© 2021 Civil Law Self-Help Center Fee Waiver Application
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Name: _________________________
Address: _______________________
City, State, Zip: __________________
Phone: _________________________
Email: _________________________
CASE NO.: ____________________
DEPT: ____________________
Application to Proceed in Forma Pauperis
I am unable to pay the costs of prosecuting or defending this action. I request permission to
proceed without paying costs or fees pursuant to NRS 12.015 based on the following:
1. Public Assistance includes Medicaid, Nevada Check Up, SNAP (food stamp assistance), TANF,
Low-income energy assistance, Child Care & Development Fund assistance. Please indicate
whether or not you receive one or more of the above listed benefits.
Yes I receive one or more of the above listed benefits.
No I do not receive any of the above listed benefits
2. Household Members: In my household there are adults (over 18) and
children (under 18) for a total of __________ people.
3. Income includes employment (include tips/overtime), unemployment, retirement, pension, social
security, child support. Please list all income for household member: (all numbers should be
after taxes are taken out):
For each adult in the home, list net monthly income (after taxes):
Household Adult #1 total income
Household Adult #2 total income
Household Adult #3 total income
Household Adult #4 total income
Household Adult #5 total income