Part IV: Flight Information
Departure Airport: __________________________ Arrival Airport: _____________________________
Flight Preference print-out attached
□ Use airline website, not 3
party vendor such as Expedia or Orbitz.
Flights not needed □
Part V: Hotel Information
Hotel Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Check-In Date: _____________________________ Check-Out Date: ____________________________
Nightly Rate: ____________ Total Including Tax and Resort Fees, if applicable: ____________________
Hotel print-out attached
□ Use hotel website, not 3
party vendor such as Expedia or Orbitz.
Hotel not needed □
Part VI: Approval and Authorization
Please attach a copy of the completed and approved (with signatures) Conference and Travel Request
Form for all Cerritos College Staff/Faculty traveling with this activity.
Advisor 1: ______________________________ Signature: _________________________ Date: _______
Advisor 2: ______________________________ Signature: _________________________ Date: _______
Dean of Student Services Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________
Revised: July 2017