(This form is used for creating, modifying, and eliminating non-Master Course File requisites)
This form is to be used by full-time discipline faculty (or academic deans where no full-
time faculty exist) for submitting and documenting requisite requests to the Curriculum
Committee and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer for
action. Faculty shall work with the Associate Vice President for Academics to complete
this form. Forward this form to the Curriculum Committee according to the procedures in
section 4.1.3 of the policy.
Course for which the requisite is requested (course title and number):
Course requested as a prerequisite and/or corequisite (check all that apply)
(course title and number):
Proposed by (faculty name):
__________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Provide (in narrative form) rationale for the proposed requisite based on course content
and student learning outcomes (please attach additional pages if needed):