FP3003-01 12/07 Page 3 of 5
13. As an advisor, does the Applicant provide advice on, recommend or use alternative investments?...........
Yes No
If Yes, provide the percentage of the Applicant¶s total practice advice and/or portfolio use that the following alternative
investments represent to the total advice and/or assets managed. Do not include investments that are used within a
mutual fund.
% Type Of Investment % Type Of Investment
Private Placements General or Limited Partnerships
Hedge Funds/Fund of Hedge Funds Foreign Securities Excluding $'5¶V
Mortgages, mortgage pools, mortgage
backed securities
REITS Privately Traded
Commodity Futures Promissory Notes
Unrated Bonds Tangibles (gold, silver, collectibles, coins, etc.)
Investment Related Real Estate Derivative Instruments
Options Contracts Other:
Unregistered Securities
14. Does the Applicant receive commissions? .................................................................................................. Yes No
If Yes, provide a breakdown of total commission income by percent. Must equal 100%
% Type Of Product % Type Of Product
Mutual Funds Promissory Notes/Leases/Receivables
Variable Annuities Private Placements
Life/Health/Disability/Accident Sales/Long
Term Care
REITS other than REIT Mutual Funds
Viatical Agreements/Senior Settlements/Life
General or Limited Partnerships
Listed Stocks Unregistered Securities
Unlisted Stocks ForeLJQ6HFXULWLHV$'5¶6
Investment Grade Bonds Hedge Funds or Fund of Hedge Funds
15. What percentage of WKH $SSOLFDQW¶V revenue is derived from professional entertainers, celebrities, athletes and
musicians? % If None, check here
16. Does the Applicant provide personal management services (e.g. sports management or bill paying, etc.)
to any client? ................................................................................................................................................ Yes No
17. (a) Is any advisory client an investment company (mutual fund), REIT, limited partnership or private placement?
.............................................................................................................................................................. Yes No
(b) If Yes, provide details.
(c) If No, does the Applicant agree to notify the insurance company within thirty (30) days if the
Applicant starts to render advisory services to such a client? ...............................................................
Yes No
18. Has the Applicant or any associated professional ever: Provide details to any question that is answered Yes.
(a) Had a professional license or registration denied, suspended, revoked, nonrenewed or
Yes No
(b) Been formally reprimanded by any court, administrative or regulatory agency? Yes No
(c) Had a complaint filed with any consumer agency, state securities department, insurance
department or the ASSOLFDQW¶VEURNHU-dealer, SEC, NASD, or other regulatory agency?
Yes No
(d) Been audited by the SEC, NASD, any state securities department, or other licensing or
regulatory agency? If Yes, provide a copy of the audit letter and WKH$SSOLFDQW¶V response.
Yes No
(f) Been convicted of a felony? Yes No
(g) Been involved in or is aware of any fee disputes including suits? Yes No
(h) Ever had a trading error loss in excess of $5,000? If Yes, provide details including dates,
amounts and by whom the loss was paid.
Yes No
19. During the last three (3) years has the Applicant or any affiliate been involved in, or presently
considering or contemplating any merger, acquisition, divestiture or significant change in principals?....... Yes No
If Yes, provide details.