10.Total school enrollment (MALE)
Anticipated two years hence
11. Total school enrollment (FEMALE)
Anticipated two years hence
12. This application is for school year: ______ - ______ and ______ - ______
(All new football coops must be for a minimum of four (4) years.)
13. Where will practices or rehearsals be held?
14. Where will competition for the activity be held?
15. Please complete the RESOLUTION APPROVING form and attach.
16. Please complete the upper portion of the COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT OFFICIAL
APPROVAL STATEMENT form and attach.
17. Please attach financial information that may assist the SDHSAA in reaching their decision on this
application. Include the following:
a. Specify method of allocating costs:
(1) Expenses for transportation for practices, away games, and spectator buses.
(2) Expenses for facilities, lights, heating, showers, etc.
(3) Expenses for banquets and awards.
(4) Expenses for scouting, coaches meetings, and workshops.
(5) Expenses for payment of referees and other personnel necessary to stage the event.
(6) Expenses for purchasing supplies and equipment.
(7) Expenses for salary and fringe benefits.
b. Specify method of allocating gate receipts.
18. Would your school be able to continue offering the activity for which application is being made if
a Cooperative Sponsorship were not approved? YES ____ NO ____
Signed Date
Superintendent of Schools