and successful completion abroad.
Maximum number of courses that
may be used to fulfill major
Other Comments:
Course(s) that must be completed
before study abroad, if applicable:
Course(s) required to satisfy the
DC requirement at UCSC & when
student plans to complete these
Major 2 Advisor Name: ____________________________________________
Major 2: ______________________________________________
Advisor Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________
I approve this student for study abroad, and I confirm that I have advised the student on how the courses indicated on their
academic planning section are likely to count or not count toward their major. This course of study is supported provisionally, based
on course descriptions, actual enrollment, and successful completion abroad.
Maximum number of courses that
may be used to fulfill minor
Other Comments:
Course(s) that must be completed
before study abroad, if applicable:
Minor Advisor Name: _____________________________________________
Minor: ________________________________________________
Advisor Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________
I approve this student for study abroad, and I confirm that I have advised the student on how the courses indicated on
their academic planning section are likely to count or not count toward their minor. This course of study is supported
provisionally, based on course descriptions, actual enrollment, and successful completion abroad. pg. 2/3
(type to sign)
(type to sign)
(type to sign)
Academic Approval Form
STEP 3: College Approval
To be completed by College
Check all that apply:
Mark the GEs which are complete. If a GE is in progress or not yet
started, please leave blank.
College requirements are complete
In good academic standing CC TA
C (writing) requirement is complete
Expected Graduation Term:
UCSC Study Abroad Policy: Students must be declared in a major prior to departure for UCEAP* and UCSC Exchange
Is student declared?
If no, has student indicated courses to declare in the “Before Program” academic planning section?
If student is unable to declare prior to departure, are you able to conditionally approve this student?
Please explain conditions:
Other Comments:
College Advisor Name: ______________________________________________
College: ______________________________________________
Advisor Signature: ________________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________
I approve this student for study abroad, and I have advised the student on how the courses indicated on the Academic Approval Form
are likely to count or not count toward the completion of their degree. This course of study is supported provisionally, based on course
descriptions, actual enrollment, and successful completion abroad.
STEP 4: Submit Form to SlugsAbroad
To be completed by student
STUDENT: After this form is completed and signed by each of your Department Advisors and College, review their comments and
conditions carefully. You are responsible for adhering to Department and College policies. If your academic plan changes, consult
your Advisors. Upload this form as a single 3-page PDF to your SlugsAbroad application.
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(type to sign)