michele.korb@csueastbay.edu!or!contact!corinne.lardy@csus.edu,!michelle.sinapuelas@csueastbay.e d u !!
Lesson/Unit!Title:! Intended!grade:!
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions: The end-products of science are explanations of natural phenomena and the end-products
of engineering are solutions to design problems.
a. Constructing Explanations: The goal of science is the construction of theories that provide explanatory accounts of the world. A theory becomes accepted w
it has multiple lines of empirical evidence and greater explanatory power than previous theories.
b. Designing Solutions: The goal of engineering design is to find a systematic solution to problems that is based on scientific knowledge and models of the material
world. Each proposed solution results from a process of balancing competing criteria of desired functions, technical feasibility, cost, safety, aesthetics, and compliance
with legal requirements. The optimal choice depends on how well the proposed solutions meet criteria and constraints.
SEP 6a. Constructing Scientific Explanations
Components of SEP
In this lesson/unit plan, it is clear that
have a structured opportunity to:!
Mark with “x”
if present in
What teacher actions were taken
to facilitate this component for
students? !
What are the students doing?!
1) Articulate a claim/explanation (a testable
statement or conclusion that answers a question
about how or why) that is based on and consistent
with available evidence
2) Identify and describe appropriate and
sufficient evidence that support the
3) Describe the reasoning (mechanism of how or
why) that connects the evidence to the
claim/explanation using scientific ideas/principles
4) Revise an explanation
Notes on Context/Special Considerations (part of school year, differentiation, student developmental considerations, etc.):
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
michele.korb@csueastbay.edu!or!contact!corinne.lardy@csus.edu,!michelle.sinapuelas@csueastbay.e d u !!
SEP 6a: Constructing Scientific Explanations: Constructing explanations in 68 builds on K5 experiences and progresses to include
constructing explanations supported by multiple sources of evidence consistent with scientific ideas, principles, and theories.
By the end of the grade band students will have had a structured opportunity to develop an understanding of each of these. Individual
lessons or units should include opportunities for stud ents to practice one or more of the following components ……
1) Articulate a
claim/explanation (a testable
statement or conclusion that
answers a question about how
or why) that is based on and
consistent with available
a. is!a!testable!statement!or!conclusion!that!correctly!answers!a!question!about!how!or!why!!
b. relates!the!given!phenomenon!to!a!relevant!scientific!idea!!
c. includes!a!grade-appropriate!level!of!the!mechanism!involved!!
d. is!consistent!with!available!evidence!!
e. includes!qualitative!or!quantitative!relationships!between!variables!that!predict!and/or!describe!phenomena!!
2) Identify and describe
appropriate and sufficient
evidence that support the
a. appropriately!and!sufficiently!support!the!claim!!
b. are!valid!(relevant!to!phenom ena )!and!reliable!(obta ined!w ith!precision!an d!system atically)!!!
c. are!obtained!from!multiple!sources!such!as!the!students’!own!experiments,!observations,!reading!material,!numerical!
3) Describe the reasoning
(mechanism of how or why)
that connects the evidence to
the claim/explanation using
scientific ideas/principles
a. how!or!why!the!evidence!support!the!claim!using!appropriate!scientific!ideas/principles!!
b. the!reasoning!that!connects!the!evidence!to!the!phenomenon!!
c. how!different!pieces!of!evidence!connect!to!each!other!(chain!of!reasoning)!to!support!the!explanation!!
d. why!the!data!or!evidence!is!adequate!for!the!explanation!or!conclusion!
4) Revise an explanation !
Given!new!evidence!or!context,!students!apply!scientific!ideas,!principle s,!a n d /or!evidence!to!revise!an!explanation!for!real-!