Notice to Tenants-This Tenancy is Exempt from
Statewide Rent Control AB 1482
(To be served on all of your existing tenants, if your property is not subject to any rent control statute)
Tenant(s): _____________________________________________
Premises: _____________________________________________
This property is not subject to the rent limits imposed by Section 1947.12 of the Civil Code and is not
subject to the just cause requirements of Section 1946.2 of the Civil Code. This property meets the
requirements of Sections 1947.12 (d)(5) and 1946.2 (e)(8) of the Civil Code and the owner is not any of
the following: (1) a real estate investment trust, as defined by Section 856 of the Internal Revenue Code;
(2) a corporation; or (3) a limited liability company in which at least one member is a corporation.
Date:__________________ ______________________________
This form created by the Law
Firm of Dennis P. Block & Associates, APC 800 77 EVICT (38428) -For other forms go to