Applicant Information (all fields required)
Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Employee # (6 digits): ____________________________
Phone/Email: ___________________________________________________________________ OCT # (6 digits): _________________________________
Employment Status: ______________________ Name of DDSB school where you teach: ______________________________________________
AQ Course Provider: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Course start date: _____________________________________________ Course completion date: ___________________________________________
Name of course completed: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Required Documentation
Candidates MUST submit all the following pieces of documentation along with their completed application form.
Failure to provide a complete application package will result in ineligibility for the subsidy and your application will not
be processed.
Funding for this subsidy will be dispersed on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the fund has been exhausted,
applications will no longer be accepted.
To complete your application for this subsidy, you must submit (in a single PDF file):
Completed application form
Verification of course completion through the Ontario College of Teachers or Letter of
Recommendation from recognized AQ Provider
Verification of payment for course by way of official receipt issued by the course provider
Submitting Applications
Please ensure that all application packages are complete before submitting. Each package must consist of an
application form, proof of payment and proof of course completion combined in a single PDF file. Submit one
application package per course completed.
Application packages must be emailed to
Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received.
Deadline for applications to be received for Mathematics subsidies is September 30, 2020. The deadline for Autism
applications is April 30, 2022. Applications submitted past these deadlines will not be accepted.