Tidewater Community College
Emeritus Appointments of Administrative and Professional Faculty
3. Responsibilities
The Associate Vice President for Human Resources shall develop and promulgate
procedures to implement the policy delineated above.
4. Procedures
The following procedures apply for the nomination of full-time administrative and
professional faculty who retire from Tidewater Community College for appointment to
Emeritus status. Deadline dates specified in this procedure shall be incorporated into
the college’s working calendar.
1. By September 30
of each year, the Associate Vice President for Human
Resources shall issue a call for nominations of administrative and professional
faculty for Emeritus status with the deadline for such nominations being October
2. Any current or retired member of TCC’s full-time administrative or professional
faculty may nominate a colleague for Emeritus status using the attached
nomination form which shall be submitted to the appropriate supervisor by
October 15
. In addition to the nomination form, the nomination shall consist of
at least three letters of support from current or retired TCC employees, one of
whom may be the person originating the nomination. The letters of support
should delineate, in detail, the nominee’s particularly meritorious and significant
service and contributions to the college. If available, a current résumé or
curriculum vitae should accompany the nomination. Taken together, the letters
and résumé should include the nominee’s work history, community and TCC
activities, and any other pertinent information to help the committee determine
eligibility for Emeritus status.
3. In consultation with the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, the
supervisor shall determine that the nominated faculty member meets the years
of service and academic rank requirements for eligibility for Emeritus status. In
the event that the nominated faculty member is not eligible for Emeritus status,
the supervisor shall notify the person who submitted the nomination that it will
not be considered due to ineligibility.
4. The supervisor shall inform the faculty member that she or he has been
nominated for Emeritus status and ascertain that she or he acquiesces to the
nomination. In the event that the nominated faculty member declines the
nomination, the supervisor shall notify the person who submitted the nomination
that it will not be considered in accordance with the nominee’s desires.
5. The supervisor shall evaluate the nomination and make a recommendation to
the supervising member of the President’s Executive Staff by October 25
6. In the event that a nomination is evaluated unfavorably by the supervisor, the
employee making the nomination shall be so advised and have the right to appeal
the supervisor’s recommendation directly to the respective member of the
President’s Executive Staff.